Sen. Kamala Harris Claimed Ignorance Over Long-time Employee Sex Abuse Case
Kamala Harris and Larry Wallace have closely intertwined careers, with Wallace working for or in the same department for Harris for many years
By Katy Grimes, July 25, 2024 2:09 pm
It was no secret that U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris had her eye on a run for the Presidency in 2020, I wrote in 2018. “Yet Larry Wallace, a senior staffer for Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) reportedly resigned on Wednesday [in 2018] over the discovery he was involved in a sexual harassment lawsuit and $400,000 payout to the victim while working for then California Attorney General Kamala Harris. And Kamala Harris claims to know nothing of this. Sen. Harris’s spokeswoman claims Harris has no knowledge of allegations of sexual harassment against her top aid–a guy she has worked with since the mid 2000s. Despite her leadership roles, Harris has a long history of knowing nothing and blaming others.”
“We were unaware of this issue and take accusations of harassment extremely seriously,” Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams said. “This evening, Mr. Wallace offered his resignation to the senator, and she accepted it.” However, remember what Harris said during the confirmation hearings for then-Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh (RealClearPolitics):
SEN. KAMALA HARRIS: “I think it’s going to be about, it comes down to credibility…and it’s going to about listening to what each party has to say, but I believe her.. Anybody who comes forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the United States Senate against someone who’s being nominated to one of the most powerful positions in the United States government, that takes an extraordinary amount of courage. My concern is, and she knows this, she is putting herself out there, knowing they’re going to try to excoriate her and she’s doing it because she knows this is an important matter, it’s a serious matter who serves on that court and she has the courage to come forward, she has nothing to gain.”
Harris was on CBS This Morning’ in September 2018 discussing 40-year old charges against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who claimed Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school. Sen. Kamala Harris also called for Democrat Sen. Al Franken’s resignation after he was accused of sexual misconduct by several women, and “introduced a bill in June to ban forced nondisclosure agreements in harassment settlements,” Breitbart reported.
According to the Sacramento Bee, Wallace reportedly recruited Danielle Hartley in 2011 to be his assistant. Hartley filed the “gender harassment” lawsuit against the California Department of Justice in 2016, claiming she was “being harassed and demeaned due to her gender,” and Hartley reportedly accused Wallace of placing “his printer on the floor underneath his desk” and ordering her “to replace the paper or ink on a daily basis,” among other demeaning requests. Hartley states in her lawsuit that she complained to her supervisor and immediately “began to experience retaliation.”
Who Is Larry Wallace?
Let’s step back a moment to Sen. Harris’ aide Larry Wallace, his work history, and the sexual harassment allegations. Kamala Harris hired Wallace in 2011 when she was elected California Attorney General. Prior to this, Larry Wallace also served as the deputy chief of the bureau of investigations for the San Francisco district attorney’s office, under then District Attorney Kamala Harris. “He began his law enforcement career in 1987 with the Berkeley Police Department, where he was named Officer of the Year and awarded the Medal of Valor,” the LA Sentinel reported in 2011. “Wallace also worked for 10 years as a special agent with the San Francisco Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement,” also with Harris, who was San Francisco DA 2004-2011. Harris served as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, Oakland, California, from 1990 to 1998. Back in 2006, Capt. Larry Wallace was the head of the witness relocation and support program in San Francisco, run by the district attorney’s office, when the second witness in two years was slain after leaving witness protection, according to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle. Also under Attorney General Kamala Harris, Larry Wallace designed a one-day course called “Principled Policing,” for police and law enforcement leaders during which “Implicit Bias” was presented during the training. Implicit bias is the belief by the left that we all are unconscious racists. Recognizing this ostensibly will lead to overcoming racism, according to social justice activists. And since the course was presented by the Office of the Attorney General, police really didn’t have much of a choice other than to participate. (Here is a report on this)
It is evident that Kamala Harris and Larry Wallace have closely intertwined careers, with Wallace working for or in the same department for Harris for many years, most recently with Wallace working as a senior advisor in Sen. Kamala Harris’ Sacramento office. As I explained in my book, California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?, As San Francisco’s elected district attorney, Kamala Harris was widely criticized by law enforcement for being soft on violent crime and homicides, both of which dramatically increased in San Francisco during her tenure, whereas crime fell statewide, according to Department of Justice statistics. Harris was frequently described as politically ambitious and cautious, and was criticized for doing nothing to take on political corruption. And we saw that with her denial of knowing anything about the sexual harassment charges and $400,000 payout to Larry Wallace’s victim.
The Fresno Bee still has a lengthy article up about the lawsuit, with descriptions of Wallace’s harassment.
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Kamala (Who Me?) Harris is nothing if not politically motivated with the focus of a laser beam. This is an especially blatant example of her politically-inspired feigned ignorance. On the national stage she #MeToos loudly and embarrassingly (Kavanaugh, Franken) but of course shrugs her shoulders when confronted with a past, home incident that would contradict her “new and improved” (she thinks) public grandstanding position. And by the way, who can think back on her puffed-up and unprofessional involvement in the Kavanaugh hearing without cringing?
Glad Katy Grimes has this stuff in her archives from relentlessly reporting on our California matters and has taken it out for a fresh airing, especially because word on the street is that Bad Guy Usual Suspects are diligently working — as we speak — to reinvent Kackling Kamala for her Prez run. You know, rewrite her history and scrub all of her boneheaded and especially awful and embarrassing moves and positions from the internet entirely.
Another use of the Sgt Schulz defense-“I know nothing!”
This is the same “defense” Kamala uses when asked about the cognitive decline of Joe Biden who she “worked with every day for the American people” with a weekly lunch, staff and cabinet meetings and campaign events.
Kamla has proven time and again that she will do whatever or say whatever it takes to advance Kamala. Katy is/will be a treasure trove of information on the early days of Kamala. I don’t think that Kamala’s days are long she does not have the organization or people skills to pull this off. With her crazy policies as Attorney General, she is a major reason for the diaspora of Californians to other states.
A couple of “Kamala Reveal” ads are out (probably more by now) if you missed them.
And they have the advantage of being true, as Californians know all too well.
Hey, she’s PROUD of this stuff. Or was, before her backers started the huge task of reinventing her. Funny how even the lefty network reporters and talking heads all seem a bit taken aback by what she says, or rather by what she confirms. (1 of 2):
The other Kamala ad (2 of 2):