Governor Gavin Newsom at 2019 California Democratic Party State Convention at the George R. Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, June 1, 2019. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)
Threats to Close More CA Counties, Parks, Businesses Over COVID ‘Cases’
What about the 39,554,600 California residents who are not sick?
By Katy Grimes, July 26, 2020 9:05 pm
On July 13, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced closure of indoor businesses in most of the State, citing a “surge” in COVID-19 “cases.” The state had ramped up testing, but deaths were already going down.
Specifically, the following INDOOR businesses prohibited are:
“Dine-in restaurants, Movie theaters, Family Entertainment Centers (e.g. bowling alleys, miniature golf, batting cages and arcades), Zoos and museums (indoors), Cardrooms, Winery and tasting rooms (indoors), Bars, brewpubs, breweries, and pubs (both indoors and outdoors), Gyms and fitness centers, Places of worship, Indoor protests, Offices for non-critical infrastructure sectors, Personal care services, Hair salons and barbershops, Indoor mall.”
On June 18, 2020, the California Department of Public Health issued a mandate requiring people to wear face coverings whenever indoors, causing businesses to uphold the mandate or risk losing their business licenses.
Many in the state felt this mandatory mask requirement was horrific government overreach.
However, as San Francisco Weekly reported, “Gay bathhouses could have an easier time returning to San Francisco, after the board of supervisors approved an ordinance that would ease restrictions for adult sex venues on July 21 with a unanimous vote.”
Are face masks mandatory?
San Francisco supervisors authorized the opening of gay bath houses, while Sacramento city officials shut down local little league teams and cemented closure signs in the pitcher’s mounds.
See a problem here?
San Francisco County, which has a population of 896,047, reports 56 deaths from COVID-19 and 5,932 positive tests. SF County has issued 233,200 COVID tests, so 227,268 people tested in San Francisco County have tested negative for COVID-19.
Sacramento County has a population of more than 1,567,490 residents. Currently, the county reports 8,554 residents testing positive for Coronavirus, and 108 dead. Up until recently, the county noted on its COVID Dashboard that all of those who died as a result of COVID-19 were all over the age of 65 and had underlying health conditions. California Globe has a few ideas they have removed this important explanation.
The Sacramento Bee reported Saturday:
“In Sacramento County, the COVID-19 trend continued in the wrong direction on Friday. The county recorded another 307 infections, which is considerably higher than the recent daily average of 230 cases. The death total jumped by five to 103.”
Even with relatively low mortality numbers, the Sacramento County Public Health officer “aligns with the Governor’s announcement and the State Health Officer Order,” shutting down most businesses, sports and recreation.
And now, with help from the Sacramento Bee, state officials are looking at El Dorado County for a shutdown.
The Bee added:
“El Dorado County officials said they too are seeing more workplace infections, and have called on residents to avoid going to work if they feel sick or if they believe they have been in contact with an infected person.”
What the Bee failed to report in that article about El Dorado County is that one (1) person has died from COVID-related illness. El Dorado County population is 185,015.
A new grossly misleading Bee article titled, “To mask or not to mask? El Dorado County faces a coronavirus reckoning this week,” tries to say that El Dorado County is “surging” in cases.
Here are El Dorado County’s COVID numbers:
513 positive tests, 16,278 negative tests, and 1 death in eight months.
“Now, with infections on the rise in El Dorado, county officials say they may be days from being added to the governor’s list, a step that would require more businesses to close and would likely force schools to keep doors closed when instruction starts in a few weeks,” the Bee reported.
“Infections on the rise” are those who tested positive for COVID-19. Most are asymptomatic.
So the Governor and state public health officials are going to shut down El Dorado County, with one death and a few hundred positive tests. What about the 184,502 other residents of El Dorado County who are not sick, but need to work, recreate, go to school, and live their lives?
What about the other 1,558,936 Sacramento County residents who are not sick and also need to live their lives?
What about the other 890,115 San Francisco County residents who are not sick and need get back to work and live their lives?
Health officials have openly admitted that they list nearly all deaths as COVID, despite what the person died from – car accident, heart disease, cancer – if they tested positive for COVID.
Newsom recently ordered the re-closure of most business, including barbers, hair and nail salons, indoor food service, bars and gyms in most counties.
Counting positive tests as “cases” and “infections” is creating chaos – especially when the flu and common cold numbers has never been used to shut down the economy.
California ‘surpasses’ New York in COVID-19 ‘cases’
Headlines across the country have also been screaming that California has outpaced New York with “cases” and “infections.”
California has 40 million residents. New York has 20 million residents.
California is giving more tests, so naturally the state would show more positive tests. California has 445,400 total positive tests out of 7,047,355. This means of the more than 7 million Californians tested, 6,601,955 tested negative to COVID-19.
New York State has seen a total of 410,000 positive tests, with 32,000 deaths attributable to COVID-19. With twice the population of New York, California’s deaths are one-quarter of New York’s at 8,337.
US COVID-19 will be done in 4 weeks
Stanford Dr. Michael Levitt announced Saturday that US COVID-19 will be done in 4 weeks, Gateway Pundit reported. Levitt said US saturates at no more than 170,000 deaths.
In March, California Globe reported: “So far this year, there have been at least 9.7 million cases of the seasonal flu (influenza), at least 87,000 flu-related hospitalization, and up to 12,000 deaths, according to the CDC.” But then the CDC and public health officials stopped reporting seasonal flu numbers. Many believe seasonal flu data has been included in the COVID data.
US COVID19 will be done in 4 weeks with a total reported death below 170,000. How will we know it is over? Like for Europe, when all cause excess deaths are at normal level for week. Reported COVID19 deaths may continue after 25 Aug. & reported cases will, but it will be over. https://t.co/lnpxZ3bHIy
— Michael Levitt (@MLevitt_NP2013) July 25, 2020
Stanford’s Dr. Scott Atlas said that there’s been too heavy of a focus on an uptick in cases, “especially in places where governors either have reinstated or have further enforced restrictions. When we see this focus on more cases, it doesn’t really matter how many cases — it only matters who gets the cases. We know that the infection-fatality rate for people under 70 is 0.04 percent — that’s less than or equal to the seasonal flu,” he said.
What about the 39,554,600 California residents who are not sick?
Remember when Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that 56 percent – over half of the population — would be infected?
As Victor Davis Hansen reported, “California loses about 270,000 lives to all causes every year — meaning, on any given day, around 740 Californians die.”
Californians need to start demanding answers. How can Gov. Newsom shut down the entire state over these numbers?
One way stop this Government overreach is simply don’t get tested. Boycott testing now and forever more. Many people I know are looking to move out California so they can work and get on with their lives.
Please see the immunologists’ analyses from Switzerland, where it is noted that asymptomatic cases are actually recovered cases where the immune system has already shredded the virus, and that the tests are so sensitive that they pick up shredded remnants of the virus and count them as positive. This explains why “asymptomatic” people are not contagious. Therefore, only those with symptoms should be under quarantine.
Thank you for being one of the few to report the negative case numbers as well as the positive numbers. It needs to be broadcasted that the negative numbers outweigh the positive numbers, more people tested less people infected!
So let me get this right, gay bathhouses are prioritized over places of worship and schools!
Just when I think it could not get any more ridiculous, here we are!
California has yet to report a child from dying of Covid-19.. Schools need to get back in session especially for the special needs children. The state education department is breaking IEP contracts. These kids are suffering big setbacks.
Notice how the goal line keeps getting moved out???
And the goal keeps changing???
Notice how it keeps getting pushed back towards November, so the utterly corrupt Democrat party can push for mail in ballots, thereby providing political cover for their ballot harvesting, vote by death, voter fraud campaign to install senile Joe in office with his anarchist VP who will be waiting in the wings for Biden to be Epsteined…
Gavin Newsom belongs in prison.
God willing, that is where he ends up .
Yes, George aside from his past deviances he may be in trouble for an LLC property purchase as reported by Redstate publication. It is a common practice among wealthy foreign nationals. These guys know how to skirt the laws that apply to the rest of us.
I totally agree with you!
It is obvious that the protest marches are not mentioned as part of the problem. The protestors bash all the rules and yet they continue while church going believers are told to stay home…. just government overreach ( suppression ) !!
These politicians and bureaucrats keep irrelevantly touting and reeling off the number of “cases” because they know — or hope — that most of the already-hypnotized public will picture in their minds multitudes of very ill, infected people wandering around loose or quarantined at home or even hospitalized. They are scaremongering, which is a vicious thing for any person in a position of authority or responsibility to do. Meanwhile, number of “cases” —- even if the numbers they use were accurate, which they aren’t — doesn’t mean squat. That is, it doesn’t mean what they would like their target audience to imagine it means: Uncontrolled harbingers of infection everywhere you go! So-called positive cases are either asymptomatic or come with very mild symptoms. A very small percentage of that already small percentage become significantly ill.
Which is once again preaching to the choir, I know, for those here who have been reading Katy Grimes for the past several months. Thanks for listening anyway. 🙂
A must read…
Lengthy, but worth the time…
Long but excellent and comprehensive think piece from Angelo Codevilla, author of the essay “The Ruling Class.” Thank you for posting it, ExCaliExpat. 🙂
VIDEO: Viral Doctor Says ‘In 30 Days Hydroxychloroquine Will Stop COVID In Its Tracks’ If Allowed
watch video: