Gov. Gavin Newsom receiving COVID vaccine. (Photo: Twitter)
With Newsom Still MIA, Rumors of Adverse Reaction to Vaccine Booster Run Rampant
No response from press office to Globe request for Gov’s public schedule this week
By Katy Grimes, November 8, 2021 2:38 pm
This story has been updated to include a reply from the governor’s office.
The Globe reported Saturday Nov. 6th that California Governor Gavin Newsom’s last public appearance was October 27th, when he received a coronavirus booster shot. Then, only two days later on October 29th, Gov. Gavin Newsom cited “family obligations” and abruptly cancelled his much anticipated trip to Scotland to attend the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, the Globe reported. An aide made the surprise announcement.
Monday morning very early, we sent Gov. Newsom’s press office a request for his public schedule this week. We still have not heard anything back, as of 2:30pm.
Then the Globe received a message from a medical professional that a rumor is going through the medical community that Gov. Newsom has Guillain-Barré syndrome following his recent COVID booster vaccine. We heard from several other politically-connected sources saying the same.
On Twitter, Tweets like this one from Joshua Coleman from Roseville, CA are appearing: “Sources close to @GavinNewsom claim he is experiencing Guillane-Barre [sic] syndrome following booster vaccine. Allopathic medicine rarely acknowledges and comprehensively treats vax injuries. Please share your recommendations of known treatments for Gov. Newsom.”
Sources close to @GavinNewsom claim he is experiencing Guillane-Barre syndrome following booster vaccine. Allopathic medicine rarely acknowledges and comprehensively treats vax injuries. Please share your recommendations of known treatments for Gov. Newsom. pic.twitter.com/cS0znYVKa4
— Joshua Coleman (@joshbucky) November 8, 2021
“An incredibly rare but very serious problem of the immune system, GBS causes an autoimmune disorder whereby the body seemingly attacks itself,” a medical health website explains. A medical friend said it can be very serious in some cases attacking muscle function.
The Globe wishes no ill on the governor, and hopes that his health is in tact and these are just rumors. However, he is the Governor of California and his absence has been acutely noticed, even on the national level.
It is surprising that Gov. Newsom’s press office and Dee Dee Myers, appointed to serve as Senior Advisor to the Governor, don’t have better crisis control measures in place, and have been silent in the face of many news articles questioning his whereabouts. Myers was White House Press Secretary during President Bill Clinton’s first term, and is no stranger to crises.
Sunday evening, Sacramento Bee reporter Sophia Bollag posted this on Twitter: “Gavin Newsom’s office has refused to say what ‘family obligations’ caused him to cancel his trip to the big UN climate change conference in Scotland. Seems like that’s what his wife, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, is referencing here.”

Something is off with the governor, and the state deserves a reply from his press office or Senior Advisor to the Governor Dee Dee Myers. Newsom pulled a previous disappearing act when Mayor of San Francisco, sneaking off to Hawaii. The San Francisco Examiner reported:
“It is hard not to recall the controversy surrounding Newsom’s last trip to Hawaii, when he faced fire for taking off without telling the public or many of his staffers.”
“The trip led to a whirlwind of negative press coverage for the mayor, particularly since he refused to talk with reporters for a period when he returned. The mayor had been especially sensitive about topics such as his Oct. 30 departure from the governor’s race and the Hawaii trip.”
The Globe received a reply from the Governor’s press secretary Daniel Lopez, just before 6:00pm Monday evening:
“Last week Governor Newsom worked in the Capitol with staff on urgent issues including COVID-19 vaccines for kids, boosters, ports, the forthcoming state budget and California’s continued economic recovery. He will have public events this week related to the economy and vaccines.”
Also, the Governor had no adverse reaction to his booster shot.
PARENTS HEED THE WARNING! Watch Stew Peters with Dr Ruby (video)….
All UN treaty signatories are expected to vax. If your child attends school, you have given “implied consent”
It’s no coincidence they want pop-up vaccine centers located at schools, and videos of adverse reactions and death are everywhere. PLEASE protect your children.
Steve Kirsch also reported from a ‘source’ that it may be related to Bells Palsy or Guillain Barre (Gab). Can the legislature or Lt. Gov. end the mandate via emergency order?
Children are being killed with the shot, what is wrong with parents that are led like sheep and not researching this poison that they are injecting into their children.
So far, the opposition to vaccinations, mask wearing and social distancing have resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths of Americans. Those who advocate against proven health procedures and medicines willfully harm their neighbors. Any media outlet which hosts such blarney is complicit. Each service member swears: “Each service member’s oath of enlistment or office begins with swearing to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Too many Americans identify as enemies of our nation. They weaken us. They make us look foolish among the peoples of this earth. No mass vaccine ever has a perfect record. The current anti COVID vaccines, however, prove to be effective and seldom harmful. The death rate after vaccination is 0.0022%. That is a total of 7,700 people, whereas deaths from COVID are over 755,000 and 46,000,000 have become sick, many seriously harmed from the disease. Sanity demands that people who love each other demand vaccination. People including children are being killed by not being vaccinated. What is wrong with people who deny others the vaccines! Worse, what is wrong with people who try to scare people they don’t know with invented horror stories! This is not a matter of opinion. This is a matter of fabrication. Americans have the right to expressing their opinions so long as they are based on fact and do not harm fellow citizens. We cannot advocate that citizens reach out and kill political opponents. The purpose of athletic contests is entertainment and pride not just who wins or who doesn’t. The by product intended is good sportsmanship based on the reality that for every winner their is a loser, so we celebrate having tried our best and honor the victor and the game and all participants and fans.
“So far, the opposition to vaccinations, mask wearing and social distancing have resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths of Americans. ”
Source please. And it doesn’t count as a “source” if you just pulled the numbers out of your you-know-what.
You’re ignorant trust the corrupt Government which is committing Genocide! Fauci is under Senate investigation and will be Fired for his part. Ppl like ypu are dropping like dead flies thanks to the lying Media being part of the NWO Globalist depopulation scamdemic! Covid isn’t the killer. The drug being used in hospitals is what’s killing ppl by shutting down their kidneys then being put on ventilators! Over 1,500 dr’s, Scientists and lawyers are speaking out warning about the toxic experimental Jabs!!! Ppl like you won’t make it, God’s judgement is cleansing the wicked earth!
You’re a dope why don’t you get your facts straight round to look into what’s really going on look into the vaccine what it contain and what I can do to your body your sheath just like the rest of them
There are currently about 18,000 deaths after COVID vaccinations listed in the VAERS system and close to 30,000 in a similar system run by the EU; since it’s hard to enter these reports and some vaccine dispensers prohibit their employees from entering them, the real numbers are likely much higher. Meanwhile, 94% of the 775,000 supposed COVID deaths has co-morbidities; it’s unlikely we’ll ever know how many died from the virus, how many from the lockdowns and how many would have died anyway. Even NPR has reported that the emergency rooms are more crowded now than a the peak of the pandemic due to mysterious, NON-COVID serious illnesses, like clotting, multiple organ failure and heart problems. I’m happy to stay away from crowds so I can avoid both the virus and the clot shot.
Believe me when I tell you in all honesty, you have been brainwashed into believing whatever MSM or our current health org. tell you. Your comments are the same thing I have heard from these agencies, almost verbatim. Please Research for yourself, before any more harm is caused. Follow the money and see who has most to gain from these lies. Human guinea pigs.
You want a vaccine, you go get a vaccine. This genetic crap neither prevents you from getting covid nor transmitting it. So don’t go with that specious argument that you’re “doing it for your neighbor”. Let those of us that understand the science make our decision on that basis and not because someone in “authority” said so. That’s called authoritarianism and is antithetical to freedom.
The last 3 sentences made no sense. And no one is denying anyone a vaccine. If you want it go get it. However there are a variety of reasons some Americans do not wish to get it. Health, personal beliefs, skepticism, already had covid and/or lack of faith in government/media reporting the truth about the vaccine. But that’s the beauty of this country. Free will. If you do not want it, you don’t have to get it. If you do want it, more power to you.
Sure, everyone has been having a few laughs at Newsom’s expense lately. Pretty harmless and understandable given the abuse Californians have received at his hands, don’t you think? Plus if his spokespeople and staff come up with NOTHING over all this time to explain his absence, what the heck do they expect people to do? Just say oh, okay, let us know what’s going on when you’re ready — take your time, no problem! And the First Partner’s (now deleted) tweet was rather defensive, was it not? Only made the speculation worse. Thanks to the tone of her tweet the rumors are now leaning more toward rehab than vaccine injury or COVID.
But now that there is continued silence instead of explanation the matter becomes more serious and the people need to know what on earth is going on here. Especially considering that he still has those undeserved Emergency Powers! Which the Legislature needs to remove, like, YESTERDAY. Well, really LAST YEAR. Really un-freaking-believable.
You sound so angry! Since Newspn is MIA – ALL of us make up stories. It is the function you function of the mind. Just notice your stories – may or may not be true but if you “blend” with and /or identify with your story – You are DONE for. We all have more peace and more efficacy jut noticing facts (he is gone) than believing all the stories about those facts! Hopefully, you’ll take this to heart and practice! It will change your life!
What are you talking about?
Pray for the well being of G N
What for? This is what he wants for your kids.
It is very dangerous to keep electing STUPID people to office. selfish, arrogant, moron.
You can’t fight karma, or, what goes around comes around. When you play with the lives of others, it just might come back to bite you in the a$$.
I’m wondering if tge medical community will be allowed to talk about, or publish on, any onset of mass pediatric reactions following this vax roll out with 5to 11 yr olds..
Teresa, I’ve been wondering that myself. Why would these people stop covering up facts now? There’s no reason to believe they would.
Meanwhile if he recovers he will force this issue on many others…and many may not recover…that is how deeply evil this entire democrat party is. Hide biden, hide newsom there is NO transparency with Democrats
If dictator newsome has contracted some adverse reaction from this experimental drug I really have no sympathy for him. He is trying to force to take avax that has not gone through the battery a testing it should have. Anything we put in our bodies should be tested and proven safe. So no ill will toward dictator but it it should serve at the lesson you should not force people living in a free country to take an unproven untested vax
If someone did this in the private sector they would be fired. You can’t just ‘take off’ without a definitive reason and permission to do so. He was elected in California, not by me, but by others so he can’t just take off whenever he wants. It is obvious he is having a reaction to this vaccination and his party just doesn’t know how to spin that!
Newsom’s administration has been pounding the vaccine rhetoric down the population’s throats without pause and with absolutely no allowance for disagreement.
I am not anti vaxx but I am anti government coerced medical treatment especially when the treatment is either dangerous or ineffective or both. Where there is risk there must be choice.
I certainly don’t wish the man or his family ill – but if he is having an adverse reaction to a vaccine then he should be transparent about it.
And besides he works for us and if any other employee was awol for 11 days their @$$ would get fired. Where’s the emperor.
Well said Full Stop!
Well apparently the emperor was called to a royal audience and he took off for 11 days to frolic with the elites at a fairy tale multi day wedding celebration. Of course, nothing to see here. Its apparently good to be king. Or at least party like one.
Where were you when they did the trials before releasing the vaccines? Each company had their own clinical trial data published and submitted to the FDA for emergency use. They have since submitted their data just weeks ago based on the millions currently vaccinated on its efficacy, known adverse reactions (minor and temporary) all data is published and transparent. The benefits outweigh the risks and they are pending full FDA approval for each of the 3 products used in the USA. It’s not our problem that those who suffer from willful ignorance cannot read reports about the scientific evidence. You all base your opinions on someone else’s opinion who heard from a rumor on rags such as this one. How irresponsible to publish a piece of garbage like this so spread a rumor. They feel it’s OK to do so if they disclose it’s a rumor so that covers their behind. They know peeps like you and the other naysayers will take it as fact and run with it. Newsom was spending time with his kids for Halloween. They are only 5-12 years old themselves so if being a father isn’t juicy enough for this rag to report then why make up a rare autoimmune disease such rumor was in play. Then you all call him a dictator for keeping us safe? Ha, your dictator his the truth and let 600k die before he left office, which led to the 775k dead now due to his ineptitude. Biden rolled out the vaccines right away. As soon as the emergency use studies were done and it was cleared. He worked on logistics to get them distributed quickly. Meanwhile, your guy was planning a coup and tried to steal an election. The authoriartians ate on the right. They manipulate and deceive to retain power…not keep people safe like Newsom and Biden have done. Democrats are fighting to save our Republic, while the Fascists on the right are working on strategies to keep you believing their propaganda for control. It’s sad that there are so many willfully ignorant people in our country. Have a nice day.
Where were you when they did the trials before releasing the vaccines? Each company had their own clinical trial data published and submitted to the FDA for emergency use. They have since submitted their data just weeks ago based on the millions currently vaccinated on its efficacy, known adverse reactions (minor and temporary) all data is published and transparent. The benefits outweigh the risks and they are pending full FDA approval for each of the 3 products used in the USA. It’s not our problem that those who suffer from willful ignorance cannot read reports about the scientific evidence. You all base your opinions on someone else’s opinion who heard from a rumor on rags such as this one. How irresponsible to publish a piece of garbage like this so spread a rumor. They feel it’s OK to do so if they disclose it’s a rumor so that covers their behind. They know peeps like you and the other naysayers will take it as fact and run with it. Newsom was spending time with his kids for Halloween. They are only 5-12 years old themselves so if being a father isn’t juicy enough for this rag to report then why make up a rare autoimmune disease such rumor was in play. Then you all call him a dictator for keeping us safe? Ha, your dictator his the truth and let 600k die before he left office, which led to the 775k dead now due to his ineptitude. Biden rolled out the vaccines right away. As soon as the emergency use studies were done and it was cleared. He worked on logistics to get them distributed quickly. Meanwhile, your guy was planning a coup and tried to steal an election. The authoriartians ate on the right. They manipulate and deceive to retain power…not keep people safe like Newsom and Biden have done. Democrats are fighting to save our Republic, while the Fascists on the right are working on strategies to keep you believing their propaganda for control. It’s sad that there are so many willfully ignorant people in our country. Have a nice day.
does it not bother you that this man has the gall to lockdown the state, force his citizens to wear masks, and block them from attending public hearings in person, but then decides that it is okay for him to go out to eat in public without a mask and to attend a wedding amongst maskless people? Do you not understand that this is a man who holds his constituents in contempt, and believes that his own laws don’t apply to him? Because based on his recent behavior, he clearly believes that his right to enjoy life unencumbered holds more value than the rights of those “ignorant” plebs you and him both disdain.
Apparently Newsie isn’t in the inner circle of the globalist elites who know better than to take the clot shot.
I wonder if he has figured out the ramifications of this revelation? Apparently ol’ auntie Pelosi decided he was expendable.
It would explain why they’ve hidden him. Thats how the science works with these folks. Its all PR all the time and only good things about the vaccine program are allowed.
Isaac Newton’s third law “Action reaction “, A force in any direction will be met with an equal and opposite reaction”
Apparently Newsom is not in the globalist inner circle who have been told not to take the clot shot. I wonder if he has figured out that auntie Nancy decided he was expendable?
Not a bad thing for someone who advocates forced toxic injections to experience what so many children and babies have experienced. Parents gaslit continuously, go bankrupt get divorced etc trying to recover their children’s health #VAERS #SIDS
13.1 NOT evaluated for carcinogenic OR mutagenic potential OR impairment of fertility ~ package inserts Dr’s do not give you!
I would have rather my child got the measles than a lifelong seizure disorder. Wake up ya’ll, we’ve been duped. Vax are the biggest scam ever! Pharma wins … create the problem instill fear offer “solution”
Ad nauseam, we have been told whether it be from the Governor himself, the CAPHD directors, ad council t.v. ads, that the “vaccine “is safe and effective. We are told breakthrough cases are rare and mild. If side effects happen it will be mild, maybe just a sore arm….
Senator Ron Johnson holds hearings to address devastating side effects, the vaccine injured emotionally tell their stories. It falls on deaf ears. Government mandates continue.
Now we possibly have our Governor who may have suffered a vaccine adverse injury. Will he be transparent and level with citizens, the very people he claims to care about. Will Newsom consider himself to be a rarity, an anomaly? Will he continue with telling us to trust him and we must believe in the science?
Sometimes some people have to be smacked right in the face to see what has been in front of them the entire time! The experimental vaccines are not safe and effective! Injuries do happen!
Gavin will do whatever his party asks of him, regardless of how sick he becomes.
All hail Democrat Party, from which all power in California flows!
“All hail Democrat Party, TO which all power in California flows!”
I really thought Newsom took a saline jab in an attempt to deceive others into taking any of the existing COVID vaccines. Newsom’s silence is equal to obfuscation as he is not informing America of true source of his illness. If his affliction in due to a vaccine injury continuing to hide this truth is endangering any person honestly contemplating or being intimated into taking any COVID vaccine. WE MUST DEMAND THE TRUTH!
Well stated Owed Nothing!
I will await the truth.
But can you get blood from a turnip?
So with him (g.n.) MIA … shouldn’t (or doesn’t show up) Isn’t it the job of the Lt. Governor to step in until governor MIA either shows back up (or can’t continue)?? Isn’t that the reason there’s a Lt. Governor ? Kinda like if whoever the president is, they die/sick/hospitalized or whatever, doesn’t the VP step in ?? Isn’t it same for states too ? Pretty sure I know that that is how it works… according to the Constitution !!! No one is even saying anything about this, only that he’s MIA !!!
& Can they even mix ‘the it’s not a vaccine’ with a different one ? Plus he said in his video, while getting ‘booster’,he got his flu shot a week before !
But hey make sure y’all follow his BS on what goes into your kids and yourselves !! Y’all Should’ve recalled the idiot !! Lemmings !!
We tried to recall him!! They cheated to keep him in!!
People did, I seen them cheat with the numbers on tv.
Pretty soon there will be jokes about a “Weekend at Newsom’s House”. It couldn’t have happened to a sorrier sleaze bag politician. I hope it’s true.
Thank you Katy Grimes for reporting what no one else has. I will stop searching now.
Now if only the Democrats and the RINOs in the California legislature would take Gov. Newsom’s lead and just disappear?
How long he is out of the public eye will say a lot.
“The Globe wishes no ill on the governor, and hopes that his health is in tact and these are just rumors.”
The Globe may not wish ill will. But every hate filled conservative on this board sure does wish him ill will.
W16521, I will remind you again…follow your dear leader Newsom! Mix your jabs; do it as soon as you can! “Just a little pin prick…There’ll be no more aaaaaaaah!”
I love the smell of vax-psycho desperation in the morning, afternoon or evening. If he is in a wheelchair or worse because of the vax he so desperately wants to shove into all Californians this forces all the maniacal vax BS and his personal karma to the forefront that nobody can ignore. I don’t wish health issues on anyone but considering the damage being done to CA by our state and city legislature’s actions he and the whole pro vax contingent are getting what they deserve. Look no further than Florida and De Santis’s rational approach to this sleazy madness to see just how screwed Californians are by this guy and all the nasty, paid off government enforcers behind him. Gavin as red meat and a prime example of the vax dangers, who could hope for more to help end this madness and I say let her rip.
If he has been in the capitol working on urgent issues, why has the press not seen him??? That does not make any sense.
I understand that Guillain-Barré syndrome is exceedingly painful and can cause death. Much as I dislike Newsom as a person and an appalled by his horrid performance as governor, I cannot bring myself to wish suffering upon him. May he pass quickly and as painlessly as possible. The Lt. Governor, Eleni Kounalakis, is, by all metrics, a socialite, used to having things served to her on a gold platter. She was appointed to various commissions by the obaman. She was elected Lt. governor against another dem, thanks to California’s cock-eyed “top-two” candidates in the primary scheme. She basically BOUGHT the office, self-funding it to the tune of about $11 million ($4+ million from herself, the balance from family and a friend or two) compared to state Sen. Ed Hernandez who was able to garner $2.5 million from a bunch of unions. Gads! If she takes over when Newsom kicks off, I can’t see her being much better, if better at all.
I’ve heard doctors from the other side warning of this for months. The jabs seriously damage your immune system. As intended, some speculate.
Do you really think the medical mafia would allow Newsom to see the light of day if he does indeed have GBS?
Is he socializing sans mask again? It’s his French Laundry moment 2.0.
Let’s Go Brandon!
GBS can commonly cause facial paralysis, drooping and dysphagia. This very apparent symptom would explain no sign of Newsom if true, meaning it is difficult to hide. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the man spewing hate and lies out of his mouth for 22 months now has drool seeping out the side of his mouth and has difficulty speaking due to facial droop? Maybe this is God’s way of telling him to shut up, stop the madness, and start caring for others instead of destroying lives.
Updates needed–the first partner (ahem) has pulled down the tweet. And supposedly there’s a photo out there of Gruesome at a very posh wedding with a distinct droop to his face. You can recover from Bell’s Palsy if you get a neurologist’s attention quickly and with nutritional support plus therapy attend to it, but it takes months, unfortunately recovery is slow, and it’s forever–it usually happens again. Of course, the press will be told it runs in the family and has nothing to do with the jab….vax for all!
Hipocrisy and irony are no match for Newsom. He apparently missed the Climate Change farce in Europe in order to attend an OIL HEIRESS’ wedding????? If anyone wants to believe that. He apparently had to pay his respects to the Gettys, who made his political career. Running California? Meh!! I still have my doubts that it takes 12 days to go to a wedding, and it being after his booster shot is merely a coincidence. Right.
he was at a oil tycoon’s grand daughters wedding.
“IVY GETTY (grandaughter of Gordon Getty) WEDDING” Sat Nov 6…. Per Red State News, article and photos in VOGUE (2 of the 100 will identify him). Wedding was at San Francisco City Hall, officiated by Nancy Pelosi.
For goodness sakes Mrs. Newsom, your husband is not an ordinary citizen, he is the Governor of our state, so his whereabouts, doings and deeds ARE the public’s business…
For goodness sakes Mrs. Newsom, your husband is not an ordinary citizen, he is the Governor of our state, so his whereabouts, doings and deeds ARE the public’s business…
For goodness sakes Mrs. Newsom, your husband is not an ordinary citizen, he is the Governor of our state, so his whereabouts, doings and deeds ARE the public’s business…
Why all the secrecy? If he was only missing because of his kids ? So now he has decided his 4:kids are more important than the world and it’s global crises ? He does realize his kids still have to live on this dirty planet ? There is more to this , he should of been at that summit meeting since he is railing on his California people for gas cars , lawnmowers , weed eaters , shut my trucking operation down with the price of diesel !!!! Now nobody wants to drive truck in California !!!! How stupid, it’s either your family or the people you are Governing !,, That’s what your wife is for , to take care of your children, you don’t think the rest of us working don’t want to spend time with their kids ? Oh wait they don’t because you think children should be raised by daycare !,,,