Senate Bill (SB) 729, by Senator Anthony Portantino (D – Pasadena) was amended on August 25 to create a limited exemption from California’s “Sue Your Boss” law. SB 729 would add Section 2699.7 to the California Labor Code. Under the...
The State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF) was established in 1914 and SCIF, often called the State Fund, has operated for more than 100 years in California. SCIF is the state’s insurer of last resort and is actually the largest provider...
Government Code Title 1, Division 4 deals with public officers and employees. In Article 4 of Chapter 1, there are specified prohibitions applicable to specified officers. Article 4 contains Sections 1090 to 1099. These provisions were enacted in 1943. Section...
There are rules for those leaving government service, which we refer to as the “revolving door” between the public and private sectors. Article IV, Section 5(e) of the California Constitution provides that “the Legislature shall enact laws that prohibit a...
Government Code Title 1, Division 7, Chapter 7 deals with holidays. Chapter 7, which contains Section 6700 to 6730, was added to state law in 1951. Section 6700 provides that the holidays in the State of California are the following:...
Government Code Title 1, Division 4, Chapter 1, Article 4.7 concerns incompatible activities and was added to state law in 1971. Article 4.7 contains Sections 1125 to 1129. It deals specifically with local agency officials and Section 1125 defines a...
California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB) was created in 1975. According to ALRB, they were created “to ensure peace in the fields of California by guaranteeing justice for all agricultural workers and stability in agricultural labor relations.” Among its duties,...