The California Transportation Commission (CTC) was established in state government by legislation enacted in 1977 and began operations the following year. A purpose of the CTC is to ensure the implementation of a single transportation policy for the state. The...
The California Coastal Commission is charged with protecting and enhancing California’s coast and ocean for present and future generations. According to the Coastal Commission, it does this through careful planning and regulation of environmentally-sustainable development, rigorous use of science, strong...
The public employee system in California is established by the state’s constitution, including its civil service. Article VII, dealing with public officers and employees, was added to the California Constitution by Proposition 14 on the June 8, 1976 ballot. This...
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is charged with leading the state to a 100 percent clean energy future. As the state’s primary energy policy and planning agency, the CEC is committed to reducing energy costs and environmental impacts of energy...
In 1994, California created an Infrastructure Bank (IBank) in state government. It is found in the California Government Code Title 6.7, Division 1, Chapter 1. The formal name of the IBank is The Bergeson-Peace Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (Section...
California’s Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is based upon the federal APA. The state law, like its federal counterpart, is quite extensive. The APA governs the administrative rulemaking process in the State of California. The state’s APA is found in California...
The California State Senate, pursuant to a rule that it adopted on March 16 (SR 86), is allowing remote voting in its house. Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins announced the use of remote voting under certain circumstances. She explained...