In California’s Government Code, there are several code sections that set forth the operation of statutes and resolutions. These statutes were enacted in 1943 and are found in Title 2, Division 2, Part 1, Chapter 6. The provisions of law...
By Ray LeBov and Chris Micheli Many, if not most, lobbyists can articulate their own “rules of lobbying.” We are no different. Based upon our years of experience lobbying the legislative and executive branches of California state government, we have...
What is an “appropriations measure”? Unfortunately, California law does not define this term. However, it is used frequently. California’s Legislative Counsel defines an appropriation as “the amount of money made available for expenditure by a specific entity for a specific...
By Kevin Duewel and Chris Micheli In determining the intent of the state Legislature in enacting specific laws, California courts have historically taken a limited view of the methods that can be used to determine legislative intent. One such method...
In California’s Constitution, Article IV dealing with the Legislature, there are several sections applicable to ethical conduct. These provisions are found in Sections 4 and 5 of the state constitution. Prohibition on Certain Earned Income – Section 4 Section Four...
By Ray LeBov and Chris Micheli The purpose of this article is to provider readers with some guidance on developing a strategy and relevant tactics to implement There are a number of aspects of a policy advocacy strategy that must...
California Constitution Article IV, Section 5(a)(1) specifies: “Each house of the Legislature shall judge the qualifications and elections of its Members and, by rollcall vote entered in the journal, two-thirds of the membership concurring, may expel a Member.” The courts...