Author: Don Wright
Don A. Wright publishes an agriculture irrigation news service. His work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Range Magazine and The Business Journal.
State Water Board to Hold First Ever Probation Meeting on Tulare Lake
For the first time ever the State Water Resources Control Board will hold a probationary determination meeting under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. On Tuesday, April 16th at its Sacramento headquarters and online, the five member State Board will weigh...
California Press Releases, An April Fool’s Paradise
Each year on April 1st, also known as April Fools Day, I try to write a piece of satire to showcase some of the absurdities encountered in agricultural irrigation in California. I generally start the piece early in the year...
State Water Board Report Updates to Bay/Delta Plan Shows Bias Against San Joaquin Valley
Proposals contained in a draft report prepared by the State Water Resources Control Board staff recommending updates to the Bay/Delta Plan have triggered warnings of extensive harm due to bias against the San Joaquin Valley and its people. The draft report...
Tulare Lake Subbasin/State Board Workshop
About 300, motivated people showed up Wednesday evening November 8th at the beautiful and historic Hanford Civic Center to hear the State Water Resources Control Board staff talk about putting the Tulare Lake Subbasin into probation by April 2024. This...
Sites Reservoir: Greenhouse Gas Threat or Hot Air?
One modern day mystery is how California is going to be able to supply its water needs going forward without more water storage. If the climate changes as predicted, more rain and less snow, California’s hydrology and its storage needs...
Water Blueprint for the San Joaquin Valley
The Water Blueprint for the San Joaquin Valley is a non-profit organization formed in 2019 with the goal of bringing together all the interests impacted by surface and groundwater supplies available to the San Joaquin Valley. It’s a coalition of...