California, once known as the Golden State, is now quite tarnished, losing millions of residents and businesses, fleeing for a better way of life. No more is “California Callin” as the Beach Boys sang, or “California Dreamin” as the Mamas...
The California State Auditor Elaine Howle just released a report exposing that the state distributed $9.5 billion in federal coronavirus relief funds with smaller counties receiving barely half of the funding per person than larger counties. “In August 2020, we...
The Sacramento City Council voted this week to eliminate standard single-family zoning in Sacramento’s residential neighborhoods, adopting a radical zoning measure that the California Legislature couldn’t even pass – twice. “City officials said the proposal would help the city alleviate...
When will California politicians admit that residents are fleeing the Golden State in droves, and have been for a decade? Uhaul issued its recent 2020 Migration Trends, where the do-it-yourself mover ranks all 50 states by migration growth, and California...
As Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris prepares to be inaugurated Vice-President at Wednesday’s inauguration, she submitted her formal resignation to California Gov. Gavin Newsom from the United States Senate Monday. As Harris made her resignation formal, Gov. Newsom officially appointed Alex Padilla...
How exactly does a California National Guard battalion not know when someone absconds with a green camouflage Humvee? The FBI in Los Angeles announced on Twitter Sunday that the Humvee was stolen in Bell, California on Friday. Military bloggers...
Two recent alleged domestic abuse cases by people closely connected to Gov. Gavin Newsom rather quietly made the news. Joshua Schiller, brother-in-law to Gov. Newsom, was arrested on Thursday for alleged domestic violence in Ross, Calif., according to a statement...