The National Football league, as part of its new Inspire Change campaign, has created a video about the death of Stephon Clark, the 22-year old black male shot to death by two Sacramento police officers in March 2018 following a...
The media and the government instruct us that mask wearing, even if you are healthy, is keeping others safe from coronavirus, and you are selfish for questioning this indefinite mandate. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy...
The United States is a Constitutional Republic which means we are a government without a king, accountable to the people and governed by the “rule of law,” in which the law is applied equally to all citizens. Or so we’ve always...
Sacramento, CA has been run by Democrat Mayors and Democrat-dominated city councils for decades. And as with other Democrat-dominated cities, Sacramento, like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Portland, have become horrific sh*t-holes, with streets lined with people living in...
Governor Newsom announced that in more than 30 counties, representing 80% of the state’s population, school buildings will remain closed. “This prohibition of in-person educational instruction appears to restrict both private and public schools—leaving the overwhelming majority of students without...
Two of the hottest issues currently plaguing California during Gov. Gavin Newsom’s COVID-19 statewide lockdown have just been given a pass by Democrat lawmakers, leaving many asking if there is any leadership in the State Capitol, and “where are the...
The bill to ban flavored tobacco is still in play in the California Legislature despite the shortened legislative session due to COVID-19 shutdowns, and despite that the Food and Drug Association gave the Swedish Match General “Snus,” a “Modified Risk...