Just two weeks ago during the Democratic presidential debate, the little-known Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) told former Vice President Joe Biden to “pass the torch.” WaPo reported: “I was 6 years old when a presidential candidate came to the California...
“With Trump in the White House and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, politicians are emboldened to regulate women’s bodies.” The California Assembly Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health, a newly formed committee, held an investigative hearing in recent weeks...
Following two sizable earthquakes over the Fourth of July weekend in parts of Southern California, California Governor Gavin Newsom said “It is a wake-up call for the rest of the state and other parts of the nation, frankly.” Newsom said...
Modern day book burning: San Francisco school board intends to destroy an iconic mural The Associated Press is reporting that the city of San Francisco will spend $600,000 to paint over an historical mural at a public school depicting...
Wednesday morning, CBS13 reported that the California Environmental Protection Agency headquarters building in downtown Sacramento has been fighting a rat infestation for more than five weeks. Apparently their “environmentally friendly” modes of rattus-rattus eradication have not worked. “After weeks of...
The Legislature can do an immediate legislative fix The Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review authored AB 101, which provides for statutory changes needed to enact the housing and homelessness-related provisions of the Budget Act of 2019. In short,...
In January we learned that the Department of Motor Vehicles and county voter registrars told the California Secretary of State Alex Padilla last year that the motor Voter program was not ready. Motor Voter automatically registers voters when they renew...