While existing state and federal laws prohibit racial discrimination in schools and workplaces, one area has not legally evolved — hairstyles, or rather “natural hairstyles” traditionally worn by African American men and women. Sen. Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) authored SB...
Assemblyman Steven Choi (R-Irvine) wants to know why fifty percent of his bills have been killed prior to ever receiving a public committee hearing. “Some have never been agendized,” Choi said in an interview. “The committee chair killed them, or...
President Trump has successfully appointed six judges to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Prior to Trump taking office, the Ninth Circuit had 19 Democratic appointees, 6 Republican appointees, and four vacancies, and is the most overturned court of appeals...
The annual Job Killer list by the California Chamber of Commerce grew this year to 31 bills in 2019. The Job Killers are identified as harming California’s economic growth and job creation should they become law. That list is now...
“Kamala Harris for the People” campaign just held a fundraiser at the home of billionaires Ann and Gordon Getty in San Francisco, on what has come to be knows as “Billionaires Row,” reputed to be the wealthiest block in the...
While Los Angeles, and other large California cities are experiencing rat infestations within homeless camps, AB 1788, by Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica) will ban Rodenticides – rodent poisons. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Pesticide Regulation already...
During the Senate debate over Sen. Maria Elena Durazo’s rent control and tenant unionizing bill Monday, Sen. Jeff Stone (R-Temecula) delivered a floor speech about how SB 529 was just another bill squeezing California business owners and landlords, and forcing...