When are budget cuts not really budget cuts? When they are in Gov. Gavin Newsom’s budget. California has a budget deficit of $73 billion, the Legislative Analyst’s Office reports. Gov. Newsom claimed the budget deficit was only $30 billion in...
In February, the Globe reported that John Cwiek, an employee of Dependable Highway Express, a Los Angeles-based transportation company, had recently filed federal charges against the Teamsters Local 63 union. Cwiek maintained that Teamsters union officials retaliated against him for...
Do today’s politicians even represent the people any more? What kind of politician represents you? What would possess California Assemblywoman Mia Bonta (D-Oakland) to make a $1.25 million contribution to the Huey Newton Foundation and Oakland Black Panther Museum, when...
The SEIU has thrown down its cards and is now trying to kill retail theft reform bills – even the bills authored by Democrats. And they are joined by the wealthy spouses of real estate developers, tech billionaires and daughters...
75 of the largest American cities owned a total of $307.4 billion of assets to pay $595.3 billion in liabilities at the end of fiscal year 2022. The 75 largest cities in America were collectively $288 billion in debt, Adam...
California Governor Gavin Newsom didn’t learn anything from PaneraGate. When his long time friend billionaire Greg Flynn called him to complain that the $20 minimum wage would hurt his fast food franchises, instead of working to overturn the new minimum...
California Assemblyman Matt Haney (D-San Francisco) has introduced a bill to create a “right-to-disconnect” law that guarantees employees uninterrupted after work personal and family time, free from calls from the boss. Haney said he borrowed the idea for it from...