The Globe just reported Friday on California Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas’ (D-Hollister) orchestrated a shakeup of the leadership lineup in the California Assembly, following the departure of former Speaker Anthony Rendon. Rivas named Majority Leader Assemblywoman Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters) as...
It was only three years ago when Governor Gavin Newsom defied his own idiotic COVID edicts as he partied at the French Laundry restaurant in Napa, one of the few restaurants he failed to force out of business. Shortly after...
The California Utilities Commission just granted Pacific Gas and Electric a 13% rate hike – ostensibly to pay for under grounding power lines. Because Gov. Gavin Newsom appoints the commissioners to the CPUC, this is “Gavinomics.” Expect the other utilities...
In the midst of enraged pro-Palestine protesters demonstrating around the country, the New York Post exposed on Friday that they are “funded in large part by an uber-wealthy American-born tech entrepreneur, Neville Roy Singham, and his wife, Jodie Evans.” “Since...
California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Thursday the I-10 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles may reopen Tuesday, November 21. On Tuesday Nov. 14 of this week, the Globe reported: Is Gov. Gavin Newsom trying to contain the I-10 fire story? Are...
Sacramento County District Attorney Thien Ho is threatening criminal charges against the City of Sacramento and Sacramento Attorney Mark Merin over the city sanctioned homeless camp “Camp Resolution”as a “safe parking shelter” in north Sacramento, alleging the city-leased site is...
UPDATE BELOW: As hundreds of concert goers waited in line at the Golden 1 Center Tuesday afternoon, a man lay dying of stab wounds just a few feet away in the commons area of the downtown arena mall in Sacramento....