Following a tragic shooting occurrence yesterday that left a Newman Police Officer dead at the hands of an illegal immigrant, the suspect in the shooting has since been arrested after a massive man hunt. The suspect, whose name has not...
After attempting to stop a motorist who was suspected of drunk driving, Cpl. Ronil Singh of California’s Newman Police Department has been gunned down by a current at-large man who recently entered the United States illegally. At a press conference...
Appearing on Fox News today, Tom Homan, the Former Director of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency or better known as ICE, didn’t hold back when discussing Nancy Pelosi’s (D-San Francisco) opinion of funding a wall which would separate...
After barely losing the 2017 Democratic Chairmanship race to the previous Los Angeles Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman, fellow Democrat Kimberly Ellis has announced she will again campaign for the opportunity to lead California’s Democratic Party. Ellis’s announcement comes after...
As Sacramento’s 2019 legislative calendar is set to kick off in just over two weeks, a plethora of new gun laws will being going into effect while Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom insists “we have to do more.” Stemming from a major...
As Governor Jerry Brown gets set to depart California’s highest held public position, he leaves office with a stash of nearly $15 million in leftover campaign funds. Although Brown will be handing over the reins to current Governor-Elect Gavin Newsom...
Appearing on the front cover of their monthly publication, Democrat Eric Swalwell (D-East Bay) has made quite the name for himself recently as the NRA and others have attempted to peg him as a crazy, out of touch liberal. Following...