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Americans Must Reject the Authoritarian ‘New Normal’ the Democrat Party is Foisting Upon Us

The Harris-Walz administration and their media accomplices will control what we’re allowed to hear

By Marc Ellinger, October 7, 2024 7:00 am

Tyrannical governments share two hallmark characteristics: 1) they block opportunities for people to challenge their power, and 2) they limit people’s ability to talk about it.

We need look no further than Venezuela and Brazil for ongoing examples in our own hemisphere. 

Or we can just look at today’s Democrat Party, which is now the most openly authoritarian political party in American history.

Democrat elites have put Americans in serious jeopardy by lying to us about who is running the country. Party bosses rigged their own primary to prevent any serious challenge that would upend their status quo. Democrat officials pressured media platforms to hide information from the American people they deemed inconvenient. They openly lament losing “total control” if they don’t moderate and monitor free speech platforms. And we have yet to see if they will sentence to jail their main political rival.

We, the People, cannot let this become the new normal of American politics.

For at least the last year-and-a-half, the Democrat Party has been waging lawfare against potential challengers to President Joe Biden to limit the options from which people are able to choose their preferred candidate for office. Democrat operatives in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and elsewhere worked overtime to keep Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Cornell West and Jill Stein off their presidential ballots. Meanwhile, the secretaries of state in both Colorado and Maine fought to bar former President Donald Trump from appearing on their states’ ballots.

(Ironically, as soon as RFK, Jr. announced his support for Trump, Wisconsin and Michigan decided to keep him ON their ballots.)

In August, Meta/Facebook owner Mark Zuckerberg sent a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan confirming what conservatives have been saying for years: social media platforms were pressured by government officials and Democrat leaders to restrict the free flow of information and ideas they deemed detrimental both to their 2020 presidential campaign and the subsequent Biden-Harris administration.

As if these shenanigans aren’t corrupt enough, the country is still waiting to see if crooked Democrat NYC Judge Juan Merchan will try to jail Donald Trump.

During all of this tyrannical election interference, Democrat Party bosses were conducting a full “Weekend at Bernie’s” operation and lying about the incumbent president’s ability to fulfill the duties of the Oval Office.

Make no mistake, Kamala Harris was part of the cover-up. She was trotted out numerous times to reassure voters that Joe was in command as president, but she knowingly lied to the American people about Joe Biden’s mental faculties.

When Joe Biden exposed himself and his weakness to the world during his debate with President Trump, the Democrat power brokers scrambled into action to depose the incumbent president and propel Kamala Harris from unlikely understudy to America’s leading lady.

In doing so, the party bosses threw out 14 million of their own primary voters’ expressed wishes for Biden to remain at the top of the ticket.

No one voted for Kamala Harris to be the presidential candidate. And after watching the vice-presidential debate with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, many Democrats are asking themselves why she chose him.

The Democrat elites went to a lot of trouble to ensure their own party members had only one choice for president; what will they do if they succeed in forcing a Harris-Walz administration on the entire country?

When they tell you who they are, believe them. 

During her first failed presidential bid in 2019, then-candidate Kamala Harris said the quiet part out loud when she blasted social media platforms for “directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight and regulation,” which she told CNN’s Jake Tapper, “has to stop.”

On MSNBC in 2022, Tim Walz quite brazenly announced, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”

On Sept. 16, during the media launch of her fourth memoir, Hillary Clinton spoke with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC about “Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda, and whether they should (be) civilly, or even in some cases criminally charged, is something that would be a better deterrent.”

On Sept. 17, California Gov. Gavin Newsom put words into action when he signed three bills that would essentially outlaw the use of memes, parody, and AI to create content that ridicules Democrats.

CBS cutting of Senator J.D. Vance’s mic because they wanted to keep him from telling the American people how Kamala Harris destroyed our Southern Border and made every community a border town, was accidentally the perfect example of how the Harris-Walz administration and their accomplices in the media will control what we’re allowed to hear, learn, think and say if they are elected.

The Democrats must not be allowed to get away with all of this come November.

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5 thoughts on “Americans Must Reject the Authoritarian ‘New Normal’ the Democrat Party is Foisting Upon Us

  1. I feel that the government, both state and local is at war with “The People”. Their ideas boil down to making everything but vice and lawlessness illegal.
    High taxes are consumed by spending a billion to solve 95% of a problem, then twenty billion more in building bureaucracy trying to solve the last 5% with ignorant and intolerant solutions, all traceable to the low quality intellect running “everything government”.
    They are clearly cooking the books, and we can only wonder how much money is being stolen and misallocation.

  2. You can also add the Ca GOP to this list of groups attempting to add a new normal for their positions on the following ballot propositions.
    Prop 2 the Ca GOP endorses spending 17.5 billion dollars on school a school bond when the state is broke and public-school attendance is down. the CTA and other school unions appreciate this influx of capital.
    Prop 3 the Ca GOP has no position on a proposition that has the potential to further enhance the culture wars here in the state. Their no position statement cleverly supports the proposition. “Provides a Constitutional Right to Marry”.
    Prop 34 the Ca GOP supports a measure that has been identified as a revenge measure against the AIDS Healthcare Foundation for spearheading the rent control measure. While I do not support rent control, I also do not think that it is prudent to support a measure that targets 1 group.
    Prop 35 the Ca GOP supports increased funding for Community Health Care facilities such as Planned Parenthood Healthcare facilities. Planned Parenthood as we all know is the largest abortion provider but what many may not know is that Planned Parenthood is also a huge provider of puberty blockers used to radically alter human bodies. Of course, these services can be accessed by minors without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Tell me that’s not radical or will not further damage our society.

    These 4 examples shows that the Ca GOP leadership is corrupt and at the core is not evaluating these measures from a commonsense perspective.

    1. I agree. I don’t pay any attention to their recommendations. I use my own critical thinking skills, thank you. The CaGOP is a joke. They are the reason we do not have stronger Republican representation. The term “useless” comes to mind. They need to clean house over there, and start over.

  3. OI totally agree with this article. Whenever I hear the word “misinformation” or “disinformation”, I know it is related to censorship. It’s surprising how much “misinformation” in the last four years has turned out to be true. The Democratic Party lies about Republicans lying.

    If you don’t have free speech, you don’t have a democracy. As far as protecting democracy, as Elon Musk said, “You need the 2nd Amendment to protect the 1st Amendment.”

  4. A new normal is coming and it called Reality which is something Democrats and Rino’s fear as it means total loss of power for them and a reveal of all their crimes against the country and humanity. You can lie but you cannot hide!

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