Attorney General Rob Bonta. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
BLM Shuts Down Online Fundraising in California, Washington Following State AG Warnings
BLM signals that it will comply with turning in tax documents by end of March
By Evan Symon, February 3, 2022 11:45 am
The activist group Black Lives Matter (BLM) shut down all online fundraising Wednesday night due to an ongoing California Department of Justice warning that the group may lose their tax-exempt status if they don’t file delinquent proper tax forms and fees by the end of March.
According to a letter written by state Attorney General Rob Bonta on Monday, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) had failed to pay the Californian Registry of Charitable Trusts renewal fee and send in the IRS 990 financial activity disclosure form, as well as similar RRF-1 California paperwork, for the 2020 fiscal year. While BLM switching over to being listed as a charity in the middle of 2020 and hectic leadership changes in the past year likely played a role in the group not filing, the state said that there was no excuse for not filing and that if if don’t correct it all in two months, the group faces large fines as well as the loss of their tax-exempt status.
“The organization BLACK LIVES MATTER GLOBAL NETWORK FOUNDATION, INC. is delinquent with The Registry of Charitable Trusts for failing to submit required annual report(s),” said Bonta’s letter earlier this week. “An organization that is delinquent, suspended or revoked is not in good standing and is prohibited from engaging in conduct for which registration is required, including soliciting or disbursing charitable funds.”
Following news on this Wednesday, as well as a similar demand in January for tax documents coming from Washington state, the BLMGNF shut down all online fundraising Wednesday night. While there was no official word on how long it would be shut down, the group hinted in a statement that it would be until all delinquent forms and fines wee both turned in and paid in both California and Washington.
“We take these matters seriously and have taken immediate action,” said the BLMGNF in a statement on Wednesday. “We have immediately engaged compliance counsel to address any issues related to state fundraising compliance. In the interim, we have shut down online fundraising as we work quickly to ensure we are meeting all compliance requirements.”
With BLM now unable to disperse any funds or receive any donations until the matters are fixed, and remaining BLM leaders now being held personally responsible should the matter not be settled by next month, many familiar with the situation noted that the group would likely satisfy the requirements in time to avoid the embarrassment of having their organization losing their status.
“Having the state pull you out of being a charity and removing your tax-exempt status is a real blow for any group,” explained Patrick Sanders, an LA-based accountant who helps non-profit organizations prepare taxes, to the Globe on Wednesday. “They can’t get money, they can’t move money around, and now donors and others who are for BLM and its mission might see it get raked over with taxes and national embarrassment for not being financially sound. And for potential donors, who now have more localized activist groups to donate to for the same purpose, many will see this as a problem even when they return to online fundraising.”
BLMGNF is expected to turn in all necessary documents by the March 31st deadline.
Donations for BLM are still active through Act Blue (wonder how much of that is funneled to Dems?)…. BLM is out of compliance in California, Connecticutt, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington
I wonder how Kaiser Foundation and the other corporate big shots who foolishly gave money to this outfit are feeling now.
“The collapse of the BLM’s scandal plagued charity will hurt black people, and it’s donors, who were only ever interested in their own self-righteousness, are to blame, writes Kira Davis”
BLM murdered George Floyd.
Just another black on black crime….that is exactly what BLM “was.”
A terrorist organization should not get tax exempt status. That is exactly what BLM is a terrorist organization. They are responsible for riots, billions of dollars in property damage, people being murdered, and police officers being injured. Two of of the founders admit they are trained Marxists. BLM openly calls for the murder of police officers in many of their rallies and marches. It is Burn, Loot, and Murder. All of the POS in that organization should be in prison or worse.
Anyone know the dollar amount or percentage of “charity funding” actually goes to provide “help” actual people?
Just curious