Frame 352 from the Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot film. (Photo: Public Domain)
California Assemblyman Proposes Bigfoot as State’s Official Large Hairy Mythical Creature
One more reason for a part-time Legislature
By Katy Grimes, February 17, 2025 10:16 am
If there was any lingering doubt that it’s not the best and brightest making weighty decisions about your life in California’s Legislature, one lawmaker just introduced a bill about Bigfoot.
Assemblyman Chris Rogers (D-Santa Rosa) authored AB 666, to designate Bigfoot as the “official state cryptid.” A cryptid is a creature whose reported existence is unproved.
Granted, the state has a long list of official state symbols, items and creatures. In October, the Globe wrote about California’s 42 official state symbols, and the corresponding section of the Government Code, including:

The Bear Flag is the official State Flag of all state, county, city, and town agencies. Sec. 420
“Eureka” is the official State Motto. Sec. 420.5
“The Golden State” is the official State Nickname. Sec. 420.75
The almond (Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus), walnut, pistachio, and pecan are each the official state nut. Sec. 422.3
The Augustynolophus morrisi is the official state dinosaur. Sec. 425.7
The Pacific leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) is the official state marine reptile. Sec. 422.5

Is Assemblyman Rogers serious about designating Bigfoot as the official state cryptid?
The Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) is the official state crustacean. Sec 425.15
Bodie is the official state gold rush ghost town. Sec. 429.7
Our official State fabric is denim, and we even have our own official State California Tartan.

The saber-toothed cat is the official State Fossil. The California dogface butterfly is the official State Insect. And the San Joaquin Soil was designated as the official state soil in 1997.
The California State Library lists all of California’s official state symbols.
In April 2022, the Globe reported that Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia (D-Coachella) proposed to name an official State Milkshake – the Date Shake – not as silly as it sounds because there is a reason: Date shakes are often referred to as the “unofficial drink of the Coachella Valley.”
But Bigfoot?
Official milkshakes, saber-toothed cats, almonds and the Bear Flag – it’s nice to have school spirit, but Bigfoot – He’s not even indigenous solely to California. Bigfoot has been sighted in Colorado, Michigan, New York, Illinois, Florida, Washington State, Oregon, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
And why not Sasquatch?
I’ve already wasted enough time on this…
They are desperate for a distraction. Anything other than looking into the Sacramento grifting operation.
Yes, we know Dem Asm Chris Rogers (D-Santa Rosa) IS serious about his proposal to name the mythical Bigfoot as California’s official state cryptid because Dems, especially in CA, have no discernible sense of humor.
Can we please get rid of these silly time-wasting Dems? Next ballot, if elections are “clean enough” by then, God willing? Changing over to a part-time legislature, as Katy Grimes suggested, would be great, but then these people might also vote themselves 50% salary raises for their destructive part-time “work.” (see the Santa Barbara County Board of Supes and their nervy recent move)
Absolutely we need to go to a part time legislature! Also the senate should be made up as 1 senator per county. Implement these two proposals and we will see a huge increase in the proper management of our state! Plus changing the make up of the senate to this model will stick with the spirit of how the US senate was designed.
Passing legislation in attempt to advance the unproven, or highjack another relatively innocent meme, certainly isn’t new. Notwithstanding the appearence that some group or another is getting pandered to at taxpayer expense.
Passing legislation in attempt to advance the unproven, or highjack another relatively innocent meme, certainly isn’t new. Notwithstanding the appearance that some group or another is getting pandered to at taxpayer expense.
Edited for correct spelling.
Our young grandchildren love to hunt and talk about bigfoot in the Sierra’s. In regard to the future of what the California State government will look like is a subject that I have been pondering on the last few months and with the CAGOP State Convention next month it is a good time to begin having these conversations. I agree that the State government needs to be overhauled from top to bottom. Currently California is one of 10 states that has a fulltime legislature and prior to 1966 California’s legislature was part-time. In the 1950’s and 60’s California was building several large water projects, highway project, University and College systems among other things. It seems that the fulltime legislature has removed power from localities and ground growth and expansion of needed infrastructure to nothing. What are we left with from our fulltime professional legislature? Folks attempting to manage decline and to get their name on a piece of legislation. On a side note, the number AB666 is weird and managing decline usually ends up in a bad place.
Your a lucky man, Hal!
My Grandpa was employed by the power company as a construction foreman on the Big Creek Project. For a couple of dove seasons we would plant ourselves on stack milk crates just outside his favorite substation. Too young for a license, I would retrieve and pluck. I still wish we had more hunts together but he passed away quickly from lung cancer. Later, I learned that he spent six years employed inside a zinc smelting facility.
Correction: You’re…
I have a personal theory that California reached peak law about 35 years ago, and all legislators since are just making shit up to justify their existence and look busy — busy work.
That being said, sometime a little lightheartedness and harmless legislation doesn’t hurt anyone. Maybe we all need a little humour amongst all of what we are enduring
I agree these people waste our time with a lot of busy work.
They clearly have W-A-A-A-Y too much time on their hands.
I think I’ll go elsewhere for my humor fix, though.
Dem legislators and their lame attempts at humor only irritate when our state is BURSTING with serious problems that these people consistently only make worse.
You’re on to the, Dean.
I coupled “social entropy” in a term paper once. Bad idea.
…The Bear Flag is the official State Flag of all state, county, city, and town agencies. Sec. 420 . Bears are honored because they are scavengers and sleep half the year.
…“Eureka” is the official State Motto. Sec. 420.5 – was a misspelling actually. What was really intended was BOHICA, or “Bend Over Here It Comes Again”
…“The Golden State” is the official State Nickname. Sec. 420.75, was actually fool’s gold. AKA iron pyrite. Which represents the state budget.
…The almond (Prunus dulcis, Prunus amygdalus), walnut, pistachio, and pecan are each the official state nut. Sec. 422.3. IOW, the state nut. We already have more accurate nick names for our state leaders.
…The Augustynolophus morrisi is the official state dinosaur. Sec. 425.7. Yes, the Republican Party, missing the boat, standing on the shore as Noak’s Ark turns to open sea. They looked at each other and said, “Oh crap! Was that today!.?”
…Is Assemblyman Rogers serious about designating Bigfoot as the official state cryptid? Absolutely! Bigfoot represents the California CARB, in charge of everything in the world. Bigfoot will fit right in and will be the new official CARB logo symbolizing CARB big footing normies just trying to get back and forth to work on four wheels and make enough money to live here.
And I don’t blame Bigfoot one bit for being ashamed to show his face!
An honest California politician should be designated as the state’s mythical creature.
no kidding fed up
An honest California Democrat politician isn’t even mythical?
Who is this Democrat Assemblyman Chris Rogers who is wasting taxpayer dollars with this official state cryptid nonsense? He earned a BA in political science from the UC Santa Barbara and a MA in Public Administration from Sonoma State. He’s been in Democrat politics his entire career having been elected to the Santa Rosa City Council in 2016, re-elected in 2020, selected by the council to serve as mayor from December 2020 to December 2022, and then was elected to the 2nd Assembly district in 2024.
He’d probably starve if taxpayers weren’t supporting him?
He’s introduced several bills aimed at protecting salmon populations in the Klamath River watershed and promoting offshore wind seaport infrastructure that are used to support manufacturing, construction and operation of an offshore wind power projects. Sounds like he’s promoting a deep-state globalist agenda? Wonder if he’s receiving payoffs from nefarious sources?
“Assemblyman Chris Rogers (D-Santa Rosa) authored AB 666, to designate Bigfoot as the “official state cryptid.”
AB666 ??? Seriously???
This is prima facie evidence that Asm. Rogers needs to lose their political job TODAY…
the fortitude, the bravery, the humanity! oh my
Just another bill to grant legal standing to mythical creatures. This is really all about creating a path toward citizenship for all similar elusive and rare beings such as the Business Friendly Democrat, Peaceful ANTIFA Demonstrator, Productive SEIU Activist, Homeowning Barista, and Gainfully Employed MSNBC Viewer. Actually, I think I saw Bigfoot near the State Capitol the other day. He was dirty, disheveled, naked, and living in a tent on L Street. Maybe (he, her, they) is here early for Earth Day or a Senate Labor Committee hearing. He is surviving on free Door Dash food courtesy of USAID.
I have arrived at the conclusion it is all promotion through insertion of memes into our daily conversation. The most effective e.g. L…, ignite instant debate and further conversation. Like how many micro sets should be included to the said pantheon of letters, in the head of a collective pin.
Mythical creature. Hmm. California has many. Hard to choose. Let’s try, tho. Bank savings account. Good weather. Insects. Healthy trees. Safe streets. Water. Driverless Cars! That’s it, that’s a winner.