California Begins its Latest War Against Donald Trump
Put up your dukes: Gov. Newsom says ‘California is ready to fight’
By Katy Grimes, November 7, 2024 4:45 pm
California Governor Gavin Newsom wasted no time after the landslide election of Donald Trump Tuesday, harassing and threatening the soon-to-be 47th president.
As the Globe reported earlier Thursday, Newsom issued a bridled threat “to stand with states across our nation to defend our Constitution and uphold the rule of law.”
He followed that subtle threat with specifics – lawsuits against the Trump administration:
Newsom issued a proclamation convening a special session of the California Legislature “shoring up California’s defenses against an incoming federal administration that has threatened the state on multiple fronts.”
That’s government-speak for “we will be suing the Trump administration as fast as we can prepare the lawsuits” over “an agenda that could erode essential freedoms and individual rights, including women’s rights and LGBTQ+ rights,” Newsom said.
It is quite telling that California’s Democrat supermajority is prioritizing frivolous lawsuits against the future president rather than cleaning up their own very messy house.
The special session will begin December 2, when the Legislature convenes, and the goal will be passing appropriation bills (and giving too many self-serving, self-aggrandizing floor speeches about how virtuous Democrats are).
The Governor already set the table:
“The freedoms we hold dear in California are under attack — and we won’t sit idle.”
If this feels vaguely familiar, it is.
In 2016 following Trump’s first presidential election, California’s new Democrat supermajority Legislature used the usually congenial legislative swearing-in ceremonies to rush through Assembly and Senate resolutions insisting President-elect Donald Trump abandon his immigration deportation policies–at least in California, I reported at the time.
California is home to the largest illegal-alien population in the country, and is a Sanctuary State. President-elect Trump vowed at the time to build a border wall and deport immigrants that have a criminal record, which he estimated to be two-three million. Today that number is likely quadrupled – or worse.
California’s sanctuary city movement hinders immigration enforcement and shields illegal aliens from federal officials as a matter of policy. Beyond the legalities, illegal immigrants are a severe economic drain on California’s already strained budget, more than $70 billion in the hole.
Then-California Senate President Kevin De Leon ordered President-elect Trump to not deport illegal immigrants to their home countries, “under any circumstances”… But he was pressed by a reporter about Trump’s actual statements regarding the deportation of only criminal illegal aliens. “I’m not sure I heard it that way,” de Leon said. “I based it (the resolution) on the 60 minutes interview, and 3 million criminal immigrants. We don’t know if that’s a pretense to loosen up the criteria with mothers, nannies and dreamers,” he said. “If it’s felons, we’ve never had a problem with felons. There’s never been an issue with that.”
“I didn’t hear him make the comment,” he added. Apparently the California Senate was basing state policy on a 60 Minutes interview. Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Los Angeles, ratcheted up the rhetoric by threatening to “fight in the streets” anyone who tried to “dissolve the work we have done.”
Ricardo Lara is California’s Insurance Commissioner today, and Kevin De Leon is a Los Angeles City Councilman.
According to de Leon, and Sen. Lara, “Thousands of illegal aliens in California are (were) terrified.”
“However, De Leon and Lara failed to fairly report how their official media blasts are more likely terrifying immigrant groups,” I reported. “De Leon said that throughout the election, the President-elect made many disturbing comments. ‘I am guided by principles of justice. There is no greater policy area than immigration,’ he added at the press conference.”
As I reported in May of this year, California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta said he and his staff have been reviewing former President Trump’s second-term agenda to prepare a potential onslaught of environmental, immigration and civil rights lawsuits in the event he defeats President Biden in November, the Los Angeles Times reported. “We can’t be caught flat-footed,” Bonta said in an interview Thursday in Washington. “Fortunately and unfortunately, we have four years of Trump 1.0. We know some of the moves and priorities; we expect them to be different.”
Bonta is running for California Governor. Big shock, I know.
And sure enough, today Bonta announced his intentions officially:
“No matter what the incoming Administration has in store, California will keep moving forward,” said Attorney General Rob Bonta. “We’ve been through this before, and we stand ready to defend your rights and protect California values. We’re working closely with the Governor and the Legislature to shore up our defenses and ensure we have the resources we need to take on each fight as it comes.”
On Thursday’s John Kobylt radio show on KFI in Los Angeles, we discussed this.
Kobylt asked what Newsom and Bonta will be suing Trump over. I explained the lawsuits will likely be over California’s enviro policies and climate change woo woo, as well as any federal policies impacting California like withholding High Speed Rail funding, offshore drilling/fracking for natural gas, water policy, dam removal, forest management, to name just a few.
Listen here:
As James Lacy and I reported in our 2017 book, California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses? when President Trump announced he would refocus climate change research conducted by NASA as part of his fight against climate-alarmist policies, Gov. Brown launched into an epic monologue on the dangers of climate change, and he even threatened to launch California-funded satellites. Then California’s Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom threatened Trump’s plans for a wall on our southern border with environmental lawsuits.
As one of the Globe’s astute readers recently commented, “A war against President Donald J. Trump has proven to be a war against the American Citizen.”
Someone should tell Governor Newsom.
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- President Trump to Gov. Newsom: We’re Putting People over Fish - January 22, 2025
I doubt Newsom will be taking questions from anyone on tomorrow’s all hands on deck zoom meeting at 4:00p.m.
If he did I would ask this:
Governor Newsom “where is the final figure of the state deficit. If it is 65 Billion as reported, how do you intend to lower it?”
Follow up, Governor Newsom, “Why are you spending this valuable time on game planning when Californians cannot afford to heat their homes, gas their cars and put food on the table?”
“We’ve been through this before, and we stand ready to defend your rights” said Bonta.
Where were you defending our rights you lying piece of bowel movement when our state government closed down our businesses, schools and churches during Covid?
If this report is accurate and there are millions of illegal aliens voting here in California and elections keep getting certified with these votes included, it would be safe to assume that the Trump administration knows about this as well. The only folks that are being duped here is Newsom, Bonta, and anyone else that says that they have to “save democracy”. This crowd will be gone early next year. It will be interesting to see how far down the ballot the fix has been in on? There could be countless State & local politicians that may not be the rightful person to hold that seat. Next would be anything that these illegal politicians voted on or anything that they signed. Lots of illegal bills and measures would have to be automatically overturned. California is in for a wild ride. Once this becomes evident a plan will have to be generated to address the void that has been made with the departure of these illegal politicians. This could be considered a “Red Sea” type miracle.
Mayo Clinic says about Narcissistic Personality Disorder: People with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:
Become impatient or angry when they don’t receive special recognition or treatment.
Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.
Do they have a picture of Newsom next to that definition??? If not, THEY SHOULD!!!
Gov. Noisome is wasting no time in officially kicking off his 2028 campaign for the Democrat Presidential nomination. He was a happy camper Tuesday night when Harris went down the tubes, thus insuring that he would not have to primary an incumbent President.
The tyranny of Gavin Newsom and the criminal Democrat mafia that controls California is quickly coming to an end.
Let us see how smug he is when a bevy of reformed FBI forensic accounts swoop in and start following the money trail of our billions of taxpayer dollars vanishing.
Yes, Chuckiechan. I believe that, when Christopher Wray is replaced (and he will be one of the first) the FBI will start following the money as you say. I believe that the trail will lead to China and that the trail will take them through the ENTIRE Newscum cabal. This will lead to a re-alignment of California voters for 2028; resulting in a Republican governor being elected. I hope that Gruesome Newscum decides to join with the New Jersey governor Murphy and “fight to the death”. But, our governor is such a coward that I doubt he would.
The Gruesome Twosome of Newsom and Bonta have now come out of their rat holes to “threaten” Trump as expected. But they are only posers, spewing nonsense talk (while once again, as they did the last time Trump prevailed, spending OUR money on their theatrics) to distract us from an extremely revealing spotlight that can only be harshly negative for them. Unfortunately for them, however, the stark contrast of CA’s election v. most of the rest of the country, even in some unexpected corners, concentrates a laser beam on the CA Dem Marxist leadership’s monkey business. One example is election cheating, with which Californians are unfortunately all-too-familiar.
One example: According to the host of KRLA 870 “The Answer” this morning —– where by the way our own Katy Grimes was again a compelling guest —- there are no less than SIX MILLION missing votes in CA for the latest 2024 presidential race numbers when compared to 2020. Did I hear that right? SIX MILLION. Where the heck did those votes go? Did Sleepy-Joe-turned-Kamala voters simply not vote this year? Is it evidence that a huge election cheat effort (SEIU, non-profits, and other useful idiots filling out fake registrants’ “vote-by-mail” ballots in a boiler room) was dumped into the CA voting system to produce the results we saw in 2020? But fear of getting caught (or ?) prevented it on the same scale this year? Many, many questions need to be raised and answered about this issue and others.
Newsom and Bonta’s threats and absurd, almost comical posing, at the same time MADDENING, of course, seems designed to say “look over there, don’t look at us!” But when the glaring questions are addressed, how on earth can it fare well for these Marxist tyrants; the bullies who have been in charge of our now one-party Once Golden State, who have spent years and years and years, without conscience or remorse, slapping Californians in the face and methodically destroying our beloved home?
Why do they (and particularly HIM) always say “OUR Constitution” and “OUR democracy”….
Does the Democrat Party have its OWN Constitution and version of democracy??? Apparently they think they do…
Oh yeah, it’s the Communist Manifesto and Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”…..
Squash them like the insects that they are, President Trump…. starting with Newsom and Bonta, his idiot henchman, and then go after all of Newsom’s unelected, nameless/faceless Boards and Bureau members….
If Ronald Reagan was confronted with the likes of Gavin Newsom he’d merely keep quiet and withhold all federal money destined for California: Also, Reagan would probably sue California for money owed the Federal government.
Californians are being destroyed: They refuse to defend themselves
Californians have been conditioned to believe that self defense is illegal, and should be left to “the authorities”.
Dear Mr. President, please come to California and remove Newsome the Nuisance before he completely destroys our great State. Bring the National Guard if you need to. Seriously, to the citizens of California, we need to get rid of this guy. Based on the recent polls, it appears this State is ready to drain the swamp
The state is turning red, Savage Strong:
I hope this turning-red continues but Richard Grenell might be leaving to become Secretary of State……of course, he could still return and run for California governor in 2028?
Freaking CARB. Who knows how much their sadistic vote yesterday (under cover of “green,” which is total B.S. because have you checked out the “environment” lately? It looks — and stinks —- more and more and more like a third world country since these mutant elites have been in power) will increase price-per-gallon for gasoline? And further strengthen their jackboot on the necks of the middle and working classes? Which is their goal of course?
Please remember that twelve of the sixteen CARB members were appointed by Gavin Newsom. With every day that now speeds by toward a brighter and saner age this foolish megalomaniac is becoming more and more irrelevant. It can’t be long before he will collapse like a house of cards from the writhing dark demons he stupidly welcomed into his soul once upon a time. The ones that continue to fuel his hatred and cruelty..
“California’s gas prices to increase 65 cents per gallon with passing of new fuel standards”
Newsom is not making mistakes rather he’s fulfilling the mandates of an agenda.
The CARB voted against Californians again. This coupled with Newsom’s agenda to eradicate petroleum from Californians availability while destroying home values via assaults against insurers paints an eerie picture of what by design is pending for the residents of California.
Will another half dollar gas tax invoke a reaction?
newsom channeling AG james of new york. Or is it the other way around?