Rep. Katie Porter (Photo: Facebook)
Democrat Rep. Katie Porter Supports Impeachment of Trump, Has Her Own Ethics Concerns
California’s Katie Porter caught using her position in Congress for personal gain
By Katy Grimes, June 18, 2019 10:00 am
Freshman U.S. Rep. Katie Porter added her name on Monday to an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump. The Democrat from Irvine joined nearly 60 other House members seeking to impeach Trump, despite special counsel Robert Mueller’s report in which he found no obstruction of justice in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
“I cannot with a clean conscience ignore my duty to defend the Constitution. I can’t claim to be committed to rooting out corruption and putting people over politics and then not apply those same principles and standards in all of the work I do,” Porter said, AP reported.
Rep. Katie Porter is no stranger to controversy. Since being elected in November 2018, less then one year ago, is was revealed that she took a six-figure salary from the big banks mortgage settlement funds, arranged by then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, meant to assist California homeowners facing foreclosure. Kamala Harris touts the $20 billion relief settlement she secured as California attorney general for homeowners hit hard by the foreclosure crisis, Reuters reported.
“Using funds originally meant for California’s troubled homeowners, Katie Porter negotiated with Kamala Harris a $300,000 salary and benefits package for herself and a $1.56 million-dollar budget for an 11-member staff. Porter, who was then a professor at UCI Law School making approximately $250,000+ per year, ran her operation out of UCI’s Irvine campus and according to University records, Porter went $1.57 million over budget, totaling $3.13 million in staff salaries and benefits,” SoCalDailyPulse reported. “All of this funded by money meant to assist distressed homeowners.”
SoCalDailyPulse also reported:
“Reuters published the other side of California’s housing recovery story with less than complimentary marks for Harris and Porter:
“Consumer advocates who worked with California homeowners during the mortgage crisis say the most vulnerable – limited English speakers, the disabled, widows and minorities – had the least luck obtaining relief.”
The article goes on to quote the deputy director of the California Reinvestment Coalition, an association of 300 nonprofit consumer finance groups that maintain that the people who were supposed to get loan modifications were not actually getting them.”
“Porter contends that 150,000 homeowners received some form of relief under the mortgage settlement in California but admits that at least half of the aid went towards short sales of people who still ended up losing their homes. This equates to $14 billion worth of settlement funds put towards short sales and second mortgages that reimbursed the big banks for money they would have lost without the settlement funds.”
There is no accounting for the remaining $6 billion from the $20 billion mortgage settlement funds. However, a court found California illegally held $331 million of the funds from the settlement, and ordered the state to use the money for its intended purpose — to help victims of foreclosures.
Washington Free Beacon found Rep. Katie Porter availed herself of another perk:
“Congresswoman Katie Porter (D, Calif.,) revealed in a subcommittee meeting that a tangled mess of health care bills she was facing was cleared up when a patient advocate told the insurance company Porter had been recently elected to the House of Representatives.
In a Tuesday hearing titled “Protecting Patients from Surprise Medical Bills,” the freshman representative told her personal story of needing an emergency appendectomy last August. She said she was shocked to get a bill for $3,000 because one of the surgeons was out of her provider network.
“As I continued to fight my insurance company, I kept receiving bills from the surgeon,” she said at one point. “Eventually, nearly five months after I was hospitalized, the surgeon was forced to simply request payment.”
“Finally, the patient advocate, invoking the fact that I had just been elected to Congress, was able to get the insurance company to agree to pay my surgeon’s bill,” Porter said. “A patient advocate in this case was a doctor hired by Porter’s employer to help workers navigate complicated health care billing issues.”
Porter, who used her election to Congress to get her $3,000 medical bill paid by the insurance company, is the one who said she is “committed to rooting out corruption and putting people over politics and then not apply those same principles and standards in all of the work I do.”
“According to OpenSecrets, a campaign finance watchdog group, Katie Porter’s political fundraising figures show a cozier relationship with Wall Street than her press releases portray,” SoCalDailyPulse reported. “In her last campaign, Porter received nearly half a million dollars in campaign contributions from the Securities and Investment industry. Senator Kamala Harris’ records match Porter’s in that the fourth largest source of her campaign funds comes from the securities and investment industry totaling $798,677 in contributions, $5,475 of it coming from Wall Street-connected political action committees.”
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Wasn’t this the race that progressive candidate Katie Porter would likely NOT have won (over Mimi Walters!?) if it hadn’t been for union-staffed-and-funded ballot harvesting, same-day registration, ability to vote in two or more precincts, sketchy provisional balloting, etc.?
In any case we could have guessed, without knowing anything else, that “progressive” candidate Katie Porter would fit the template that many of us have been using for some time for Democrat candidates; namely, the more the candidate pontificates about “rooting out corruption,” and “putting people over politics,” the more we will see the newly elected office-holder get rich on ill-gotten funds and constituents’ bad situations get worse. Thank you for your good work in providing the specifics that back up the template.
Katie Porter is one and the same who likely not have won over Mimi Walters if not for the progressive supported ballot harvesting, same-day registration now permitted in California. http://www.capoliticalreview.com/capoliticalnewsandviews/illegal-aliens-tell-of-ballot-harvesting-in-california-to-flip-the-house-blue/
Additionally, as for the $331 million that Porter permitted the then governor brown to take to “plug holes” in the budget in 2012, still has not been paid back to the fund!!! In or about April 2019, the California Supreme Court ruled that the money had to be repaid to the fund, but no report has been made that it has yet been refunded. The fund was supposed to have been for “struggling homeowners”……..Instead, it went to Kathleen Porter and her ilk….https://www.courthousenews.com/california-ordered-to-return-331-million-to-troubled-homeowners/
Katie Porter disgusts us in OC. She’s famous for making fun of Bill Mayer when he had concerns about abortion. Most people in D 45 are people of faith (mostly Christians) and are pro-life. We could use some of our wasted billions to help young women (and fathers) stay in school or get help they may need raising their babies. AB 5 is killing my wife’s small business. Porter would rather scare our young people instead of inspiring them to develop a clean energy that works. My young Christian republican nephew invented electric airplane being flown in Hawaii and elsewhere. He didn’t cower in fear. Everything she’s for, D 45 is against. Under Obamacare,we pay 1600 a month 4 health 4 years. No dental, prescription,or vision. No coverage 4 son. Porter, with her tenured jobs has never had to worry about it. I’m hoping this person goes the way of her mentor,E Warren!