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Gov. Gavin Newsom, 2024 State of the State address. (Photo: gov.ca.gov)

Is Governor Gavin Newsom ‘Newsom-Proofing’ California for the Next Republican Governor?

Is Newsom’s goal to destroy the state?

By Katy Grimes, March 24, 2025 2:55 am

California started the year $76 Billion in debt, Victor Davis Hanson reports. That’s $76,000,000,000 BILLION – 9 zeros.

California is one of only five states that haven’t recovered to pre-COVID job levels, and even our partial recovery is entirely dependent on government jobs.

California is missing $37 billion (another 9 zeros) spent on homelessness, only to see the homeless population explode. “The State Auditor found he lost track of that money,” Rep. Kevin Kiley said. “Then, he vetoed a bill to hold him accountable for further spending. California now has half the nation’s unsheltered homeless.”

Was that reaction or the plan?

The California Center for Jobs & the Economy just released a devastating report about how far Newsom has destroyed California – even worse than Gov. Jerry Brown did.

The report found regarding Pandemic Recovery, California drops to 4th place Behind North Carolina.

Rep. Kiley summarized some of the findings in a post to X:

  • Net job growth in January was exactly 0. By contrast, Texas added 27,900 jobs, Florida gained 16,500, and even New York added 20,100.
  • California has the second highest unemployment rate of all 50 states, with more than one million Californians unemployed for the 13th straight month.
  • We are one of only five states that haven’t recovered to pre-COVID levels, and even our partial recovery is entirely dependent on government jobs.
  • The proportion of Californians receiving unemployment payments is nearly double the national average.

Not only was California’s January job growth ZERO, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) revised down the previous year’s numbers in January. Unfortunately, this is a regular problem. California’s governors historically send rosy jobs reports to the federal government, which always need to be revised down the following quarter.

“California is on the brink of disaster, $76 billion in debt, skyrocketing taxes, crumbling infrastructure, and a vanishing middle class,” Victor Davis Hanson says. “From high taxes to a failing power grid, Hanson asks the critical question: ‘Why is California becoming unsustainable?'”

If only Gavin Newsom would have Victor Davis Hanson on his podcast. That would be worth watching!

The California Center for Jobs & the Economy report also found:

“California’s job growth has been dominated by government and government dependent jobs in Healthcare & Social Assistance.”

Here is the worst part:

“other than in Trade, California has not grown jobs during the past 4 years of recovery; it has bought them with public funds. California has not expanded its tax base; it has used that tax base to cover its competitive weakness for private sector jobs. And the jobs California has bought are not the “good-paying” jobs promised in the state’s economic development goals, but are predominantly minimum wage, part-time, and limited term.”

So while California Governor Gavin Newsom brags about California’s 5th largest economy in the world, the truth is otherwise.

Adjusting for population size, California’s overall job performance since February 2020 notched up to 29th highest among the states. In the revised data, only 4 states and DC remain below their pre-pandemic levels.

The report found that as the Globe has reported, “Government and government supported jobs continued to be the primary source of growth within the state, posting a sizeable rise over the month and providing the only compensating growth over the year as the state’s labor conditions and rising costs of doing business saw contraction in all but 3 of the other private industries.”

Gov. Newsom thinks government jobs help the economy.

In November, Gov. Gavin Newsom went on a “listening tour” of the state’s red counties following the election, where Newsom does all of the talking and gaslighting, and the people who voted for Trump have to listen.

Here is what Newsom claimed:

More jobs. More businesses. Higher wages. Faster. We’re launching our new Jobs First plan — small businesses and working people deserve better wages and more opportunities, especially in rural communities.

“Early next year, California is releasing the California Jobs First Economic Blueprint, a first-of-its-kind, bottom-up strategy to create good-paying jobs. From agriculture to clean energy & everything in between, we’re fostering sustainable growth & expansion across the state.”

The problem was, as we reported, “More jobs” really only occurred in state government.

And as the Globe has reported with Newsom’s fast food minimum wage increase to $20 per hour, “Hourly Wages Up—Average Hours Worked Drop.”

I hate to say “Duh.”

“Overall for Private Industry, hours edged down 1.5%, while dropping to greater extents for Information and Private Education & Healthcare. Hourly wage gains were positive in all industries except Trade, Transportation & Utilities, but these gains likely contributed to the pull-back in hours as employers adjusted to the higher costs.”

Ouch: This is Going to Hurt

“California’s unemployment problems remained a stark outlier among the states. California’s unemployment rate (seasonally adjusted) notched down by 0.1 point to 5.4%, but this level remained the 2nd highest among the states behind only Nevada.”

“Overall, insured unemployed remains well above historic levels.”

“California’s caseload also remains well above—nearly double—its overall share of jobs. California insured unemployment was 21.1% of the national total in the latest results (4 week moving average), while initial claims were at 20.0%.”

As the Globe has been asking about Newsom’s motive and/or capabilities, or lack thereof, “What is Newsom’s goal here? To destroy the state ? For what end goal?”

Is it too early to envision a future California Governor Kevin Kiley?

Read the entire report HERE 

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15 thoughts on “Is Governor Gavin Newsom ‘Newsom-Proofing’ California for the Next Republican Governor?

  1. Change the voting laws and there will be hope for California’s future.
    Unless that happens, I will remain cynical.

    1. They named it “Dominion” for a reason…
      And let’s face it – Newsom is probably still a WEF stooge from his “Young Global Leader” days and also highly probable that he’s on the take to the CCP via BYD for EV cars, buses, and whatever else they manufacture & he buys on a no-bid contract…

  2. If only California could be “Newsom-proofed” but that’s probably not possible as long as the criminal Democrat thug mafia has a stranglehold on power along with control over the state’s elections? The worthless mainstream propaganda media will continue to cover for him and be his mouthpiece? Unless Californians read alternative outlets like California Globe, they would never know the grim statistics that Katy Grimes listed in this article?

  3. “California is missing $37 billion (another 9 zeros) spent on homelessness, only to see the homeless population explode.”

    I’ll bet that His Newsomness can’t name a single community in California that reduced its drug-addicted transient homeless population by a single person despite the billions spent. Katie Grimes could do a wonderful follow-up article outlining specifically who received that $37 billion.

    1. San Franfreakshow & El Lay, of course!!!
      Karen Bass is probably in the market to buy a SWEET new home soon….

  4. Purposeful!
    I am sure Newsom is part of the CCP disintegration warfare. Has California not disintegrated before our very eyes with Newsolini at the helm?

    A great new book has hit the shelves titled “Fool’s Gold”
    The Federalist website posted a guest article by the authors of the book today.
    If it were not for the California Globe many California resident’s would be in the dark.
    Thank you Katy and staff.

    1. We KNOW that Newsom is in bed with BYD/CCP, and is also an alumni of the WEF’s “Young Global Leaders” program from his time in San Franfreakshow, so it’s not difficult to connect all those dots to see that he HAS iimplemented a complete gutting of the California economy and its tradtional pillars of agriculture/ranching, oil & gas extraction, entertainment and technology….
      Just look at all of the major corporations that have moved their headquarters operations OUT of California under Newsom’s “leadership”….
      100% FAILURE rate….

  5. Go talk to people around the state. They are absolutely clueless about the damage Newsom has done to this state, and continue to vote based on “feelings”. Pathetic. I really hope the next generation is smarter than this one.

    I would like to know why CAGOP isn’t signing up more voters as Republicans, and getting the message out. CAGOP needs to be gutted, and replaced with people who can get the job done.

  6. Excellent comments by all. Yes, Newsom is trying to destroy the state. Newsoms decision making process always veers opposite of commonsense that has led us to the mess that we find ourselves. Yes, elections are manipulated for the predetermined outcome. In my opinion the CAGOP leadership has been voluntarily rendered ineffective in mounting a commonsense argument against Newsom and the establishment. During the late1970’s to early 1980’s under Jerry Brown’s leadership California was in a rut/malaise. Just as California came back from that mess California can recover from the current leadership induced mess by implementing commonsense solutions. Kevin Kiley sounds like a promising candidate for governor.

  7. If Gavin Newsom wants to pave the way in gold for a Repub governor in California next time around, all he has to do is to keep doing what he’s been doing; trying to destroy that state, that is. Californians’ efforts to persuade this governor to do otherwise for our sake or even for his sake have failed. He can’t help himself; he only drills down further, and who even knows what compels him to do it. Does HE know? His legacy as governor will only be that he was a miserable failure; that he was the Worst Governor Ever. Sorry! Wish it were otherwise! But it’s not. Thus he can kiss his Prez ambitions goodbye. It’s not going to happen. The entire country knows who this guy is and the destruction he has wrought, and no one wants it, duh. His record in California is well-known now.

  8. Newsom and his friends Sonya Christian (State Chancellor of the California Community College system) and Anthony Cordova (Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development for the California Community College system) are trying to turn the economic tide with California Apprenticeship Initiative. The goal is to mirror program offered by the community colleges by “recreating” them as apprenticeships and increase the supply of potential workers without creating the supply of actual jobs – a la supply side economics. They fail to understand that supply side economics doesn’t really work.

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