LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner during his weekly update on Feb. 22. (Photo: LAUSD)
LAUSD Adopts Microsoft ‘Daily Pass’ Program Bar Coding Kids For School Reopening
Los Angeles Unified’s ‘Safe Steps to Safe Schools’ reopening plan smells like a ‘social credit’ check and HIPAA violation
By Katy Grimes, March 2, 2021 7:21 am
The Los Angeles Unified School District recently launched “Daily Pass,” an app designed to coordinate health checks, COVID tests and vaccinations for a safe reopening of schools… according to LAUSD. The school district’s Safe Steps to Safe Schools program “is working with a group of stakeholders and partners who are experts in their respective fields to conduct regular COVID-19 testing and community engagement for employees and students.”
LAUSD, the second largest school district in the country, appears to be a Microsoft beta-site. Expect this to come to all California public school districts.
The creepy little animated video announcing the program looks and sounds as if George Orwell wrote it.
California is a dystopian nightmare. pic.twitter.com/5nWEarQNoa
— Phetasy (@BridgetPhetasy) March 1, 2021
“Leave it to California to come up with something less comforting than the Chinese anal swab tests…” a Tweet replied.
But not everyone is comfortable with testing and barcoding kids and turning over the data to “a group of stakeholders.”
LAUSD Superintendent Austin Beutner described the Daily Pass as “sort of like the golden ticket in ‘Willy Wonka,’ everyone with this pass can easily get into a school building,” during his weekly update on Feb. 22.
The “show me your papers” program, “developed with support from Microsoft, generates a unique QR code for each student and staff member that authorizes entry to a specific Los Angeles Unified location for that day only, as long as the individual receives a negative test result for COVID, shows no symptoms and has a temperature under 100 degrees,” LAUSD said. “Upon an individual’s arrival to a campus, their QR code is scanned by a Los Angeles Unified school site leader who takes the individual’s temperature.”
“Holy f*****lls, this is some evil, authoritarian insanity. They want kids masked, barcoded and brainwashed,” Dave Rubin posted on Twitter above the new video short by the LAUSD announcing the “Daily Pass” program.
Beutner said LAUSD is the first school district in the nation to use the technology allowing school officials to keep track of the health status of everyone inside the district’s buildings.
Equally disturbing is “anonymized data from Daily Pass will be used by the Los Angeles Unified’s research and health care collaborators – Stanford University, UCLA, The Johns Hopkins University, Anthem Blue Cross, Healthnet and Cedars Sinai – to provide insights for strategies to create the safest possible school environment.” Sounding like a gross HIPAA violation, as well as a CCP-like “social credit check,” shouldn’t that require parental permission before turning over health data to universities and corporate health insurers?
HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.
This also is the way to keep the children in a constant state of fear, and then provide the magic Microsoft bullet allowing them to get back to school.
Holy fuckballs, this is some evil, authoritarian insanity. They want kids masked, barcoded and brainwashed.
Two weeks to flatten the curve they said.
I’m staying in CA to #RecallGavinNewsom and then I’m out… https://t.co/q97OHavrPH
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) March 1, 2021
The Safe Steps to Safe Schools program Frequently Asked Questions explains the testing process:
The testing process is simple. You’ll receive a notice from your child’s principal (for students) or immediate supervisor (for employees) that it’s time to be tested. You’ll make an appointment online, using a phone or computer (including the one Los Angeles Unified has provided), at one of the many schools where testing is being provided.
There’s a quick check-in upon arrival at the testing site and a clinician will be there to help oversee the process.
The test is free and the process should take less than 10 minutes, start to finish. You’ll receive the test result within 24-36 hours via text and email.
All results are kept confidential and stored in a separate, secure database. Information will be shared only with the appropriate scientists, administrators and health authorities.
This is clearly teachers union driven and not about the health and safety of the children. The list of Frequently Asked Questions makes this abundantly clear.
After a full year of lockdowns, are Californians primed to have to ask permission for everything now?
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I don’t think there is any hope for L.A.
Short answer – NO
Not without a wholesale cultural change and I’m not young enough to wait around and see how it works out…
Come buy my Ventura County House that’s right across the County line so you can avoid much of El Lay’s horror-show of legislative governance…
Nobody has offered proof of any pandemic. The WHO has only made a declaration. Nobody has offered any proof that Covid-19 exists. Nobody has offered any proof that the PCR test diagnoses Covid-19. And yet these bureaucrats and politicians want us to pretend we all now live in a dangerous land of Oz and invent new ways to change our lives and our children’s lives — on the pretense we are allk being made safer — even while these changes ruin lives, destroy trust, enforce a pure authoritarian policy for everyone while stripping everyone of any decent sense of privacy. This policy is child abuse and madness.
Testing healthy asymptomatic children weekly, makes perfect sense for those who profit! What’s next, a barcode tattoo placed on foreheads at birth?
Stacy, funny you should say that about barcode tattoos. Should we regard as a clue that the money from the Gov and Legislature was $6.6 ($6.66) billion dollars?
I didn’t even notice the amount Showandtell, now that is creepy!!
This is extremely creepy. All the more so because it is completely unnecessary.
LAUSD’s motto should be: “We build lies upon lies upon lies upon lies upon lies. For money and power.”
We’ve known for a long time that children aren’t even at risk for COVID, with rare exceptions, nor are they carriers, so there is no need for any of this, including PCR testing and vaccinating them. There is certainly no need for monitoring them at every turn and spending wads of cash on plexi-glass separators, new ventilation systems, wipe-downs, masking, temp-checks, distancing, new staff enforcers, etc., which will only make children more neurotic and oppressed and afraid and feeling like modern-day lepers. And new staff means new union member bodies? Bonus points for the bad guys! And no one else will be allowed on campus without the “Pass?” No parents, other adults, literacy volunteers, school watchdogs, etc.? How convenient.
Sounds like “The Pass” is the gift that keeps on giving for the people who are up to no good.
Public schools will become Mengales testing and ghoulish research sites. The horrors are beginning.
This is what the Left calls Systematic Racism right??? Boy, the teachers union don’t even hide it anymore.
For the love of God, get your kids out of public schools!!
I am speechless – is there any end to the madness they will dream up to continue this fiasco!
Bar coding students and sharing their information with third parties!
All this when covid is a mild illness for most people with a nearly universal recovery rate and children have been shown not to be vectors.
California will just not turn loose of this opportunity to keep its citizens at home and under control.
And, maybe I descend into snark here, but seriously, who would let someone like that sad sack superintendent anywhere near school age children.
Changing my name from GoCaliforniaGo to RunForYourLife
It’s not about health. It’s about Silicon Valley and the Military Industrial Complex. I urge you to read the reporting of Whitney Webb and EPIC. The idea is to use coercive means to trick privacy advocates into backing down and thus the public into “giving up their data.” The Daily Pass programs generates tons and tons of data … for the purposes of generating AI for Palantir and Hewlett Packard and the Pentagon. This is fed into supercomputers in an “AI Space Race” against China and Israel. The idea this has ANYTHING to do with health is just silly. Just don’t ask the teachers. They don’t know anything.
Of course MSFT is in on it…
The only good thing about this is the continuing horror show of “Escape From LA” caused by policies like this and George. GASCON , Soreass’ boy which should be causing an exodus from the $h#t$how that SHOULD increase demand for my Ventura County real estate before we exit this dystopian governance once & for all…
We’ll be back to visit, but to live and be taxed by these mental midgets? No FREAKING way…
If there are any parents dumb enough to allow their children to be subjected to this identity-destroying, self-expression deleting maoist terrorism, and you see “no issue” with giving up childrens’ freedom in the name of government sponsored and defined “safety” You don’t deserve the responsibility that comes with parenting. You will also end up with no freedom and no safety. Please use your critical thinking skills, and consider what happens when a child who grows up needing a “golden ticket” QR code after continuously providing dna samples to the ‘authorities’ just to get into school. What happens when they actually do want to go somewhere? Think about what they’d now be willing to give up. Yes. One thing does lead to another, and this is no exception. LAUSD parents- this is on you. Do not allow this madness.
The most funny part in all this orwellianism is this (the state that is notorious for losing people’s data)
All results are kept confidential and stored in a separate, secure database. Information will be shared only with the appropriate scientists, administrators and health authorities.
YEEEEAAAAHHH RIGHT!!!!! Microsoft is surely to be housing this data and accumulating it for other purposes
No, no and no!
LAUSD parents, you must stand up to this now.
Just say no, this is non negotiable or you do not send your kids back!
Parents are Not being Heard at LAUSD, no one answers our calls or emails!!
Please Know there wasn’t any Due Process, for us parents nor do we approve of this torture to be imposed on our children.
There was No Due Process or discussion to implement Weekly Testing from a PCR test that are unreliable or daily pass with a BarCode from Microsoft a Bill Gates software.
This is a Dystopian Nightmare beign imposed on our Children and it impedes on Patients Bill of Rights, it’s violates one’s Unalienable Rights and Unconstitutional.
Contact the school principal immediately ask if the tracking of tests if just for instances when a student voluntarily takes a test or if the tests are required?
1- Request religious exemption to testing and that a state institution may not require the use of a medical product authorized through EUA, which includes the covid tests.
2- Needs a grassroots efforts opposing the tracking!
3- Third, this merits a Lawsuit.
Email by looking up on Google:
-Austin Buetner
-Your child’s principal
-Local District school
All you parents out there know what it is like to restrain your young child’s arms in order to get a strep test or a COVID test! First weekly test not so bad due to the newness of routine, second weekly test some kicking and screaming ” no mommy please no “, many tears, third weekly test your child runs down the street in protest. Why would you want to torture your children for NO reason at all? I agree Cali Girl, Just say NO!
Parents are Not being Heard at LAUSD, no one takes our call nor respond to our emails!! There was absolutely NO Due Process for us parents to discuss nor asked to impose this kind of torture on our children!
I have been calling for months on end and LAUSD is avoiding parents.
Parents are Not being Heard at LAUSD, no one answers our calls or emails!!
Please Know there was NO Due Process for us parents nor do we approve of this torture to be imposed on our children.
There was No Due Process or discussion to implement Weekly Testing from a PCR test that are unreliable or daily pass with a BarCode from Microsoft software.
This is a Dystopian Nightmare being imposed on our Children and it impedes on Patients Bill of Rights, it’s violates one’s Unalienable Rights and Unconstitutional.
Contact the school principal immediately ask if the tracking of tests if just for instances when a student voluntarily takes a test or if the tests are required?
1- Request religious exemption to testing and that a state institution may not require the use of a medical product authorized through EUA, which includes the covid tests.
2- Needs a grassroots efforts opposing the tracking!
3- Third, this merits a Lawsuit.
Email the LAUSD, School Board, school principal
Here is my take on it: https://youtu.be/8SvzWGBYTL0
As a parent, I would say HIPPAA protects my family from sharing medical information with school administrators, and your “pass” infringes on my child’s right to an education paid for by taxpayer funds. Any further attempt to force my child to comply with this charade, will result in legal action in federal court. That should set the rules.
Its not just HIPPA, which is a federal law, California has specific and additional protection: Cal. Civil Code section 56.29 states as follows, “(b) The disclosure of medical information regarding a patient which is subject to subdivision (b) of Section 1798.24 shall be made only with an authorization which complies with the provisions of this part. Such disclosure may be made only within the time limits specified in subdivision (b) of Section 1798.24.” Section 1789.24 for reference, states, “An agency shall not disclose any personal information in a manner that would link the information disclosed to the individual to whom it pertains unless the information is disclosed, as follows:
(a) To the individual to whom the information pertains.
(b) With the prior written voluntary consent of the individual to whom the information pertains, but only if that consent has been obtained not more than 30 days before the disclosure, or in the time limit agreed to by the individual in the written consent.
(c) Where the acquisition or disclosure of medical information regarding a patient is prohibited or limited by any provision of Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1798) of Title 1.8 of Part 4 of Division 3, the prohibition or limit shall be applicable in addition to the requirements of this part. In the event that the District attempts to enforce any of this on your children, you can use these laws, in writing to prevent it. Also, you can discuss with your local civil rights attorneys, who I’m sure will be more than happy to help,.
Great work. Parents should print this out and hand it over to the school clerk or administrator who tries to get their signature or to anyone who tries to bar their children’s entrance to school for lack of submitting to their illegal demands.
Our Children are Not the Property of LAUSD nor Microsoft!! Nor do we Consent!
Shared information::
“All results are kept confidential and stored in a separate, secure database. Information will be shared only with the appropriate scientists, administrators and health authorities.” -?
This will have a physiological impact from the stress, anxiety and anguish for weekly Covid testing from an unreliable test. The PCR Testing is not accurate causing false positive and it can be detrimental to a child if they test positive and how much fear trauma this will cause and stigma.
The closures have already caused a traumatic mental impact from the abuse type Cycle of Closing/Opening over and over with the Los Angeles restrictions.
There is absolutely no Code of Ethics for any of this-
This is Moraly and Ethically wrong!