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California Assembly. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)

2023-24 State Assembly: Did You Know?

Three areas of interest for the State Assembly in recently concluded 2023-24 California Legislative Session

By Chris Micheli, September 17, 2024 4:03 pm

In reviewing the recently-concluded 2023-24 California Legislative Session, the following are three areas of interest for the State Assembly. 


The first topic is bills. The total number of bill introductions over the 2-year Session was 3,291 Assembly Bills. Of those, 1,992 ABs were passed by the Assembly, and 1,384 ABs were enrolled and sent to the Governor.

Assembly Members and Standing Committee Assignments

The second topic is Assembly Members’ committee assignments. These are only for standing committees, and do not include select or joint committees.  The average number of standing committee assignments per Assembly Member was 4.55, but the highest number was 7 and the lowest number was zero. Five Assembly Members served on 7 committees, while 3 Assembly Members did not serve on any committees.

Assembly Members and Bill Introductions

The third topic is Assembly Members’ bill introductions. Assembly Rule 49 caps the number of bills that can be introduced during a 2-year session to 50 per Assembly Member, but that cap can be exceeded due to a Rules Committee waiver.

The average number of bills introduced per Assembly Member was 39. The highest number of bill introductions was 167 (due to budget-related bills), while the lowest was 7. Seven Assembly Members hit the maximum cap of 50 bills.

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