Doctors with University of California Health. (Photo: health.universityofcalifornia.edu)
A New Beginning for California Medicine
How hospitable are your hospitals?
By Patrick Wagner, MD, December 15, 2024 2:45 am
As you well know, California is a piece of the giant American medical industrial complex puzzle called Obamacare. The “patient protection and affordable care act,” as the number one legacy point of the Barack Hussein Obama regime and his hope and change promise is anything but that now, fading into the vapors. How hospitable are your hospitals? How excited are your doctors? Better yet where are your doctors? How safe do you feel? Are Medicare and Obamacare different, or do they seem to be more like each other every day?
We have all this talk now about “socialized medicine,” communism, progressivism, and doing away with ethics. Recently, I came across an instructive (and free) online work produced by Hillsdale College, one which gives the listener a very concise and I believe accurate assessment of what you and I need to know about dismantling the American medical industrial complex puzzle and replacing it with a new, efficient, affordable, caring and profoundly safe medical system right here in our own neighborhoods. Please check this assignment out and pay particular attention to the last episode called “cultural Marxism.”
Bottom line, if you put in the small amount of work, 3 ½ hours of your precious time, take the test, and receive the certificate, you will be entertained, informed, and ready to get involved, and feel good about yourself. And if those expectations are met and help your mindset, please pass the exercise on to your friends and neighbors, and let Hillsdale know you appreciate their help!
Trump and MAGA won, the bloated and tyrannical government and their “corporate cronies” lost. As time tics down toward 1/20/25, all the deep state agencies, for example CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, CMS, and even EPA, DOD, among others, are coming under common sense scientific scrutiny. Soon these agencies will cease being harmful and become quite helpful to you and your family and your neighbors. This will happen mainly by them getting out of your business and respecting your rights as American citizens. And let us not forget DOGE!
The most important thing to remember as we embark on this fantastic journey is that medicine is a “mom and pop” business, meaning one energetic doctor serving your independent family, providing top notch caring diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Mom and pop businesses are very efficient and successful, and the care offered is profoundly safe and satisfying, for both the business owner and employees (in this case doctors and nurses) and the customers (the patients). Collectives of both doctors and patients are impersonal, cold, insensitive, untrusting, and unfriendly and unsafe.
There is an extremely important concept built into our Constitution called Federalism, which means the opposite of what one might think. It is defined as “decentralization” of governing power. It is a geographic concept, one which places the major focus of governance right in your local cities, towns and neighborhoods. To me, the 10th amendment of the Bill of Rights kind of tells the story, a self-governance concept.
That puts you in control of your local doctors, because you are unique people and need doctors unique to your needs who love where they live, from Tonopah, Nevada to Manhattan, New York.
However, medical education is centralized, and it is important for that endeavor to remain so. Medical students from all over the country pass the same standardized board exams to become certified to practice medicine and surgery, and you and I must keep an eye on those educators and be sure they are cranking out top notch doctors. When these doctors are ready, they fan out into the communities they want to work in. So, centralized education is profoundly important such that every single American citizen gets the best doctors this country can produce. Centralized education should not progress into centralized practice patterns. It means that when doctors arrive at their destinations, they should not be controlled by the government, but by you!
You will soon be offered a host of exciting options in your own communities, and healing will be quick. The endpoint is an available, friendly affordable , safe, and energetic doctor completely devoted to you and your loved ones, and no thieving middleman extracting the physical, emotional, Spiritual, and financial life out of you.
So, get ready, get excited, and get involved friends. Take over the operation of your doctors and hospitals again and make those hospitals and doctors hospitable, caring, affordable, and profitable for all, better than ever before.
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
- Is Healthcare a Human Right? - February 5, 2025
People should read up on how John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie successfully conspired to take over the entire medical establishment to force doctors to only prescribe their medications. Medical schools and hospitals that did not bend the knee where put out of business. Doctors were jailed. Then look into Rockefeller’s connection to the Nazi pharmaceutical industry and our industrial food industry!