Senator Bob Wieckowski. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
Bill To Prohibit One Pound Disposable Propane Tanks Passed By Assembly
I’d say I hope they know what they’re doing, but it’s obvious that they don’t
By Evan Symon, August 16, 2022 10:38 am
A bill to prohibit the sale of one pound disposable propane tanks in California by 2028 was passed in the Assembly on Monday.
Senate Bill 1256, authored by Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont), would begin the ban on January 1, 2028. There would only be a few minor exceptions according to SB 1256, including propane tanks used for construction use, cylinders that have a height-to-width ratio of 3.55 to 1 or greater, and those given by federal and local purchase by the United States General Services Administration’s State and Local Disaster Purchasing Program.
Those who violate the bill following the ban date will receive $500 per day fines for first offenses, $1,000 per day fines for second offenses, and $2,000 fines per day for all subsequent violations.
While the one pound disposable cylinders are often used for camping stoves, small grills, or for lanterns, Senator Wieckowski noted that only one in four sold in California are typically recycled and cost local governments $3 million a year to handle the hazardous waste issues each year. In addition, the bill would combat the environmental “unsustainability” of the one time use cylinders, particularly in National Parks such as Yosemite that only sell reusable cannisters within the park.
“These 1-pound propane cylinders are often among the litter found in our parks and beaches, highly expensive for local governments to properly handle and dangerous for workers in our hazardous waste programs,” said Wieckowski on Monday. “Putting in a five-year transition period gives the industry plenty of time to create a safe, refillable product, like it has with larger-sized cylinders. It is the environmentally responsible approach to take and will take a big burden off of our local governments.”
SB 1256 voting split by parties
Introduced in February, SB 1256 has passed every major vote so far, including an initial Senate vote before amendments in May. However, the bill has only been voted on based strictly on party lines, with Republicans either voting against the bill or abstaining.
“Many see this bill as redundant, as not as big as a problem as they are making it seem, or as an action that will cut into how many camp,” explained Greg Enos, a consultant on issues affecting the camping industry to the Globe on Tuesday. “The people behind the Californian one pound propane cannister bill don’t realize just how valuable it is to have the disposable ones, especially as an emergency supply. I mean, they had to make amendments to it just because it was going to wreck several emergency planning situations in California. But on the individual level, they won’t be allowed to buy them in six years. I’d say I hope they know what they’re doing, but it’s obvious that they don’t.”
Despite numerous concerns over what the ban would entail, the bill passed the Assembly 54-14 on Monday, with supporters praising having a roadmap towards having only sustainable reusable cylinders in sight.
“The fact that SB 1256 cleared yet another hurdle on its way to becoming law in California just emphasizes the Legislature’s understanding of the need to replace the wasteful non-environmental single-use 1-pound cylinders with the sustainable alternative offered through the refillable/reusable ones,” noted California Product Stewardship Council executive director Doug Kobold. “As the proud sponsors of SB 1256, we commend Senator Wieckowski and his staff for the wonderful job they have done informing others in the Legislature and the public at large about why this change is necessary. Without their dedication, the requirement to transition from single-use cylinders to reusables in the next five years here in California would not be possible.”
SB 1256 is due to be voted on in a Senate in the next few weeks.
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Oh, for crying out loud. Seriously? But can’t they be used to build tiny houses for the vagrants?
We can only hope that this will get the attention of campers in the MIDDLE OF AUGUST and they will revolt in numbers that will get the attention of this legislature.
Honestly it is absurd! I am glad he has finally termed out!
Honestly ShowandTell it is so absurd. I am happy to report he has finally termed out!
I know, CG, it’s ridiculous. Good to know he is termed out. One down, anyway!
So I guess I should learn how to rub two sticks together to start a fire for my next cookout.
Uh Oh, what if my fire gets out of control and begins a forest fire? Now that would be an environmental disaster! ???? Propane is cleaner and safer in that case.
If Wieckowski is so concerned about toxic waste then he needs to hop in his EV and head down to Niles Canyon or Albrae Ave. or any 880 frontage road where the homeless live in wrecked, inoperable RV’s, as they have created all sorts of environmental hazards. In the city that he represents many “vegetation fires” are caused by simple campfires started by these homeless encampments. The homeless encampments do not bother with 1 pound propane canisters, they are using the 5 gallons that on occasion go off like a bomb when not stored properly or used in an unsafe manner.
He cannot convince me this is about safety or environmental concerns. I will believe that when he addresses the bigger issues plaguing this state!
I know I shouldn’t laugh at you “rubbing two sticks together” but I can’t help myself. All this nonsense has turned me slap-happy I guess. Isn’t it funny how, in the end, all these people know how to do is be a killjoy. No innocent fun or recreation for the likes of us, the knuckledragging rabble!
Sometimes ya just have to have a laugh or you will cry.
We’ve had explosions (and resulting fires) of the big propane tanks at a formerly large, pristine, public park down here in the San Fernando Valley in SoCal, too, where our public servant “betters” have not seen fit to remove or oversee the vagrant camps there. In spite of the many dangers. For YEARS. (Blame Garcetti, Vote Caruso) The public sure as heck are no longer able to use those areas. It’s all out of control.
Yes, I am sure many people up and down this state have heard or felt one of those explosions.
Open space and enjoyment for all seems to be something of the past.
You are right it is out of control and at this point it I believe it is all intentional to degrade this great country.
2028? So they’ll have the whole homeless situation resolved by then?
Oh sure, right! LOL!
I went to a camping trip with the Sierra Club one time. They were all using disposable propane cannisters for their stoves and lanterms, and tossing them in the garbage when done. I was thinking to myself, “These people call themselves environmentalists?” I was the only one using liquid camp fuel, and I wasn’t even a Sierra Club member. It just goes to show you how fake the Sierra Club is.
Typical! Thanks for sharing that.
It figures! Thanks for sharing. Your story reminds me that I do have an alternative to sticks. The camp fuel is a good alternative until they find a reason to ban that in the future.
I guess they have never been to soccer game in the winter
A Liberal will reach into your shower and adjust it if they could… oh wait…
When your power goes out and you need to boil some creek water since you already used you allowed 5 gallons a day, we would like to leave you with zero options. Aside from Cali girls two stick techniques.
Hi Stacy,
That about sums it up. instead of a kind Boy Scout helping the little old lady cross the street, he can show her how to start a fire with two sticks.
Are any of you feeling like a frog in a warm pot of water because they are about to turn up the heat!
I guess our friends in Nevada will be seeing more of us. Likely cheaper to purchase there anyway – just like everything else.
Stupid does as stupid is. There is an easy work around. Make 1.1 pound cans.
HA! I love it.
Maybe we should ban the State Assembly??
I would say deport them but they might come back.
Guess I’m not going to be doing any camping in Kommiefornia in 2028 onward. They don’t want us going anywhere anyway with these EV mandates. I guess they want to encourage more out of control campfires too.