CA Democrats Pass Bill Altering the Current California Recall Election, Again
‘I defy you to find a state with a more corrupt democrat party than the one in California’
By Katy Grimes, June 29, 2021 9:45 pm
The California Legislature just passed SB 152 which authorizes the California Secretary of State to certify the recall petition signatures for a recall election without waiting for the Joint Legislative Budget Committee to review for 30 days the Department of Finance’s cost estimate, as required by existing law, if the Legislature has appropriated funds for conducting the election in the Budget Act or another statute, as the Globe reported on Monday.
As reported by California Senator Melissa Melendez, “The senate passed SB 152, which ONCE AGAIN, changes election law, this time to benefit Newsom in the recall election. I defy you to find a state with a more corrupt democrat party than the one in California.”
The Globe reported Monday, “The obvious goal of the legislation is to modify the timeline and process of the current recall election, to garner a more favorable electorate.”
This bill changes the voting procedures specific to a recall or election conducted prior to January 1, 2022 — requiring less neighborhood polling places and more days to count ballots. The bill seeks to modify and accelerate the recall by waiving a recently enacted requirement for the Legislature to review election costs.
As Assemblyman Kevin Kiley recently wrote:
“Newsom and his enablers are changing the rules for his own Recall in the middle of the game. They cheat in plain sight then wonder why people lack trust in our elections.
Newsom thought his best chance was to put the vote off until the state “opens.” Now he’s decided waiting too long presents other risks. So he’s changing the law to set the election exactly when he wants.
His top supporter in the Senate said this explicitly: “If you’re forced to fight an unnecessary battle, at least do it on your terms,” he wrote, citing future “threats” like “fires” and “school reopening” as a reason to hold the election earlier than the law currently allows.
If the vote is in September, as now appears likely, we have about 100 days to save California. Get ready for the campaign of a lifetime.”
It's official. Gavin Newsom has changed the timing of his own Recall in an attempt to suppress votes against him. All decent Californians must unite to remove the most corrupt governor in our history.
— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) June 29, 2021
Addressing the obvious, a reply Tweet to Kiley’s summed it up:
He's rushing the recall to happen after he gives us money and before he locks us down again.
— Crackenomics (@crackenomics) June 29, 2021
More to come as this historic recall election unfolds. One thing that is apparent is that Gov. Newsom is attempting everything he can legislatively to alter the outcome.
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Changing the rules to save their own. Happened with Newman by delaying. Now it’s Newsom by shortening. It’s corrupt. Any Democrat that doesn’t see this is blind.
Dirty,dirty, dirty tricks brought to you by the corrupt supermajority!
Absolute power corrupts absolutely…
Was this on the evening news? In the L.A. Times? On Yahoo or Google news?
Opinion: The only way to win against these corrupt people is at the polls. Join the fight for Election Integrity. Stop the bribery of precinct captains! Lastly, communicate as in talk, speak to everyone about what is actually going on in Sacramento and how it effects them directly. This information will not be available in the MSN.
Thank you California Globe. Final question: Who was the pompous ass that said “if your are forced to fight an UNNECESSARY battle”??
By my quick math after reading the bill, they are reducing the amount of polling places open 10 days before election by 66%, and the amount of polling places open 3 days before election by ~20%
Seems like they want more “vote by mail” ballots than in person voters.
One day I hope that people of CA take off their democrat blinder glasses and see what democrats are doing because its closer and closer to tyrannical gov’t that we see in 3rd world countries. We are on our way nationally as well to this, I don’t understand did these people think orwell’s 1984 was a great model to have?
Democrats are cheating to keep absolute power
YES. Agree with you.
I really don’t understand this racing to communist control mentality. Do these corrupt idiots think that the purge will not come for them eventually. You stupid libtards will find out after its too late than Stalin’s return will only consume them in their own hate and vileness. Libtards are just that, brain dead cultist with no individual intelligence or responsibility, they are mentally “Retarded Liberals”.