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California Congressional Democrats on the Record About Biden vs. Kavanaugh #MeToo Allegations

While most have endorsed Biden, they were ready to throw Brett Kavanaugh to the wolves

By Katy Grimes, May 11, 2020 4:35 pm

Thursday was the 400th day since Tara Reade came forward with sexual abuse allegations against former Senator Joe Biden when she was an intern in his office in the early 1990’s. Most Democrats have either remained silent about Reade’s #MeToo allegations against Biden, or have engaged in a smear campaign against her.

California Globe decided to look into members of California’s Democrat Congressional delegation on their stances on the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh by Christine Blasey Ford, and the Tara Reade allegations against Joe Biden.

California Globe reported Thursday that the SLO Tribune uncovered a court document from 1996 that shows former Senate staffer Tara Reade had told her ex-husband she was sexually harassed while working for Joe Biden in 1993:



Do these politicians only #BelieveAllWomen” when the woman accuses a Republican of sexual assault?

So far, they haven’t called for an investigation into the allegation against Joe Biden from the 1990’s, but they wanted the FBI to investigate Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh on flimsy, dubious allegations from his high school days.

Does their refusal to comment on Biden’s allegations have anything to do with the fact that most of these Democrats have endorsed Joe Biden for president? Or the fact that Biden campaigned for and endorsed the majority of them to win their seats in 2018?


In their own words:

Christy Smith, CA-25 special election:

  • On Kavanaugh:
  • On Tara Reade: Smith has been silent.
    • Smith has received endorsements from party bosses Obama & Hillary Clinton – are they stopping her from commenting on the allegations against Biden, or will she call for an investigation into his accusations as well?

Josh Harder, CA-10

  • On Kavanaugh: Harder was mostly quiet, but he was affiliated with Stand Up San Francisco, which openly advocated against Kavanaugh. The group did at least one fundraiser for Harder.
  • On Tara Reade and Biden: Harder’s been silent

T.J. Cox, CA-21

  • On Kavanaugh: Cox was quiet.
  • Tara Reade and Biden: silent

Gil Cisneros, CA-39

  • On Biden, Cisneros is silent –  other than endorsing Biden for president.


Katie Porter, CA-45

  • On Kavanaugh:

  • On Tara Reade and Joe Biden:
    • From the SF Chronicle: “Rep. Katie Porter, D-Irvine (Orange County), called last month on The Chronicle’s “It’s All Political” podcast for Biden to personally address Reade’s allegations, but said it may be difficult to determine what happened. “The fact that it’s more than two decades old reflects potentially the challenges of speaking up about these kinds of situations,” Porter said. “But it also is going to make it difficult to really get to the bottom of what happened.”
    • Katie Porter has endorsed Joe Biden.


Harley Rouda (CA-48)

  • On Tara Reade and Joe Biden, Rouda has been silent. However, Harley Rouda has endorsed and fundraised for Joe Biden.


Mike Levin (CA-49)

  • On Kavanaugh:

  • On Tara Reade and Joe Biden, Mike Levin has been silent, but has endorsed Biden.

Adam Schiff (CA-28)

  • On Kavanaugh about Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations:

On MSNBC’s “Live,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said, “What’s in my mind is there are serious allegations of Judge Kavanaugh committed attempted rape. Are we going to take those allegations seriously? Are we going to try and get to the bottom of this or are we simply going to blind ourselves and say we are okay having someone on the Supreme Court of the United States who committed attempted rape for life. That’s not okay for me.”

“It is not about get the truth and it is not showing respect for this witness. It is about avoiding a perception that they’re simply not interested in whether Brett Kavanaugh committed attempted rape. There are more important things in their view and having this conservative majority in the Supreme Court is all that really matters.”

  • On Tara Reade and Joe Biden: Schiff has been silent, however he endorsed Joe Biden.






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