Assemblyman Kevin Mullin. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
California Democrats Call For Recall ‘Reform’ Process
The recall process was established over a century ago
By Katy Grimes, September 15, 2021 8:06 am
California Gov. Gavin Newsom defeated the recall effort and will remain in office in what some in the media are calling a landslide, after calling the race within the first hour after polls closed at 8:00pm Tuesday evening.
By 8:55pm, California Assemblyman Kevin Mullin (D-South San Francisco) posted this on Twitter:
A $276 million waste just to reaffirm 2018’s results with an election coming in 2022. The CA recall process must be reformed including elevating the Lt. Guv in the event of a recall. But to avoid partisan power grabs the Governor/LG should be a ticket of the same party (like NY).
— Kevin Mullin (@kevinmullin) September 15, 2021
“A $276 million waste just to reaffirm 2018’s results with an election coming in 2022. The CA recall process must be reformed including elevating the Lt. Guv in the event of a recall,” Mullin said. “But to avoid partisan power grabs the Governor/LG should be a ticket of the same party (like NY).”
Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) responded Wednesday morning:
Co Author please!
— Kevin McCarty (@KevinMcCartyCA) September 15, 2021
As Joel Pollak at Breitbart reported, “Democrats are already discussing ways to shut the door on future recalls, debating ways to reform a process that was established over a century ago in the original “Progressive” era as a last resort to ensure accountability.”
Perhaps the most poignant reply to Mullins’ Tweet was this:
So now are you going to look into where the 30 Billion lost by the EDD went? Since you care so much about taxpayer money and all.
— El Barco (@ElBarco19) September 15, 2021
“So now are you going to look into where the 30 Billion lost by the EDD went? Since you care so much about taxpayer money and all.”
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If the DemocRATS mess with the recall, the people of CA need to put it in a ballot referendum.
Is anyone at the CA Globe going to discuss election fraud?
Katy Grimes, editor of the California Globe, might LITERALLY be the ONLY California journalist who has been writing about election fraud —– for YEARS. Trying to educate people about it. Never giving up. I know from my own experience in talking about it that few people want to hear about it. Too “boring,” I guess. Their eyes glaze over. Then it became front-and-center because of the 2020 election steal which, as devastating as it was, at least got people’s attention. By the way, this eyes-glazing-over reaction has also been true for other important CA issues such as energy, water policy, etc.
Here is just one example from almost four years ago. This article was linked on another Katy Grimes currently-posted article. And I remember it well because after an extensive online search it was one of only three links whose articles and information were thorough enough and reasonable enough and strong enough to be included in a July, 2017 communication I sent to the newly-formed Election Integrity Commission headed by Kansas Secty of State Kris Kobach:
“Yuge Election Fraud in California to be Investigated”
Katy Grimes, Jan 26, 2017:
Thanks for the link ShowandTell.
I know too well the eyes glazed over look instead it should be eyes wide open.
Once your eyes have been opened they can never be shut I suppose, so hence the glaze, yawn and head turn.
Shenanigans are never good in any election no matter what your political affiliation is.
Benny Johnson caught the numbers being manipulated on live television last night by 330,000 votes. I watched the clip.
Only those who partake in the cheat know the truth.
Are you new here? I think you are if you haven’t seen the multiple articles regarding election fraud by Katy Grimes and the Globe. Thank goodness for journalists like Katy!
Democrats do not like having a recall that could affect them. I figure mail-in fraud happened they have worked on this for years. The recall was successful last time out, so it does work and should not be changed.
i think the recall process needs to be redone.
If REPUBLICAN lawmakers want to reform the recall process, how about putting a limit on how much money can be donated to the person being recalled? If these Republicans are so worried about wasted money why aren’t they all over the media continually about the 30 billion EDD fraud scandal? Unbelievable. These people don’t even respect the voters who worked so tirelessly to try to save this state. I’m disgusted with these useless politicians.
Am I confused? I believe this article is “Democrats call for reform of the recall process.”
Republicans??? They are Democrats.
I think you mean democrats. But I agree gotta limit the money one can raise and spend. Newsom got like $70 million in his campaign and it’s totally unfair he used that advantage to pull out all the stops to stop the recall.
When they are done Ponticus Pilot will preside over recalls.