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California Legislative Guide Published

This first one is on the legislative branch

By Katy Grimes, September 11, 2024 3:00 pm

California Globe contributor Chris Micheli has just published the first of three forthcoming practical guides on the three branches of California state government based upon the statutes found in the California Government Code. The first one is on the legislative branch. He expects the other two, on the executive and judicial branches, to be published next month.

“While I have written several books on the California Legislature and its legislative process, this practical guide covers the numerous statutory provisions governing the Legislature and its procedural rules,” Micheli explained. “The three branches of our state government are primarily found in our state Constitution, but there quite a few Government Code provisions as well. The purpose of this practical guide is to provide a summary of them to interested readers,” he said.

“A Practical Guide to California’s Legislative Department under the Government Code” is available for purchase from Amazon in either paperback or ebook versions. It can be purchased at this link at Amazon.

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