Downtown San Diego, California. Gaslamp Dist. (Photo: Johan Erkki, Shutterstock)
City of San Diego Implements Stringent Water Restrictions Beginning Friday
San Diego follows other cities and regions with new orders, regulations
By Evan Symon, June 10, 2022 12:30 pm
The City of San Diego began implementing its most stringent water restrictions to date on Friday following new orders and regulations from both Governor Gavin Gavin Newsom and the State Water Resource Control Board.
According to an announcement from the city, San Diego will be following the state Level 2 Water Shortage Contingency Plan as well as the City of San Diego Water Contingency Plan. Beginning on Friday, all San Diego water customers must use a hand-held hose with shutoff nozzle, hand-held container or a garden hose sprinkler system on a timer if there is no irrigation system present. Any irrigation will also not be allowed within 48 hours of a “rain event”.
In addition, landscape irrigation will be limited to only 3 times per week either before 10 A.M. or after 6 P.M. to avoid a high amount of water evaporation due to the heat, although commercial growers, commercial nurseries, and golf course greens and trees will remain exempt. Those in construction will be required to use only recycled or non-potable water when available. And finally, all residents will be barred from washing their car at home, with car washing only being permitted at commercial car wash establishments.
While many of the new restrictions are focused on residents, the city must also follow the same regulations for their own properties and facilities. The emergency regulation will be in place for at least one year, with San Diego also offering rebates to homes and businesses for putting in water saving measures such as rain barrels and gutters, turf replacement, and other water saving options.
More restrictions in San Diego
“We are asking San Diegans to take these steps now, so we can help avoid a more dire situation in the near future,” explained San Diego Public Utilities Department Director Juan Guerreiro on Friday. “Water is a precious resource and we must use our water wisely. We hope San Diegans will take the new restrictions to heart and take advantage of the range of rebates and water saving tips offered.”
Sweet Water Authority General Manager Carlos Quintero, who oversees water usage in many San Diego suburbs, added, “It’s not easy to achieve, it’s certainly a monumental task. Our customers are doing a great job in taking water use very seriously and really adjusting to reduce their water use. The numbers do add up. As water agencies, we have to look at the whole aggregate. Every little bit counts.”
Others have noted that despite San Diego not being in nearly in as much trouble as Northern California is now and has enough water for now, it’s not known how long the drought is to go for or if some water sources could be denied later on in the coming next few years.
“We need to be smart with water usage,” Lyle Oliver, a water control expert who has helped villages and cities on three continents survive droughts, told the Globe on Friday. “SoCal, for as much as they use water, have managed to not waste tons of water or environmental reasons. Some is still used for environmental reasons, but in general that plus over a century of tapping in water sources have helped them survive. San Diego even has some pretty important features like desalination plants and a huge water recycling program and drought-resistant (Pure Water Program). So while they are putting these restrictions up, they are obviously doing this now to keep future water intact.”
“It’s going to be a bit restrictive in the next year or two, but right now California looks like they can get out of this if they play it smart.”
Further restrictions in San Diego, as well as other areas of the state, may occur if the drought becomes more prolonged.
I love it. In order to save some Delta smelt, half the rain water in California is allowed to flow into the Pacific. Lawns and outside vegetation will be allowed to die, greatly reducing the amount of CO2 converted to oxygen. Los Angeles did this during the last draught several years ago causing 30% of the trees in the city to die and the average urban temperature to rise 10 degrees. Ironically, in the name of global warming, we are actually increasing global warming.
By most accounts the smelt didn’t get saved either. Considered extinct in the wild now.
Our neighbors just ripped out their beautiful lawn, and replaced it with artificial turf, which will now raise the “heat island” and not convert CO2 to oxygen, and will be “de-gassing” as the fake grass deteriorates in the sun…
The 13th chapter of Ed Ring’s excellent series on California water MIS-management was telling as to why those in charge are PURPOSEFULLY causing shortages, with politically-correct, virtue-signaling about a tiny bait-fish that no one has seen or cares about and is literally a drop-in-the-bucket in the big picture of sustaining life in California…
Again, this is a “science” topic that is rooted in POLITICAL science, not actual science, which is showing that the ENSO models are actually indicating another La Nina year, when the “experts” believe that an El Nino year should be developing…
In other words, the “experts” are guessing and don’t have a clue about the interrelationships between solar medians, ENSO oscillations, Chinese and Indian factory emissions and “climate change”…
But California legislators latch onto whatever is convenient to suit their scarcity narrative, started by “Jesuit Jerry” Brown, and continued by our own “Young Global Leader” Gavin Newsom, who are interested in advancing the WEF’s policies and agendas….
I find it difficult to believe that as many people ACTUALLY voted for Governor Hairgel in the latest primaries – I think the Dominion security exploits and tabulation algorithms were set to shift votes to the D’s (again)…
Why not use the budget surplus to invest in desalination plants? The last time I read, 75% of the planet is water, a hell of lot more ecological than windmills, and solar roofs!????????