Senator Elizabeth Warren. (Wikipedia)
Does Elizabeth Warren Have a California Problem?
No California Mayors have endorsed Warren for President
By Katy Grimes, March 2, 2020 1:15 pm
Does Elizabeth Warren Have a California Problem? It appears that Democratic Presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren hasn’t received an endorsement from one Mayor of a California city.
It also appears that Warren hasn’t received the endorsement from one California newspaper editorial board.
She has received endorsements from a few California legislators and county supervisors.
Most of Warren’s California support comes from entertainment sector – actors. Sally Field, Jane Fonda, Kathy Griffin, Ashley Judd, Scarlett Johansson and Rosie O’Donnell have lent their names and support to Warren. In the “Writers, Experts and Commentators” category, novelist Stephen King and Erza Klein, founder of and editor-at-large at Vox, have endorsed Warren.

Probably the most notable California supporter is First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of Gov. Gavin Newsom.
It doesn’t look good for Elizabeth Warren and California’s 494 Democratic delegates. At this point, most assume she is counting on being named the Vice Presidential Democratic nominee. However, the “Dream Big, Fight Hard” candidate still has a job in the U.S. Senate as a Senator from Massachusetts.
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Elizabeth Warren is a liar who posed as a Native American to get a job at Harvard University. She knew better as she grew up in Oklahoma where native American heritage is documented through historical records or it is disavowed. No one should be supporting this known liar and cheat for President of the United States.
The DNC sent a message loud and clear across California,” get in line behind Biden, or else.” It is very similar to the tactics Trump uses with his party. It would be political suicide for mayors to support her, just like they didn’t support Kamala. Feinstein and the gang were working for Biden from the beginning. ‘
Warren has drawn thousands to each CA event, she has a large grassroots organization here, and has raised millions in CA. She has support, but DNC’s scare tactic are, unfortunately, working.
In response to the comment on this forum. Warren did pose as an American Indian, she believed her family folklore of an Indian Squaw grandmother and was proud of it. We have similar stories in our family. We have a photo of our Indian grandmother, but our blood does not indicate this heritage. She wouldn’t have taken the blood test, if she didn’t believe. Elizabeth Warren fights for the middle class, fights corruption, understands the economy and foreign policy and works across party lines. Let’s not get hung up on non-issues, like her family folklore, or be reduced to juvenile name-calling.