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California State Capitol. (Photo:Kevin Sanders for California Globe)

Erika Contreras Nominated next Secretary of State Senate

She will fill the void of retiring Daniel Alvarez

By Sean Brown, November 30, 2018 4:39 pm

The California State Senate’s top executive spot is no longer up for grabs as Erika Contreras was nominated today to become the next Secretary to fill the prestigious role.

Working as Chief of Staff to Senator Ricardo Lara for almost a decade, Contreras will replace current Secretary Daniel Alvarez who announced his retirement after serving in the position for 4 years.

“Erika is deeply familiar with the inner workings of the Senate and has a profound appreciation for our traditions,” said Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (D-San Diego). “I’m confident she has the skills and temperament to guide this chamber into the future.”

Serving as the chief parliamentarian, the Secretary of the Senate is responsible for the handling of all legislative measures including bill and resolution oversight. Contreras will also be in charge of a nearly 150 person staff who conducts managing operations and human resources on a daily basis.

According to the LA Times, Contreras “graduated from UC Santa Barbara, was born in Aguascalientes, Mexico, and raised in the San Fernando Valley. Her family was granted legal residency following the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and she later earned her citizenship.”

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