Governor Gavin Newsom at a wildfire press conference on 7/10/24 (Photo: gov.ca.gov)
Gov. Newsom Hammered Over Support Of Biden During Wildfire Press Conference
Newsom faces unusual press pressure in California
By Evan Symon, July 10, 2024 5:09 pm
During a press conference on California’s readiness and response on Wednesday, Governor Gavin Newsom was hounded by the press over his continued support for President Joe Biden to run again in 2024 amidst a growing opposition from both lawmakers and voters.
For much of the press conference, it was business as usual for Governor Newsom. Speaking from the CAL FIRE McClellan Air Tanker Base in Sacramento, officials noted the largest fires happening so far this year, including the destructive Lake Fire that is currently threatening Santa Barbara’s wine growing areas. Cal Fire Chief Joe Tyler specifically pointed out that there have been more than 3,500 wildfires across California, with 207,415 acres burned and 128 structures damaged or destroyed in this year alone, as compared to only 10,080 acres burned this time last year, and the five year average of only around 38,000.
“Though the acres are big, the fatalities at this point are zero, the structures damaged or destroyed are low,” said Tyler. “We are not just in a fire season, but we are in a fire year. 95% of fires are caused by humans. Our winds and the recent heat wave have exacerbated the issue, consuming thousands of acres. So we need to be extra cautious.”
This led to Newsom taking the podium and adding to the statements.
“The last couple years brought welcome relief for California as we saw historically low levels of wildfire,” said Newsom on Wednesday. “This season is shaping up to be very active, bringing the threat of dangerous wildfire to many parts of our state. California is ready with the world’s largest aerial firefighting fleet and new technology that helps us fight fire smarter – and we’re already seeing our investments pay off.
“The hots, we say it all the time, are getting a lot hotter, experiencing unprecedented record heat, and these heat domes over the entire western United States over and over and over and over and over again.”
LIVE NOW: Governor @GavinNewsom and state officials provide update on California’s wildfire response and readiness. https://t.co/QCNU20FTH6
— California Governor (@CAgovernor) July 10, 2024
However, the press soon began asking about his support for President Joe Biden. A visibly frustrated Newsom, who has been defending Biden from weeks from just after the debate in Atlanta in late June to his recent tour of swing states where he acted as a surrogate for Biden, once again gave his support for Biden. When a reporter asked about Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently saying that “Biden should do what he decides to do,” Newsom curtly responded with “Her comments are unsurprising. It is obviously the decision of the president of the United States. I think I’ve had 100 media outlets asking the same question that kind of I think I’ve amply answered. That’s where I am and that’s where I stand.”
Newsom then deflected and said that Biden had received “unprecedented crowds of support” during his swing state travels.
When a question came up over his decision to travel and support Biden during a time of growing wildfires in the state and multiple bills needing to be looked at, Newsom defended himself. He specifically noted how big of an impact the election would have for Californians. Everything about this campaign will impact this state disproportionately. The president stood firm in supporting NATO last night in contrast to President Trump, who said he didn’t even know what NATO was. That’s how unserious Donald Trump is. Contrast that with the steadfast support of President Biden in his remarks last night.
“For the 40 million strong Democrats, Republicans, independents that have enjoyed democracy in California, I have a responsibility to meet this moment.”
Finally when asked about his balancing act of being Biden’s surrogate to his duties in California, Newsom responded by saying “I need a day off.”
The standard wildfire press conference turned into an event where Newsom had to repeatedly defend himself did not go unnoticed by political watchers, who commented on Newsom’s growing frustrations in the past week.
“To be fair to Newsom, Democrats as a whole didn’t want this to happen at all,” said Melissa Spielman, a political analyst based in Los Angeles, to the Globe on Wednesday. “I mean, this is ripping the party apart now, whether to support Biden or not because of his debate performance and all the concerns of if he is still all there. Newsom, being his surrogate and being in front of the media, while Biden and Harris have far fewer events where reporters can ask the same questions, is starting to pile up.”
“He obviously expected this press conference to just be about wildfires. To his credit, yeah, he was just fine on that front. Then he just became agitated. The press never used to keep laying into him like this, and Newsom obviously thought that, since he was home in California, this wouldn’t happen. But it did. He is obviously not used to this, and it doesn’t look like there is any slowing down on it. He agreed to be Biden’s surrogate and, well, these are the consequences.”
Newsom is expected to continue as Biden’s surrogate in the coming months.
Newsom’s not ready for national press attention. He made himself Biden’s chief surrogate- now when his opinion is called into question, he gets irate. As a top elected official his first responsibility is to this country, not to his party.
The nation gets to see how low Gavin will go!
A surrogate for Biden is all ya need to know! Even Aunt Nasty Pelosi will not commit.
Remember the Dems and their Pravda media sycophants have been protecting the Resident in the White House for 3+ years! This is no surprise to them that he can’t and should not be the leader of the free world!
What an absolute joke/jerk Gavin Newsom is!
Newsom looks increasingly like a lizard in a skin suit? He must not be guzzling enough adrenochrome?
Really. LOL
Hey Newsom – I’ve got news for ya… this year is no hotter than others, and many of the “heat records” that are being broken date from the 30’s and 40’s…
What IS different is that preventative prescribed burns (that used to be done early in the Spring or during the “June gloom”, when I was a kid) aren’t being done because your policies capitulated to your “green” “environmental” cabal because of misguided concerns about smoke and particulate matter…
As a result, the fuel load is excessive and when fires start, there is simply more fuel to burn, sometimes DECADES WORTH!!!
It’s just another example of BAD DEMOCRAT GOVERNANCE and policies that are ACTUALLY HARMFUL to Californians!!!
Decades of GOVERNMENT suppressing good fire has gotten us to the mess we are in.
If we had more water storage, which again government makes very difficult, people might have more watered areas around houses. Stop removing dams without replacement dams, which can be in seasonal drainages, first. Put more farmers and ranchers in government environmental policy. They are boots on the ground and see what needs done.
If Gov. Unelectable to Higher Office was as concerned about wildfire safety as he makes out, why did he signficantly reduce the CPUC fine assessed against his wife’s employer, PG&E, for the fires in Nhttps://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/newsom-pge-protection/103-65ca1d41-8efe-45b4-87bc-0cdecc714378ortheastern California We now have the defensible space police in much of California- another do nothing, revenue generating crock of sh*t designed to punish homeowners (paricularly in affluent, non- Democrat leaning counties, who are going to start levying fines, not for brush clearing abatement, but to close the budget deficit created by Newsome! These geniuses, the Brush Police, were on the 7% slope behind our house snapping pictures earlier this month because we could hear our Cane Corso going apoplectic barking and growling (which is her job). So I asked Capt. Non-sensical with Cal-Fiire what he and the other morons were doing, having watched about an hour of grab ass and flirting when their armada of exempt govenment vehicles parked in front of our house, to which he responded they were inspecting defenible space in the neighborhood and that the brush outside our perimeter fence needed attention. When I pointed out that: 1) he was trespassing on Private Property; 2) that area wasn’t within our property lines, and 3) he was welcome discuss it with our dog, he got all densible spac-ish an rounded up his posse and left.