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Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington DC, September 2021. (Photo: Naresh111 / Shutterstock.com)

Greenberg Brief: I’ll Never Vote for Kamala Harris, and Neither Should You

Lessons learned from this exhausted San Francisco voter

By Richie Greenberg, October 24, 2024 7:03 am

Over the last 4 years, conditions in big Democrat-controlled cities across the nation have deteriorated, serving as perfect examples because progressive liberals are simply incapable of effectively running our cities and towns. Even more concerning is increasing evidence of malice; politicians, once elected, flip-flop on their campaign promises, reverse previous administrations’ policies, causing untold damage to society. If you’ve been paying attention these past few years, you already know this.

From crime-ridden cities like San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Minneapolis, to name just a few, residents have been fleeing, mom-and-pop shops shuttered, tourists targeted, and crime victims’ pleas often ignored. This chaotic, anti-law and order scheme is an inept and dangerous way to run a city; no voter in their right mind would elect, or re-elect, any official who would perpetuate such reckless disregard for our quality of life and dismiss criminal accountability.

Kamala Harris is such a candidate we simply cannot trust. Apart from her perpetually shunning press conferences, where she and her handlers can’t control the conversation, she comes from the most liberal area in America: The San Francisco Bay area. Think rampant crime, drug dealers, homelessness, brazen daytime robberies at gunpoint, dismally-poor public school performance, and streets of shuttered businesses. These are features of many liberal-controlled cities and Americans simply should not allow this mentality to spread.

Here in California, voters have chosen to recall rogue District Attorneys like infamous Chesa Boudin, or defeated others of his ilk at the polls; Soros-backed “prosecutors” lied to get into office and have no qualms lying to stay there, wreaking havoc on the criminal justice system, upending law-abiding citizens’ lives. And this Election Day, multiple jurisdictions in California will see recalls of rogue DAs like Alameda County (Oakland, CA) Pamela Price, and a voting out of George Gascon in Los Angeles. Here in San Francisco, we will likely see the defeat and ousting of Mayor London Breed, and across the Bay, Oakland’s mayor Sheng Thao is headed for recall. What’s in common? Progressive, liberal ideology, ignoring taxpayers’ needs and pleas and playing favorites to insiders and close friends.

Kamala Harris is undeniably a Left-coast liberal of the worst kind: the San Francisco Bay Area liberal. Born in Oakland and raised for some portion of her childhood years, she’s joined the political elite class since early 2000’s rubbing shoulders (and other parts) with the most influential and corrupt officials of that time.

Although Harris was indeed elected as DA in 2003 and later, California’s Attorney General, this does not mean she served the state’s best interest.

Kamala Harris supporters today attempt to justify elevating her to the nation’s highest office based on her track record 10 or 20 years ago. But nearly ever circumstance under which she served back then has changed. We aren’t in the early 2000’s. The internet was still in infancy, the iPhone had not yet existed, and our nation was still reeling from the 9/11 attacks. 2008 saw the Great Recession amid a mortgage meltdown. And our Southern border was as secure as it could be. Fentanyl wasn’t on the streets.

Judging Kamala Harris in her long-ago role of DA and Attorney General is one thing; scrutinizing her performance as presidential candidate in 2019 is another and is much more relevant. And at that, she failed, rather dismally. She polled terribly and the famous debate takedown by Tulsi Gabbard is prima facia evidence of her inadequacy. How on Earth is she the anointed presidential candidate?

Equally important today is Harris as Vice President, failing in the two most publicized roles she was assigned: Border Czar and head of the $42 Billion Internet Expansion plan. These are the types of failures we San Franciscans immediately recognize: An incapable (or malicious-acting) elected official who cannot perform the task, or refuses to do so, lashes out at critics, asserts criticism of their failures is racist, sexist – yet ultimately, they still failed as the task. Rogue District Attorneys, mayors, city council members, public school commissioners, state senators, up the ladder to California Governor Gavin Newsom, all of which proudly stand by their ultimately dismal records; abject failures in complete denial, all the while shouting out at their critics.

Kamala Harris is even worse by all accounts. Not an eloquent nor charismatic speaker, she possesses no credible answers (nor tangible plans) for addressing crime, drugs, homelessness, the open border, inflation, economy, national defense, raging antisemitism.  Her promises to America, few and far between, flip-flop by the day. She flubs virtually every interview she accepts, failing to answer the most basic of questions of policy. When pressed, she deflects to blaming others – including the previous White House administration – which as we know, ended nearly 4 years ago. Adding insult to injury, she’s endorsed by meanest of malcontents, George Soros.

Harris as contender does not exhibit the charisma to win over undecided voters. Kamala has no path to turning our country around, sorely lacking any message to unite Americans and stop the bitter divisions started years ago, even before Biden’s predecessor. Today, she offers nothing of value to address the most pressing issues.

Recent polls show Americans believe we are on the wrong track (79%) while she is part of the current Biden/Harris administration. Yet Kamala cackles and flails her arms around during interviews and podcasts; choosing a fake accent, she responds to queries with non sequiturs and canned talking points, irrelevant phrases such as being raised “middle class,” and as has most recently been revealed, she plagiarizes. Every aspect of her candidacy and her recent time served in office has been a façade of dereliction and jaw-dropping inaction. She’s essentially a cardboard cutout. This week, she resorted to extremist, divisive rhetoric equating her opponent to Hitler. She pretends she’s more friendly to Israel. Such smack talk is deeply offensive to the nation’s Jews and reeks of desperation. It’s despicable. Indeed, Harris’ campaign is faltering.

Here’s what is most appalling, from a San Francisco perspective: since 2021, we activists and advocates very effectively undertook coalition-building which brought together voters from across the political spectrum, Left, Right and center, to rally against rogue, anti-prosecution DAs, pushing back against incompetence and malicious mayors, to stand up to corrupt school commissioners – we took action. We recalled them, we voted them out, and several elected officials are on the chopping block this Election Day. Yet with this all-important presidential race nearing its final weeks, these same advocates, our coalition of angry activist voters, has quickly run to… Kamala Harris.

San Francisco voters have spoken: We want clean and safe streets, good schools, drug dealers prosecuted and removed; give the homeless shelter, addiction treatment or a return ticket homeward. We want bureaucracy’s red tape lessened, and taxpayers respected. We want an improved quality of life and value for our hard-earned tax money. Lately, our big cities aren’t doing any of this. We do want change; we demand real change. And Harris isn’t the change.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Kamala has proven to be the worst candidate possible, fronted by a corrupt and malicious political machine we in San Francisco have learned to recognize, call out and loath, and have successfully voted against. Take it from us, one of the nation’s most liberal cities, that Kamala Harris as President would be an absolute disaster.

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9 thoughts on “Greenberg Brief: I’ll Never Vote for Kamala Harris, and Neither Should You

  1. You have it right! Never vote for Kamala.
    Vote for Donald J. Trump and let us overwhelm the vote! America and the world need Trump in the White House.
    Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large
    Vote Mindy and Trump!

  2. It’s sad that so many in the SF Bay Area are brainwashed fools who will vote for a lousy WEF globalist stooge like Kamala with her fake accents and her word salads.

    1. You are using improper English, and you can’t even spell her name. Only the ones who can’t educate themselves are the ones voting for Harris.

      1. Kamala is self centered, nasty, has no character, humility or charisma. She could not handle a paper bag, and certainly could not handle a country. Donald is self centered, but could and did and will handle a diverse globe of people in ways most people have not learned. Just watch him and learn.

  3. If Harris’ 2020 performance is relevant, so is Trump’s He lost in 2020 and by many accounts he knew it. Yet he stood against sacred US tradition of smooth transfer of power and worked to try and stay in power, even claiming that the US Constitution must be disregarded.

    Speaking of looking at the candidates record, Trump’s rise to riches was funded not by the $1 million from his father that he claimed, but by over $400 million from his father that led to many business bankruptcies. How does one bankrupt gambling casinos where the house always wins? Also if you want to know what’s behind the poor and homeless in San Francisco, look no further than GOP supply side economics, which has tricked the wealth of America upward to overflow the bank accounts of the already rich.

    1. Hey Jan – what a load of horse crap you spewed there…
      If you looked closely, those people breaking windows and kicking in doors were skateboard-helmeted ANTIFA members…
      President Trump rightfully asked voters to peacefully protest, but Democratic agitators and police actions contributed to the “insurrection”…
      Also, you’re projecting about who is tricking the wealth of America to themselves – it’s Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and others like her…
      Hopefully, the scales will fall from your eyes and you’ll stop being gaslit by the lies spewed by the Democrat party….

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