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California Globe editor Katy Grimes on the Mike Slater show. (Photo: youtube)

How and Why California Became a Deep Blue One-Party State

California may be the current cradle of crazy, and now some of their biggest political leaders are set to run the country

By California Globe, December 8, 2020 12:43 pm

California Globe editor Katy Grimes joined Mike Slater, San Diego radio and talk host, to discuss California’s corruption and why California is a one-party state. Mike also interviewed former California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore and KABC radio talk host John Phillips.

The State of California may be the current cradle of crazy, but it wasn’t always that way. Dramatic demographic & culture changes, along with a corrupt government, have destroyed the Golden State before our very eyes. Now some of their biggest political leaders are set to run the country. Slater asks, “Is California the crystal ball for the future of America?”

California: Failed State


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5 thoughts on “How and Why California Became a Deep Blue One-Party State

  1. To sum it up California has been corrupt for decades after Reagan democrats decided the only way was to cheat. I’ve been reporting corruption for decades and it always fell on deaf ears until our great President Trump took office…..Newsom IS NOT A LEGALLY ELECTED GOV COX WON NOT GAVIN…..REPORT THE EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM TO THE FCC THIS SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED!!!!!!

  2. California is not deep blue. It only seems that way due to corruption and voter fraud and the fact that the pathetic GOP has given up. If anything it is purple going to red. Trump has won and no one from the Kalifornia Kommunist party is going to be running anything but the kitchen detail in federal prison. Globe! Don’t go all wobbly on us!

  3. IT may have already been said but
    Dominion voting machines have been in California for10 + years, so none of the
    current politicians are lawfully occupying offices in the state

  4. I know I voted AGAINST all the SCUM in Ca office, and was blown away when I got my voter handbook. MOST candidates who are trying to secure their position will have at least a FEW comments regarding, well, their freakin CAMPAIGN!! NewSCUM had NOTHING. ALL BLANK!! NOBODY I know, including me, voted for the piece of SHIT, and cant fathom why anyone WOULD! I called it, and sure as horsefeathers, the son of a biscuit won by HUGE margins! (sure he did!) Again, NOBODY I know voted for this piece of septic frog-shit, so what were we saying about no evidence of voter fraud?? Time for a large scale D&C I say….

  5. Russell said it first but it bears repeating :

    Dominion established and dare I say REFINED their vote cheating and log destruction systems here in California for well over 10 years…

    As the old adage goes ” As California goes, so goes the Nation”

    Contribute to the Election Integrity Project California, a 501c3 that is filing lawsuits against all the corrupt CA legislators and County Registrars of Voters that allow Dominion Systems in their Counties

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