Insanity Knows No Bounds: Censoring A Rap Song

Breed, Brown and a critical video

San Francisco Mayor London Breed. (Photo: ca.gov.ca)

The origins of Rap, it’s rhyming, alliterating and tongue-twisting music, grew from protests of inner-city frustration over 40 years ago. From racial tensions to a failed criminal justice system, wars and corrupt politicians, it’s among the nation’s most popular genres. Even SiriusXM subscription radio devotes more than a dozen separate channels to Rap and Hip-Hop. Overseas, I’ve personally heard French Rap, German, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, and I will assume every language on Earth can be rapped to some degree.

Just weeks ago, December 19th, 2023, a San Francisco restaurateur and rapper named Andy “Chino” Yang, released a song and video with an unusual theme: A criticism of our mayor, London Breed.  And it’s pretty good.



This should hardly be controversial though, and perhaps not even significantly noticeable. After all, across generations and decades there have been so many lyrical criticisms of elected leaders: The pop/punk band Green Day makes a living with slams of U.S. Presidents and Congress. South African apartheid was an easy target to sing about. In a city like San Francisco, we have a truly rich anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-“the Man” culture. What happened?

Yang’s song, “San Francisco, Our Home,” has crossed a line, apparently. Not with most of us city residents and business owners, mind you, but with fans of Mayor London Breed and the supporters of her re-election. They are upset. They are livid; seething, they called a press conference this morning to denounce Chino Yang and his song, going as far as demanding it be taken down. Thing is, Chino Yang is in the spotlight, not for inflammatory falsehoods, but for simply telling the truth.

He owns a restaurant that’s been hit by burglars numerous times. He’s frustrated by lack of decency and respect of our property, the anti-Asian sentiment by a segment of our residents, and much of the crime spike does indeed fall on Mayor Breed’s lap. The buck stops with her, she’s to blame. Her failures to adequately fund our police department, and now a reversal, with a budget so insanely high, she’s resorted to demanding budget cuts across departments and agencies. Although Chesa Boudin’s removal as DA did of course help matters, a downsized SFPD and a police commission which just wants to hamstring and prosecute cops is really not helping the situation.

Yang says in his song, for example, “Tweakers keep messing with me … the city has no law and order … crooked politicians… phony-ass liberals…Mayor Breed is a clown.. we’re done watching our city turn into a Zombieland, throw our middle fingers up to the Mayor”, and more. Simple, and relatable. The video of Yang’s rap is captioned with the words in English and translated to Chinese characters as well.

The Reverend Amos Brown takes exception, and boy is he outraged. At the 11:00am “press conference” he called this morning to denounce and flay Yang’s rap, he insinuated Yang’s perception of the mayor is incorrect, that basically he’s lying.  And thereby Yang disrespected our mayor. And for this, he paraded several Black community members to the stage in his own church (the easiest venue to arrange a parade of denouncing speeches of course), to heap praise on Mayor Breed and to diss the rapper.

Rev Brown is the 82 year-old pastor of the Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, a staunch supporter of the mayor, and a former member on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. He is also a paid member of the San Francisco Reparations Plan committee. I recently participated in a point-counter point discussion with him on local CBS affiliate KPIX. He’s also president of the local SF NAACP chapter and is a member of the California Reparations Task Force. He’s connected but his views outdated, and certainly a bit departed from the voice he fought with during civil rights protests. He was arrested with Martin Luther King Jr. back in a 1961 lunch counter sit-in in Atlanta. Rev. Brown should know, better than anyone, about free speech and constitutional protections.

Mayor London Breed is acknowledged to be in trouble politically. Polls over the last two years confirm her unpopularity and she’s expected to face a very tough battle for re-election next November. This asymmetrical response to Yang’s rap is particularly startling. Yang’s words are not highly controversial. they are quite simple a d direct to the point. And they are Yang’s feelings on the subject. Yet Rev. Brown and Breed supporters demand the video be removed. The U.S. Constitution protects Yang for his feelings and his words and is his personal expression of frustration with city hall. He’s an artist, and Breed’s supporters have ignited a flame of outrage of the public against her.

Yesterday, Chino Yang posted an “apology” on his Instagram account. He’s “seen the light” and yet, the underlying tone of his apology seems he’s coerced into making the statement.  He alluded to safety for is family and business. An apology under duress is not believable, I don’t accept it, nor should we ever demand one. I hope law enforcement becomes involved if this is true.

We are waiting for further remarks on this issue to come in the near future, and Yang has nothing to apologize for. But for now, what Yang is being criticized for is just bizarre, it’s embarrassing for the Mayor and Rev. Brown, it’s truly absurd, and its unconstitutional.

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Richie Greenberg: Richie Greenberg is a long-time San Francisco resident, political commentator and former Republican candidate for mayor. He was founder of and media spokesman for the recall of DA Chesa Boudin. Follow him on X/Twitter @greenbergnation and www.richiegreenberg.org

View Comments (6)

  • Chino Yang should have never apologized, but it's understandable he did considering the intimidation and threats that he may have been subjected to by the Democrat Mayor's office and her thug supporters? It's ironic that Chino Yang's YouTube video appropriates rap from the ghetto thug culture that is committing most of the attacks on the Asian community?

  • Song: "California here I come" now replaced with "Venezeula here I come where speech is controlled by despots"
    The self absorbed San Franciscans will never come to grips with reality, it is too late!
    Goodbye, so long to one of the worlds greatest cities. :( :(

  • I used to wonder about the History of SF when Vigilante Committees were formed to dispense justice when the courts and PD failed.
    This must have been what it was like back then.. I see it all over the world, where outspoken people have guns pointed at them, or their families..?
    Employers in many public agencies like the City and States hold this power over their employees, who become enforcers or they lose their jobs or pensions.
    Criticism is not allowed, apologies are not heard, behavior of the elites are not affected.
    The alleged “preacher” in the article must have great experience (from the 60s) he has leveraged into a career with his “final solution” being some totalitarian treatment of the flock he cares for.. nice guy

  • [And they are Yang’s feelings on the subject. Yet Rev. Brown and Breed supporters demand the video be removed. The U.S. Constitution protects Yang for his feelings and his words and is his personal expression of frustration with city hall. He’s an artist, and Breed’s supporters have ignited a flame of outrage of the public against her.]

    Is Amos Brown her only supporter at the moment? I can’t possibly fathom who could defend her abdication of duty! The leaders have an obligation to protect their citizenry. Mr Chino Yang is only expressing the truth through his art. He has no need to apologize!
    If supporters like Amos Brown are willfully blind to the ongoing crimes and Breeds lack of action, then I can only summate he is part of the problem!

    Last I checked free expression through art is our first amendment right. Anyone who thinks otherwise may be just be part of the problem and have fascist tendencies!

  • I gotta wonder if Chino Yang himself voted for another Democrat named London Breed as the next mayor of SF. If he did vote for her, then I'm sorry. I got little sympathy here.

  • @ Miwok

    There were two Vigilance Committees. The first was to deal with gangs of Australian criminals during the Gold Rush years in 1851. The second one is more interesting. It was to deal with the utterly corrupt Democratic Party city government in 1856.

    The William Davis book from1889, Sixty Years in California, has the full story of the why and the how. The Second Vigilance Committees did a great job of cleaning up city politics which was reasonable clean until the big influx of Irish Labor leaders in the 1890's which gave us the Mayor Schmitz / Reuf gang. Who looted City Hall for over a decade until cleared out by Mayor Rolfe in the 1910's.

    So when the Democrats run City Hall in SF it is always utterly corrupt and total incompetent. Which has been the story since Shelly in the 1960's. No sign of another Sunny Jim Rolph anytime soon so maybe a Third Vigilance Committee might not be a bad idea. After all until the Canadians in the Vancouver gold fields totally screwed up the term "Vigilante' had mostly positive connotations .

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