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Los Angeles City Hall. (Photo: City of Los Angeles)

LA City Council Passes Oil and Gas Drilling Ban

All existing oil, gas wells are to be phased out within the next 20 years

By Evan Symon, December 3, 2022 2:30 am

The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously on Friday to place a ban on all new oil and gas well drilling, with existing wells to be phased out in the next two decades.

Both the State of California and Los Angeles had previously placed drastic limits on current oil and gas drilling within the state and the Los Angeles area respectively. In 2021 alone, California passed laws or signed agreements to ban new gas and oil development from taking place within 3, 200 feet of most existing buildingsban fracking by 2024ban all oil extraction by 2045, and phase out oil and gas production by 2045, with the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors also approving a law to ban all new oil wells and drilling in unincorporated parts of the County and closing 1,600 idle or unused wells.

However, the City of Los Angeles began formulating plans to end oil and gas extraction much sooner than 2045, with a motion put up for discussion earlier this year to ban all new extraction immediately, and phase out the rest by 2042. The motion, based on the environmental and health damages of existing wells, shown through multiple studies of the wells worsening the health of Los Angeles residents living nearby, quickly garnered support throughout the year, leading to the vote on Friday.

“Hundreds of thousands of Angelenos have had to raise their kids, go to work, prepare their meals and go to neighborhood parks in the shadows of oil and gas production,” said Los Angeles City Council president Paul Krekorian of the motion. “The time has come when we end oil and gas production in the city of Los Angeles.”

The City of Los Angeles, which currently has 780  active oil and gas wells and 287 idle wells, would need to permanently shut down and seal the over 1,000 open wells throughout the city. Oil companies who defended the wells throughout the year noted that just closing the wells could lead to additional environmental issues, but City attorneys dismissed those concerns, influencing a unanimous vote.

“In Los Angeles, we sit on the largest urban oil deposit in the world,” added Councilman Marqueece Harris-Dawson ahead of the vote. “So if Los Angeles can do it, cities around the world can do it.”

However, oil and gas companies, who have invested tens of millions into oil and gas infrastructure throughout the city, including many fake buildings to make the drilling more aesthetically pleasing, countered that they will likely legally challenge the action in some way shape or form.

A lawyer for another company, who wished to remain anonymous, added in a Globe interview that “Yeah, this isn’t over. There is a lot of money tied up right now with oil all across LA. The Council just can’t cut us off at our knees.”

Legal counters against the motion are expected in the near future.

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Evan Symon
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6 thoughts on “LA City Council Passes Oil and Gas Drilling Ban

  1. LA City Council: See this MIDDLE FINGER? Them and all environmental greenies can shove it up their @$$! They are going to destroy thousands of jobs. But they know what is best for us. That is why they are in charge!

  2. All city employees and city departments must now stop all oil and natural gas use. NOW! Be leaders instead of dictators.

  3. So the LA City Council has banned all new oil and gas well drilling for a city that is dependent on vehicles using petroleum? Maybe the deep-state Democrat cabal who were installed on LA’s City Council are just following the dictates of their WEF globalist masters? Maybe they receive payoffs and/or threats?

  4. I think companies should stop delivery of all products that use oil such as tires, packaging, paints, lubricants, solvents, cleaning products, and motor fuels. Leave the oil for the rest of us who have common sense.

  5. I didn’t realize that oil wells were such a health problem. Since that is the case, the La Brea tar pits also need to be flattened and sealed with concrete. Health is health. The tar pits are even more hazardous than oil wells.

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