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Local Government Practical Guide Released

Short chapters cover the different types of local governments in this state

By Katy Grimes, July 21, 2024 5:52 pm

California Globe contributor Chris Micheli just released his most recent book in a series entitled “A Practical Guide to California Local Governments.” The book’s short chapters cover the different types of local governments in this state, as well as some interesting coverage of diverse topics including incompatible activities and local election procedures.

“To appreciate California government, you cannot just focus on state institutions. Our local governments – cities, counties, special districts – all play a vital role in governing our citizens. Local governments provide important services to the people of this state. So, it is important to have a basic understanding about the different types of local governments we have and the respective roles that each of them play,” Micheli explained.

The following are the book’s contents:

1                      Local Governments                                                                 1

2                      Role of Local Governments                                                    3

3                      County Government Overview                                               5

4                      City Government Overview                                                   6

5                      Special Districts                                                                      7

6                      FAQs on Special Districts                                                       9

7                      Regional Governments                                                           10

8                      FAQs on Regional Governments                                            12

9                      The District Organization Law                                               13

10                    Brown Act Open Meetings Law                                             15

11                    Incompatible Activities                                                           17

12                    Ethics Training for Local Agencies                                        19

13                    FAQ on When Elected Officials Take Office                         20

14                    What Are State-Mandated Local Programs?                          21

15                    Local Legislative Bodies and Adoption of Ordinances          23

16                    Local Agencies Levying Fees                                                 25

17                    Dealing with Federal or Local Preemption in Legislation      27

18                    Local Elections Procedures                                                     29

19                    Local Redistricting Commissions                                           31

This book can be purchased at Amazon for $11.99.

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