Natural gas stove. (Photo: Katy Grimes for California Globe)
My Exchange with a CA Globe Dissenter
‘Are you the editor of some MAGA rag or what?’
By Katy Grimes, January 1, 2025 3:00 am
When I receive an email from a faithful Globe reader, or a skeptic, a hater or a troll, I respond. While I truly enjoy and appreciate emails from Globe faithful, I make sure to respond to the skeptics and haters as well, hoping to break through the noise. Trolls are another thing entirely – as tempting as it is to write back something cheeky, I don’t. And some (the cranky, nutty kooks) I have to block.
I received an email today from a gentleman who admitted that he was writing me about an article he didn’t fully read, and then accused me of running a “MAGA rag.” I responded.
Here is the exchange:
Hi Katy.
First I have to apologize because I did not read the entire article concerning Governor Newson banning sales of gas powered equipment.
Your article makes it seem like he’s going to be pounding down our doors in 2030 telling us to get rid of our gas powered equipment and that’s just fake news!
Are you the editor of some MAGA rag or what?
According to an abbreviated list of articles you’ve already written it certainly appears so.
Please correct me if I’m wrong on anything I’ve written here.
Thanks Dean XXXX.
Here is my reply:
You may want to read the entire article as it is sourced and links are provided. I also quote an OC Supervisor who is warning the same, and cautions, “You will be forced to comply. The old technology – the water heaters and furnaces you are using today – will be illegal to purchase or install.” We link Harvard Health Publishing, the Rocky Mountain Institute,MDPI International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, and U.S. National Institute of Health (NIH) National Library of Medicine. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical research in the world. The WHO is named in the studies, as are many Chinese studies.So yes, at some point in 2030, we will be forced to comply… even by banging down our doors.
And the point of the article (if you read it to the end) is many or most of the orders, directives and policies by Gov. Newsom and legislative Democrats are detrimental to California residents.
You also may want to reflect on what MAGA stands for: Make America Great Again. Using that as a slur is lazy, and a favorite of the brain trust on The View. And no, we are not a “MAGA rag.”
The California Globe covers state politics and the Governor and the California Legislature. We are credentialed reporters. Admit it – you just don’t like what we report.
Thank you for your email. I sincerely hope you read more of our reporting to counterbalance most of what is being reported in California about the Governor and Legislature.

I could have gone into more detail, but I didn’t want to lose him. I do want him to read our articles and opinion columns and think deeply about why he called us a “MAGA rag.”
Please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Happy New Year 2025 California Globe readers and friends. We truly appreciate you.
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Thank you for this excellent article It was very helpful and informative.
Katy- your response was thorough and professional. The writer was an obvious troll.
The experience you describe is common for many of your readers. I never spout political or social opinions, nor do I argue, but if I’m asked, I will express a measured response. Your excellent writing about California politics is must reading . But it is truly amazing how many people are not just poorly informed but filled with toxic propaganda by our MSM.
That you for your thorough research and please know you are much appreciated by your readers. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and keep up the good work.
Anger is the common leftist response when their world view is challenged with the truth. The legacy media has done a great job of brain washing and influencing a large segment of the population. It is web sites like the California Globe that are forging a new path to the truth.
Hi Katy,
You could have pointed out that there are a number of jurisdictions (City of San Jose for one) in the state that have prohibited installation of replacement residential natural gas-fired equipment (primarily water heaters and furnaces – which require a building permit). They haven’t figured out how to prohibit natural gas range/oven replacements due to the fact they do not normally require a permit to replace yet.
Pete, we have already reported on several cities which imposed gas appliance bans. In one, the California Restaurant Association sued Berkeley over the city’s natural gas ban. U.S. District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers (Obama appointee) ruled that the city had the authority to regulate the distribution of natural gas when she dismissed the restaurant association’s lawsuit. They appealed to the 9th Circuit and won – a precedence setting decision. However, that doesn’t mean cities won’t continue to try again. I will revisit this case again in another article.
” . . . I did not read the entire article . . .” pretty much sums up why California and much of the rest of the United States are such a mess. I know I have posted this quote numerous times but it bears repeating: “The greatest argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Winston Churchill
You said it, Fed Up!
That is exactly why California has the government it does.
Katy responded like the pro she is. We all need to keep directing our family, friends and neighbors to this publication. Apathy can no longer be the standard in this state!
We can literally see government overreach/growth/lies in this area with our own eyes. We were first told back in the 2000’s that the fireplace was the cause of our problems and needed to be eliminated and now almost 20 years later it’s all the comforts of a modern 1st world country that are the cause of all of our problems. If these folks were to be successful in implementing their full agenda life as we know it would be over. They are racing as fast as they can to implement as many of these draconian policies as they can it’s our duties as citizens to point out their radical agenda and offer commonsense solutions.
Katy, keep up the good work in 2025! Thanks, Hal
Thank you Hal. Happy New Year!
Perfect response! Reasonable, measured, accurate and , possibly most important, welcoming. At least they were honest enough to admit that they did not read the entire article, or maybe a more accurate descriptor, but that would be too easy and decisive.
Keep pushing back on the frontiers of ignorance, Katy!
Love it!
Good job educating him. if he read your response.
Thanks for your good work about our leader,lol.
I share his misdirection and draconian ways with my friends and family back east.
Face it, California is beyond help as many years of nutty stoner government people have ruined a once great state.
Thank you, Katy. I’ve followed your reporting from back when you were with CalWatchdog. Your reporting is refreshing and needed in today’s world of biased reporting. I left California for Florida (could not longer afford the state Democrats created), but still log in to read your great articles.
Thank you Frank. We have a surprising number of regular readers who harken back to CalWatchdog days, and even some back to the Sacramento Union days! Happy New Year to you. I hope you are enjoying Florida.
MAGA rag = rational and thoughtful analysis on economic and political issues…
Nothing to be embarrassed about – in fact, be proud because it means that you’re over the target when they’re taking (stupid) shots like this at you….
You are to be commended for your restraint in answering the “MAGA rag” guy! I’ve followed you for many years and have yet to see even 1 article not true or factual. Happy New Year Katy…keep it up!
Dean XXXX sounds like a hopelessly brainwashed Democrat and/or he’s in some way benefiting from the climate change scam of Gavin “Hair-gel Hitler” Newsom and the criminal Democrat mafia that controls California?