Newman Police Officer Ronil Singh (Stanislaus County Sheriff)
Newman Remembers Ronil Singh
Gov. Newsom a no-show at December 26 memorial for slain police officer
By Lloyd Billingsley, December 29, 2019 8:02 am
“Hundreds Gather To Remember Cpl. Ronil Singh, One Year After He Was Killed In Line Of Duty.” As the CBS News story recalled, December 26 marked one year since Singh was gunned down by a man he pulled over on suspicion of drunken driving. A Mexican national calling himself Paulo Virgen Mendoza, illegally present in the United States, has been charged with the murder of Singh, popular with his peers in law enforcement.
As retired Turlock police officer Matt Speckman told Fox News, “I accepted his application at the counter and saw a real young, goal-oriented kid, I call him, who wanted to live out a couple dreams, get his citizenship and become a police officer.” According to Speckman, the legal immigrant worked hard to improve his English skills and become a K9 officer.
Stanislaus County deputy Nathan Crain told reporters “You don’t ever forget about it. You don’t ever lose sight of the sacrifice that they made.” According to longtime Newman resident Theresa Brown the city is still healing, and the Singh family still grieving.
“My brother we miss you, we love you so much,” said Ronil’s brother Reggie Singh at the ceremony. “I know you’re looking down, I just want to let you know every day is not easy.” Ronil “Ron” Singh leaves behind a wife and young son. The hundreds gathered in Newman on December 26 presented the family with a flag-pole memorial and released balloons bearing blue lights.
Not present at the ceremony was Gov. Gavin Newsom and neither was Attorney General Xavier Becerra. In similar style, both officials were no-shows at Singh’s funeral and neither decried the officer’s murder as an example of “gun violence.” Newsom and Becerra support the state’s sanctuary law that protects criminal illegals. Likewise, both Democrats support the draconian gun laws passed in 2016, none of which affected the suspect charged with murdering Ronil Singh.
California gun laws taking effect in 2020 include AB 12, which extends the amount of time before a person can buy a gun to five years, if they have a gun violence restraining order placed against them. AB 1968 prohibits those admitted to a health facility more than once during one year from owning a gun for life. SB 61 prohibits anyone from buying more than one handgun and semiautomatic rifle a month.
As with the gun laws passed in 2016, none of the 2020 measures will effect violent criminals., who gain access to firearms and ammunition through illegal means. To date, the state’s law requiring background checks for ammunition purchases has blocked more than 60,000 purchases by law-abiding gun owners, including sheriff’s deputies. The law will have no effect on violent criminals such as the killer of Ronil Singh.
, the gang-affiliated illegal charged in the case, fled the scene of the crime and seven other illegals aided his flight before police apprehended the suspect in Bakersfield. Judge Ricardo Córdova, appointed in 2003 by Gov. Gray Davis, has postponed the preliminary hearing until March 10, 2020.
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