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President Trump’s Conviction: Today Any of us Could be Branded a Criminal if it Serves Political Purposes

America stands as the closest embodiment of political goodness the world has ever seen

By Bill Wells, June 4, 2024 8:04 am

When Barack Obama burst onto the political scene with his electrifying slogan “Hope and Change,” he captivated the world. Yet beneath those words lay the seeds of a cultural conflict aimed at dismantling America’s foundations to rebuild it into a socialist utopia. In response, a new political movement emerged, led by the improbable figure of Donald Trump. The reaction to Trump was swift and intense, with his opponents recoiling as if exposed to sunlight. This hatred was so fierce that it fractured friendships, cost jobs, and even tore apart families, all driven by what can only be described as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The recent conviction of President Donald Trump on 34 felony counts did not come as a surprise. Many Americans, myself included, saw it coming. This conviction marks the end of our belief in a fair and just legal system and, with it, the essence of American freedom. While Trump is now labeled a felon, the truth everyone knows, but few will admit, is that this conviction is a sham. Even those who have relentlessly pursued him know this, but they believe the ends justify the means.

America is shrouded in a dark cloud of fear and uncertainty. Today, any of us could be branded a criminal if it serves political purposes. The ease with which a crime can be fabricated and proven when justice is nothing more than a political tool is alarming. Those who have sacrificed truth for political gain must now cling to power to protect themselves from the very system they have corrupted.

Despite these grime times, I still see an America yearning for hope—a hope to live in peace and safety, to take pride in our communities, states, and nation, and to restore the constitutional protections that have made America great. This hope must be for the people, not just the elites.

Donald Trump is not the central issue today; the movement he represents is. Evil detests good, and America stands as the closest embodiment of political goodness the world has ever seen. 

To all Americans, especially the youth, I urge you not to despair. America is not finished. Your dreams of freedom and prosperity are within reach. Though it may seem like a time for sadness and mourning, I believe otherwise. Now is the time to reclaim what is rightfully ours—our birthright and promise. We must act with courage and determination. Just as quickly as chaos has descended upon us, we can restore order. This is the change we need and long for.

As a Congressional candidate, I pledge to stand up to injustice, defend the mentally ill, combat street crime, oppose the sexualization of our children, secure our borders, fight against the deadly scourge of fentanyl, reform our perverted justice system, and eradicate the growing menace of antisemitism.

I am not an elitist. I am one of you—a hard-working American who started with nothing and is making his way in the world. I will fight against a system that seeks to strip you of your rights and strive to create a world where you, your children, and your grandchildren can thrive. This is a pivotal moment in history. We need to be shaken, we need to be concerned, and we must act with boldness and certainty.

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6 thoughts on “President Trump’s Conviction: Today Any of us Could be Branded a Criminal if it Serves Political Purposes

  1. Oh, and we will be; it’s only a matter of time. “…Today Any of us Could be Branded a Criminal if it Serves Political Purposes…”

  2. Actually we have already been branded criminals and terrorists by the elites and they are acting on those statements everyday. The “elites” will be facing real justice soon which is why they are so terrified of Donald Trump.

  3. This is why the time is now to be bold and courageous and stand for what you believe in. There have been several moments in history similar to what to we are experiencing today. The old saying goes when good people do nothing evil triumphs.

  4. some parents already ‘branded’. And let us not forget the IRSS nazi’s when they find out about your political donations to the wrong party. And we all witnessed first hand how easy it is to block your financial assets if YOU donate to a truckers ‘protest’ instead of an unofficially authorized one….

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