Sacramento County Coroner Releases Devastating Listing of Homeless Deaths
This should be done in every county in California
By Katy Grimes, December 9, 2024 1:35 pm
The Sacramento County Coroner announced last week that they are now publishing data on the deaths of the homeless in the county. This should be done in every county in California.
In 5 years spanning 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2024, 1,243 homeless drug addicted vagrants died in Sacramento City and County. Most – nearly all – died from serious drug use of Fentanyl and Methamphetamine. There were many, many violent deaths – blunt force trauma, gunshots, stabbings, hangings, even drownings, undoubtedly related to drugs.
Four (4), out of 1,243, died from Hypothermia, subnormal body temperature – i.e. likely exposure to the elements. Yet Sacramento County and city officials solely focused on the “unhoused,” even with the knowledge in real time how these vagrants were dying.
In January 2021, the Globe reported that the Sacramento City Council voted unanimously in an emergency meeting to immediately open a warming center, a local pool house as needed, and two downtown city garages with bathrooms as safe places for homeless people — after a massive storm with temperatures in the 30’s:
“Sacramento’s ‘Unhoused’ Population Get Warming Centers AFTER Huge Storm.” The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing in Sacramento, and neither really cares. Steinberg instead focuses on expensive hotel renovations and building tiny homes for the drug-addicted homeless, who destroy these, and strip them of anything of value before being evicted.
Freshman Sacramento City Councilwoman Katie Valenzuela Tweeted her grief and displeasure, and announced the emergency council meeting… AFTER the storm ravaged the homeless encampments and people died.
Sacramento’s city council could not have shown themselves to be more useless – or careless – if they really cared about the humans living on the streets.
The Globe reported in February 2021 Sacramento ‘Unhoused’ and ‘Unsober’ Need Treatment Before Housing:
Calling the homeless “unhoused,” Mayor Steinberg stubbornly insists that the only problem is finding housing for them, ignoring that they are also “unsober.”
Commandeering hotel rooms, remodeling old hotels, providing tiny homes and apartments for the current crop of homeless drug addicts only makes them “housed” drug addicts. Their addiction and mental health needs to be addressed prior to housing.
Remember, the Mayor’s project to provide tiny apartments in a renovated old downtown Sacramento hotel cost more than $445,000 per unit for about 250 square feet of living space, as the Globe reported. This project only benefitted the union contractors.
In December 2021, Sacramento Crime Log Grows While Mayor Focuses on the ‘Unhoused’ the Globe reported:
The alarming November crime stats for just for one street in Sacramento, Broadway, showed a a 400% increase in burglaries of businesses. This only validates what city residents and business owners have been telling council members for the last year.
Lining many streets in Sacramento are battered old RVs, campers and trailers, vans, and passenger vehicles, which have become homes for many of the city’s drug addicted and mentally ill transients. Despite spending millions on futile “solutions” like tiny homes, FEMA trailers, and renovated hotel rooms for the city’s growing homeless population, it’s grown to more than 11,000 transients living on Sacramento streets.
California’s taxpayers have been told that Gov. Gavin Newsom authorized and spent more than $24 BILLION on the “homeless,” a clever name that politicians and media used to justify all of the spending, renovating and building in their honor, rather than much less expensive drug treatment, and mental health care.
Almost all of the deaths are drug related. Here are some specifics on the causes of the deaths: Fentanyl and methamphetamine toxicity, Methamphetamine Intoxication, Acute Methamphetamine Intoxication, Combined fentanyl, ethanol, and methamphetamine toxicity, a few Chronic alcoholism, many Blunt Force Injuries, Probable Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injuries, Blunt Force Injuries to the Head/Neck, quite a few Multiple Gunshot Wounds, Stab Wound of Chest, Stab Wounds to the Torso and Right Upper Extremity, Hangings, numerous Drownings, some Pulmonary Thromboembolism, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Heart Failure with Reduces Ejection Fraction, Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 related to drug use, Type 2 Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 2, Hypertension, Severe Alcohol Use, Probable sepsis due to right thigh abscess in setting of fentanyl and codeine intoxication, Acute Dehydration and Malnutrition, Thermal Burns with Inhalation of Products of Combustion.
This isn’t all of the causes of death to the vagrant drug addicted street people, but it’s a thorough listing of how these people lived and died. Their families can thank California’s state and local governments. The spending was a redistribution of wealth – from the taxpayers to contractors, developers, non-profits and NGOs.
We have Gavin Newsom to thank for his lies and this stunning grift – and the local city council members and county supervisors who lied to their constituents for 5 years – they knew.
Katy Grimes nailed it when she wrote that all that spending supposedly to help the homeless was a redistribution of wealth – from the taxpayers to contractors, developers, non-profits and NGOs. Newsom and the rest of the criminal Democrat mafia deep state that controls California treat the homeless as an expendable to be used for profit?
TJ I would add one more stop for the money trail and that is after the NGO’s that the money comes full circle back to Newsom and the establishment. Most NGO or non-profit that is left leaning has a termed-out politician as the figurehead.
Oh yeah, they knew, all right. EVERYONE KNOWS! The stunning callousness and cruelty of these people, Newsom and Steinberg and Friends, to be A-OK with the misery and filth and carnage on the streets of Sacramento, when they are the ones responsible. 1,243 deaths over a 5 year period for God’s sake, nearly every last one of them drug-related. Horrible, horrible, beyond horrible, ways to suffer and die, and the Dems in power, not to mention everyone else on the receiving end of the gushing faucet of cash is FINE with what’s happening.
Who even knows what to say about this situation anymore? The solutions are there to be had, the facts about the homeless population are clear, and yet these politicians and their helpers simply DO NOT CARE, they want their money and their power like an addict. What’s more, they now seem bored with pretending they DO CARE, and nothing, nothing can budge them an inch from applying the same unworkable nonsense, the same exact-wrong “solutions,” letting the nightmare continue, and pocketing the cash. These people are subhuman sociopaths. Subhuman sociopaths should not be in positions of power. Right?
Are the homeless deaths due to drug use, crime, and exposure and the exorbitant costs of housing them the “California values” Newsom and Bonta are trying to protect in “Trump proofing” California?
Asking for a friend.
No kidding, Rod. Unbelievably, DEATH, MURDER, MAYHEM, ADDICTION, POVERTY, and endless other HORRORS are at the top of the Newsom-Bonta-et al list of California Values these people pretend MUST be protected.
Thanks SO MUCH for our California Nightmare, a-hole politicians, bureaucrats, and all the cooperative henchmen! Great job wrecking the place!
Showandtell, we are watching the sands shift under the feet of despot leaders as they are falling all over the world to our amazement. I don’t doubt for one minute that we will watch our “despot” regime fall as well here in California. We can see how God is moving through our “President-elect” (in name only) in a mighty way. As we celebrate Christmas and spread tidings of goodwill and Joy to the World, I would encourage you to be of good cheer because help is on the way and it’s right around the corner. I would encourage you to read a Christmas passage found in Isaiah 9:6-7.
This is such heartbreaking news. Living near Florin, I see firsthand how the challenges of homelessness affect our community, especially along Stockton Boulevard. It’s a stark reminder of how urgent it is to address housing insecurity and mental health services here in Sacramento County. What struck me is how the report highlights systemic issues that many of us may overlook. Are there any grassroots organizations in Florin working on immediate relief or long-term solutions? I’d love to volunteer or support initiatives that make a difference. It feels like more than just numbers—it’s the lives of neighbors we might pass by every day. 💔