Sacramento Orders City Employees to Take the Shot or Lose Pay
In June city employee’s submission of their vaccination status was voluntary
By Katy Grimes, September 30, 2021 2:12 pm
A deal inked Wednesday between the City of Sacramento and Sacramento City Employees unions orders city employees to take the COVID vaccine, provide the city electronic proof of the vaccine, or go on on unpaid leave.
Take the vaccine, show proof and give up your medical privacy, or lose your right to earn a living.
“On or before October 1, 2021, all employees in classifications represented by the Sacramento City Exempt Employees Association will accurately provide the City with their COVID-19 vaccination status by utilizing the California Medical Information Act (CMIA) compliant electronic database provided by the Department of Human Resources,” the agreement says (below).
According to city employees, all of the city employees unions have agreed.
Ironically, the agreement claims it “does not establish a precedent, nor does it interpret any employee rights under the language of the Labor Agreements, the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Board, or any applicable policies and procedures of the City of Sacramento except as expressly stated herein.”
The Globe has been in frequent contact with city employees for several months over their concerns that this latest mandate would be the eventual outcome.
Back in June, city employees reported “multiple times at meetings we are being coerced by management to turn in our vaccine status to the safety department so we can be ‘verified’ and walk around city hall mask free. Without it, we’ll be tagged with wearing the mask of shame.”
The city issued a June 28, 2021 memo (below) to employees explaining the compliance requirements:
“Effective immediately, fully vaccinated employees who voluntarily provide the City with a narrowly defined medical release authorization and a record of their vaccination status using the City’s online submission form will not be required to wear a face covering.”
The June 28 memo also said:
• An employee’s submission of their vaccination status is voluntary.
• Unvaccinated employees and employees who have not submitted voluntary proof of vaccination are required to wear face coverings.
• Release authorizations and proof of vaccination will be treated as secure confidential documents, in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations/laws.
• Vaccinated employees may still choose to wear face coverings without fear of retaliation.
How quickly things changed just since June for city employees, even as “local coronavirus transmission rate returns to a level about as low as it was just before the start of the delta surge,” the Sacramento Bee reported Thursday. And, it is “declining quickly.”
Sacramento County public health officer Dr. Olivia Kasirye says masks will remain mandatory for those who are not fully vaccinated.
Interestingly, reaching a seven-day average of less than five daily COVID-19 cases per 100,000 is what the CDC defines within the “moderate” range of 10 to 50 per 100,000. “Cases” are those who have tested positive for COVID. Many large employers and most government agencies require employees to be regularly tested for COVID, regardless of vaccination status.
SCXEACOVID19VaccinationReportingStatus – 09-29-21
2021.06.28(Memo_to_Employees_Vaccine_Certification)(COVID-19) (1)
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And it sounds as though, from what was said in Katy Grimes’ report, that the City is acknowledging that this order has no real teeth and probably conflicts with employee rights under established labor agreements. Did I miss something? But who cares, they’re going to punish employees with this ridiculous nonsense anyway, right? Until they’re stopped, right?
I wonder if a pro-bono class action suit is in the works.
This insanity MUST END!
If they get away with this, say goodbye to your right to say no to any future CONcoctions pharmafia deems necessary in the future! They started this war on our kids by removing the religious exemptions from school and by basically removing medical exemptions as well. No Corporate Dr will write them. 3x then they face the Medical Board! Alternative Doctors are “marked.”. Don’t comply, don’t give your personal medical info. (Even if vaxxed). And make sure things are done in writing.
Will Democrat Mayor Darrell Steinberg and the Democrat controlled Sacramento City Council be held personally liable if there are deaths or incapacitation of City employees from the vaccine mandates?
FASCISTS are working unless there is rebellion they will continue to turn country into a totalitarianism rulership. funny how “antifa” aint fighting the gov’t when REAL fascism occurs
All this you know leads to forced Microchipping people….just an FYI.
SO – if the “Government” mandates that all people must have their arms chopped off in the interest of “public safety”, do we have to follow that mandate, too??
What’s the basic difference???
It’s interesting how all the experimental COVID-19 vaccine mandates assume the vaccines provide immunity from the alleged SARSCOV2 virus when it cleary states on the forms you must sign voluntarily that the vaccines do not provide any immunity. Furthermore, these mandates ignore natural immunity that is the global gold standard for immunity and superior to any vaccine including the experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.