Senate Democrats in Frenzy as Kamala Harris Could be Forced off Senate Judiciary Committee
Republicans Discuss Shrinking Committee Size
By Sean Brown, November 26, 2018 12:25 pm
As federal representatives are returning back to Washington following a hard fought midterm election, Senate Democrats appear anxious as their most junior Senate Judiciary Committee member could be in jeopardy of losing her spot.
According to actions being considered by senate Republicans, former prosecutor, state attorney general and 2020 presidential hopeful, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) is currently at risk of potentially having to step down from her significant position on the committee and give up all the national attention that comes with it.
Unfortunately for Democrats, Republicans have exceeded November’s election predictions and were able to walk away with net gains within the Senate. Furthermore, following recent reports, the added majority has fueled Democrats into a frenzy after Republican leaders are expected to shrink the committee’s size.
If this happens, first-term senator Kamala Harris who is the judiciary committee’s most junior member, will be the first to go, according to a report by the Washington Post. The report notes, “unless Democrats strike a deal, either with the Senate’s Republican majority or with fellow Democrats on the committee, numbers and seniority dictate that Harris will be out.”
Although only having maintained ‘Senator status’ for less than two years, Harris is no doubt a highly skilled lawyer and interrogator. This could prove to be an unfortunate event for the Democrats if their Presidential hopeful is removed, while also creating a contentious circumstance for Republicans as she is the only African American woman on the committee. Partisan compromise or considerable convincing of a more senior member to step aside, seems to be the Democrat’s only options.
Fellow Democratic member on the panel, Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) said “she’s a real lawyer, she is the real deal, she’s a pro, and she also happens to be an African American woman,” and that “she is an ideal member.”
The Post noted, “committee size and composition will begin in earnest following the results of a runoff election in Mississippi this month.”
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6/27/24… looking back. What were you thinking? The woman is nuts.