Riverside County. (Photo: RivCo.org)
Shady Non-Profits Reap Cash From Riverside County and the CDC
Rainbow Pride remerges as the Divine Truth Unity Fellowship Church
By Kenny Snell, March 18, 2024 7:25 am
At the March 12, 2024, meeting of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors item 24097 was up for a vote, but ultimately pulled from the agenda due to the questionable status of a non-profit organization that the county was to deliver a 5-year $790,000 no bid contract to. County residents showed up at the board meeting to draw attention to the non-profit known as the Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance (RPYA), and its questionable status with the State of California.
Well, they’re back. The no-bid contract is item 24542 (3.26 on the policy calendar) is back up for a vote at the March 19, 2024, meeting of the RivCo Board of Supervisors.
The money, according to the action item form, is to come 100% from a CDC grant awarded to RivCo in 2023.
IRS Filings
According to the IRS pages, the non-profit status of Rainbow Pride was revoked in 2012. Further digging, however, reveals that Rainbow Pride remerges as the Divine Truth Unity Fellowship Church in the year 2019.
Divine Truth first shows up on the IRS pages with Form 990-N postcards in 2009. Form 990-Ns are filed by organizations that bring in less than $50,000 a year. The Rev. Benita Ramsey was listed as the principal officer at the address 3540 S. North Shore Dr, in Ontario, Ca. According to google maps and Zillow the address is not a church, it is a 2390 sq.ft. house in a housing tract in Ontario, valued at $851,200
Similar 990-Ns were filed in 2012 and 2013. Divine Truth filed its first Form 990 in 2017 (EZ), and then again in 2019 and 2021—a rather spotty filing record. The address and the principal officer remained the same. In fact, in 2017, the Rev. Benita Ramsey was paid a salary of $16,668 per year. The stated primary programs of Divine Truth were to 1. “Provide program support to the…Inland Empire HIV planning council.” 2. “Conduct community outreach….” 3. “Provide spiritual guidance to 35 members of the spiritual community.”
It seems Divine Truth had evolved a bit in 2019, as they list on their Form 990 that they are doing business as both United Fellowship Social Justice Ministries and Rainbow Youth Alliance. The principal officer remains the Rev. Benita Ramsey at the same Ontaria, Ca. address, though her salary doubled to $36,462. There are three other trustees listed, including one Cathy Sheer, who listed as a Reverend in 2017. The description of the organization’s mission is to “…provide Wellness Cultural and Spiritual Support through education to the community of the Inland Empire.” Part I of schedule A of the 2019 return states the organization is a church.
Rounding out Divine Truth’s spotty IRS filings is 2021, wherein they added the word “Pride” to the Rainbow Youth Alliance, which Divine Truth was doing business as.
The trustees are the same in 2021 as 2019, though Benita Ramsey and Cathy Scheer are listed as pastors and Ramsey’s compensation saw nearly quadrupled to $108,884 for the year. The Divine Truth Church brought in over $800,000 in 2020 and employed 33 individuals at a cost of over $500,000 in salaries and wages.
In the 2017 IRS Form 990, Divine Truth recorded their website as the Facebook page “facebook.com/ufsjm” which leads to the page titled “Unity Hope,” which in turn lists a homepage of UnityHope.org. The UnityHope.org page states that it is a project of Divine Truth Unity Fellowship Inc, which is just a little different than Divine Truth’s IRS filings.
According to the California Department of Justice Charity Registry, Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance is not allowed to solicit funds. Rainbow Pride was informed of this in July of 2023.
According to the California Secretary of State page, bizfileonline.ca.gov, Divine Truth Unity Fellowship Inc. is also listed separately as a ministry. The purpose of Divine Truth Fellowship Inc. and the ministry, which Cathy Scheer is listed as every officer, is to “Promote that God is love and love is for everyone.”
The address given for both entities (ministries and Inc.) are 1407 N. Arrowhead in San Bernardino, which is St. John’s Episcopal Church, which is part of the Diocese of Los Angeles. The mailing address is the $850,000 home in Ontario.
Riverside County Action Item
According to the RivCo Action Item (attached to the March 19 agenda), the awarded contract is through the Riverside University Health System—Public Health. The action item fails to mention that Divine Truth is a church, in fact RivCo does not mention Divine Truth Unity Fellowship, incorporated or not, at all, always referring to Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance. Nor does RivCo acknowledge that all the organizations are the same two people, the Reverends Ramsey and Scheer. That is, Rainbow Pride, run by Ramsey, operates under Divine Truth Unity Fellowship.
Nowhere in any filings do Divine Truth or Rainbow Pride attest to being experts on drug abuse counseling, though there is much evidence that the groups exist to increase the numbers of transexuals into the Alphabet mafia cult by recruiting children. This is further evidenced by a Palm Springs Post 2022 article entitled “For One Pride Parade grand marshal, honor shows ‘We are achieving the mission that we intended.'”
From the article:
“As the 2022 grand marshal, Benita Ramsey is recognized for their commitment and deep connection to the community,” said Ron deHarte, president & CEO of Palm Springs Pride. “We are especially proud of their leadership lifting area youth through the Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance.
“Benita is an unsung hero for our community—truly a champion working to improve the quality of life for others through health, spirituality, and empowerment.”
What was “the mission intended?” To increase the number of transgenders in the cult maybe? Riverside County seems to be ignoring the fact that depression, and thus drug addiction and suicide rate increase after gender transitioning not during the confused mental disordered state. The County, and the CDC, seems more intent on enabling and increasing mental illness through inducting more people into the gender cult than addressing the root causes. By not naming Divine Truth Unity Fellowship as a church, and instead only referring to the (doing business as) Rainbow Pride Youth Alliance, gives the appearance that Riverside County is trying to sneak something by citizens.
It is true that all monies to these organizations will come from a CDC grant. Action item 33 from the RivCo October 31, 2023, board meeting contains the link to the CDC award. RivCo was awarded nearly $3 million for the CDC’s “Overdose Data to Action (O2DA)” program.
The CDC retains the right to be “substantially involved,” including the right to approve the non-profit partnerships for the County. The approved partners for RivCo are in the image below. Another interesting fact is that the CDC requires a full reporting of “criminal activity.” Specifically, RivCo and contractors must report “all information related to violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the federal award. Subrecipients must disclose, in a timely manner in writing to the prime recipient (pass through entity) and the HHS OIG, all information related to violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the federal award.”
At the time of publication, the CDC’s process of selecting the community partners was not found. But keep in mind, this is the CDC we are talking about. The same CDC that said “follow the science” during COVID without having any science to follow. The same CDC that was responsible for the mask madness—proven to be madness now. Or that insisted on “social distancing” of six feet, until unscientifically changing to three feet when they realized schools that re-opened couldn’t do so with six feet distancing. The CDC also said the Covid vaccines were safe and effective, which we know is not true. The CDC even admits now that Covid is comparable to the flu, which would have had them banned from all social media and cancelled by the democrat hoards just a year ago. The CDC lacks any credibility, thus their actions and motives should be considered dubious at best.
Riverside County board of Supervisors should just renounce this CDC award, especially if they are required to give the money to non-profits more concerned with extreme leftist ideologies like social justice and transgenderism.
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Classic example of government waste and corruption. Any county supervisor that approves this is out of their mind.
Do you notice, the Democrat politicians never do anything that improves the lives of tax paying middle class citizens? These Democrats siphon off their money with no return on investment.
Ontario isn’t in Riverside County, it is in San Barnardino County, which begs the question: they couldn’t find a local vendor to deliver the same services?