Covid-19 Vaccine. (Photo: Viacheslav Lopatin/Shutterstock)
State Propaganda Pushing California’s ‘Tripledemic’ Season to Sell Vaccines
‘Several vaccine makers also have updated their COVID-19 boosters, which are recommended for those who are over age 5’
By Katy Grimes, November 6, 2023 8:00 am
A piece of propaganda masquerading as a news article with a headline about the upcoming ‘tripledemic’ is designed to get your hysterical attention about vaccines for COVID, RSV and the flu.
Quickly, they pivot to: “Public health experts generally expect a milder flu season this year.”
“For those who are concerned about respiratory viruses, there is good news: the Food and Drug Administration approved two RSV vaccines and another shot for use in vulnerable populations,” CalMatters reported.
But they pivot again to state public health experts who say they expect a milder flu season this year. And then comes the sales push:
“If you still haven’t gotten the latest vaccines for flu and COVID-19, it is not too late. Here’s what you should know about this cold and flu season.”
“We are seeing pretty decent matches with the flu vaccine, which is going to help and we haven’t seen a big take off locally and nationally yet of the flu,” said Dr. Marlene Millen, an internal medicine doctor at UC San Diego.
CalMatters asks: “What is the outlook for flu, RSV and COVID?”
“The big answer is that it is uncertain,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, infectious disease physician at UC San Francisco.
“As more people are heading indoors for school, fitness routines, and festive gatherings, Californians are getting exposed to respiratory viruses,” said Dr. Tomás Aragón, director of the state Public Health Department in a press release.
If Dr. Aragón rings a bell, he is the California Department of Public Health doctor who reversed Gov. Newsom’s promise to reopen the state and do away with mask wearing and social distancing requirements in 2021. Aragón also issued the order during COVID requiring a proof of vaccination or recent COVID-19 test required for indoor gatherings with 1,000 or more, just two of his authoritarian orders.
“Anyone can be affected by winter illnesses, however, some individuals, including older adults, people with weakened immune systems or chronic conditions, pregnant people and young children are at higher risk for severe illness and death.”
One with any sense would expect health officials to only focus on those most vulnerable… but these are the same folks who during COVID locked our elderly into nursing homes, refused to allow family visits, put them on respirators, even brought in infected COVID patients, and killed a lot of older people. There should have been mass prosecutions.
“In California, the California Department of Public Health was directing skilled nursing facilities to take in COVID-19 patients, but at what cost and why with plenty of hospital beds available?” the Globe reported in 2020. “The result was deadly for thousands of vulnerable, elderly nursing home patients in these Democrat-run states.”
Several months later, and after numerous news articles about this atrocity, the Globe reported that the U.S. Department of Justice initiated an investigation into these odd orders, but did not include California in its investigation. The Biden DOJ has dropped the investigation.
Back to the CalMatters propaganda article pushing vaccines and masking…
“Chin-Hong said that while infections from COVID-19 have plateaued in the past few months, there may be an uptick in infections on the horizon, especially among vulnerable populations.”
“The new RSV shots, combined with the leftover immunity from last year, Chin-Hong said, may result in a comparatively milder RSV season from last year.”
“Experts also say that people should continue to exercise preventative measures such as wearing masks, washing hands and staying away from crowded places as they did during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
For COVID-19, the state Department of Public Health recommends vaccinations for all who are 6 months or older. Anyone over 6 months old should get the annual flu shot, while those 5 years and older should also get the updated COVID-19 booster this year. (emphasis ours)
It is stunning that the California Department of Public Health is still pushing COVID vaccines for babies and small children when they are not vectors for the COVID virus, and not one child died from COVID during the pandemic.
It is also notable that Pfizer and Moderna have posted losses on their COVID vaccines due to lack of sales – due to disinterest in the vaccines. “Pfizer is laying off an undisclosed amount of employees” Forbes reported. “Pfizer lost more than $2 billion in the third quarter as an expected COVID-19 product sales decline clipped revenue,” the AP reported. Moderna posted a $3.6 billion loss.
If you are wondering why CalMatters is so thrilled to offer propaganda on behalf of the State of California, here’s your answer – they are paid to:
Supported by the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF), which works to ensure that people have access to the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford. Visit www.chcf.org to learn more.
It’s one thing to write factually about the flu, COVID and RSV – it’s entirely another to push vaccines as the only remedy, when current studies show that more people have died from complications from the vaccine than they did from COVID.
If this insane government propaganda push of the vaxx-and-etc. as well as the continuation of injurious and deadly LIES is not a criminal act, I’d like to know WHAT IS?
Gee, guess that’s why all of our California “leadership,” elected and unelected, and their witch’s coven of public health officers, criminal-denier politicans who nonsensically invoke the spectre of “mass incarceration,” and anyone else who has a $$stake$$ in these matters, are all-in for “de-carceration,” apparently to protect THEMSELVES for having to pay the price for the obvious crimes they have committed.
But remember, it’s not too late, nor will it ever be, because there is no statute of limitations on MURDER, to make these people pay for the mass killing of elderly nursing home residents or any other population or individuals these people cruelly cut down, injured, or disabled.
One way or another, the day will come when they will finally pay for what they have done.
I appreciate the “fire in the belly” and the passion in your comments. I especially liked your last line. Folks are going to be held accountable. Judgment day always comes.
🙂 Hal
Yes —- Judgment Day always comes.
The only tripledemic is in Sacramento. Evil, stupidity and corruption.
I had the RSV and flu shot.
At my last doctor appt, I could tell by his body language that “Meh. Covid is up to you”. During Covid I was expected to get one due to age.
If anyone needs to be injected with toxic RSV, flu and COVID vaccines along with all boosters, it’s Dr. Tomás Aragón, Director of the California Public Health Department? No doubt he’s still wearing at least one or more masks at all times?
NO kidding
NO, NO and NO…
There is no “triple-demic”…
This is all a giant psy-op and pay-to-play scheme by dark powers with nefarious intent…
There are only 3 possible reasons they are pushing all this nonsense: Greed, they have a stake in Big Pharma; Control, they love to tell us what to do; or, the big one, de-population, they want to kill us. They didn’t kill enough during the covid hoax, so they need more bodies to drop. Only very ignorant people will fall for this, and I’m not one of them. No shots of any kind; haven’t had any yet and sure won’t start now!