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Teen Opinion: When President Trump Won, Good Won Over Evil

The true party of unity and peace is the Republican Party

By Jordan Brace, February 3, 2025 3:53 pm

As we enter the third week of President Donald Trump thankfully being re-elected, I am faced with the reality of just how divided our country still is.

Democrats are actually claiming President Trump won because of racism and misogyny. Yet that is completely untrue and outrageous. The Democrats love to play the race card because they have no facts to back up their false claims, so they use their favorite word, “racist,” when in fact we aren’t the racists, or misogynists – they are.

President Trump won all the swing states and the popular vote. He won again because he is a great leader, a great man and our great President. The Democrats continue to incite violence calling President Trump a Nazi and a fascist, which has led to two or more attempts on his life.

This vitriol from the Democrats who claim they are the party of peace and unity is what is still causing violence, hate and division across our country. Antisemitism is still raging through our country and on our college campuses. As President Trump tries to protect and unite us, our own citizens are trying to stop the deportation of violent illegal aliens. The true party of unity, and peace is the Republican Party.

President Trump has secured our borders that were opened by President Biden and Vice President Harris, and because of the open border, we had more than 350,000 missing children that the Biden Administration couldn’t find in 4 years. His first week in office President Trump found over 80,000 of these missing children. The fact that there are so many Americans who are fighting to keep these child sex traffickers, rapists, murderers, drug cartels, gangs and terrorists in our country while ignoring their victims saddens and angers me.

How can Americans care more about criminals illegally entering our country, raping, trafficking and murdering women and children than they do about our own citizens?

How can you hate our country and our allies, burn our flag and support terrorists when our country offers the freedoms and opportunities no other country can? Why stay here if you don’t love our country?

For the last 4 years under the crooked Biden Administration it’s been illegal aliens first, America and Americans last. We are a nation that was out of control and thankfully under President Trump we now have back the leadership we need to make our country safe and prosperous again.

We have a President who puts America first, who protects our country, our constitutional rights, and allows us unlimited opportunities to achieve the American dream.

We have a President who stands up for unborn babies, kids, education, and respects parental rights instead of labeling them domestic terrorists for protecting their children.

Currently our kids are failing in an education system that was more concerned with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) than providing kids with the tools and knowledge they need to have successful futures. In our country, 70% of 8th graders fall below the proficiency level in reading, and 72% of 8th graders fall below the proficiency level in math. How did we allow this to happen?

We are a nation that had 4 years of chaos but once again we have the leadership we need to repair what was once broken.

We have a President who supports and funds Immigration agents and ICE, and all law enforcement officers (LEOS) who are targets of the drug cartels. During the disastrous Biden Administration we lost 1,760 hero LEOS, that includes local, state, and federal officers such as ICE. We lost 119-K9 heroes too. These numbers are a result of the war against our LEO heroes caused by defunding them and disrespecting them, by refusing to hold violent criminals accountable. This is outrageous and inexcusable. These brave men and women run into danger to protect us, and at the very least they deserve the utmost respect and support in return. President Trump funds our heroes and gives them the respect and support they deserve, as we all should.

The Democrats make martyrs out of violent criminals and ignore the victims. We have celebrities like Selena Gomez crying for the illegals – but where are her tears for crime victims? We now have a President who supports our Hero veterans and said “no more” to putting illegal aliens first while our veterans freeze and starve on the streets.

The Democrats and their loyal followers are fighting against our President and our LEOS including ICE. Ask yourself, “why?” Why are they fighting against our law enforcement, why are they fighting deportations, why do they care more about illegal alien criminals committing horrific crimes against innocent Americans than the victims? Why do they care more about kids mutilating their bodies than providing them with a good education and having successful futures? Why do they want our tax dollars to support illegal aliens rather than solving the hunger and homeless issues in our own country? Why do they have connections to China, Russia, North Korea and Iran? Follow the money!

We have a President who has sacrificed everything for his love of our country. He has been impeached, persecuted, prosecuted and a sniper’s bullet almost ended his life. President Trump committed no crimes but in the eyes of the Democrats he has; loving our country and ending the corruption they have gotten away with for far too long.

I am sick to death of our President and all heroes serving, retired, lost and fallen being disrespected. I am sick to death of a crooked Justice system and criminals-first, victims-last mentality. I am sick to death of having to explain the fact that there are only 2 genders. I am sick to death of watching American citizens support terrorists like Hamas and criminal illegals as our own citizens and our allies suffer the consequences. I am sick to death of the woke mentality and to them I say “wake up”!

As Americans we all need to come together to stop the insanity of the previous 4 years of the Biden administration, stop the divide.We are lucky enough to live in a Constitutional Republic. As Americans we believe in equal opportunity to come to this country to create a new and better life.

However, opening our borders to many illegals, many of whom are criminals, is not the way to do that. President Trump was right, other countries emptied their prisons and mental hospitals to flood our borders and no country can survive that.

Please, I ask you to ignore the hate, the lies and division that the left so easily promotes, and come together as Americans. Please support our president, our country, our heroes, all military, law enforcement, firefighters, and each other.

The Democrats and their loyal followers are fighting against our President and against all LEOS, especially ICE. They hate President Trump because he has no fear and he will expose them all and end the chaos from the Socialist party of the Democrats.

Please support our President, our country and each other. Your actions, all our actions, will determine our futures and that of future generations.

I had the great honor of meeting President Trump at his second rally in Butler Pennsylvania. If I ever have the opportunity to meet with President Trump again, the first thing I would do is thank him and First Lady Melania Trump for their service and many sacrifices for our country.

I would also like to take the time to thank Vice President Vance and 2nd Lady Usha Vance, his entire cabinet, all heroes, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, military and everyone on the front line; serving, retired, disabled, lost and fallen. The debt we owe you as a grateful nation can never be repaid. We love, respect, support and appreciate you all and for far too many, we grieve your loss.

We are all on this earth to make it a better place, and all of you have and continue to do just that.

No matter how you worship, we are all the same in God’s eyes. When President Trump won, good won over evil. Please be a part of that good and know it’s up to all of us to help Make America Great Again.

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5 thoughts on “Teen Opinion: When President Trump Won, Good Won Over Evil

  1. Succinct and to the point and 100% correct. If the Globe needs another writer they should hire you. Then again Trump might need another Press Secretary.

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