Bust of Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine" and Hippocratic Oath. (Photo: Public Domain)
The Conflagration
Let us not waste a good tragedy, but rather make it a springboard to make California better than ever before
By Patrick Wagner, MD, January 17, 2025 9:23 am
Never let a good crisis go to waste. — Winston Churchill
The purpose of this communication is to compare the tragedy of the burning down of Los Angeles to Newsom’s “healthcare” crisis called Medi-Cal. He has literally burned down two staples of the great state of California, and we must not let these tragedies go to waste. We must learn from them, rebuild, and reestablish our great state and the healing of our economy, goodwill, and interactions with each other.
Health insurance is a misnomer, and property insurance has now become the same. Both are a huge money sink and there is no bang for the buck forthcoming. We working Californians have been had, and we are learning about this disaster right now.
Where did the money go? Most of it went into the billfolds of politicians and monopolies. Some of it went into the hands of able-bodied, able-minded people who decided to accept the bribe of free money issued by our wayward government and turn into lazy and needy dependents. And progressive government has used these people to disguise literal government theft in the name of over taxation and regulation as “humanitarian causes” while milking the average working stiff into bankruptcy!
Who is it that we look to in determining disability? It is physicians. If a practicing physician decides to disable a patient, nobody will second guess it. The question becomes why the doctor disabled the patient. If that doctor is a slave to Newsom, he or she has been contributing to the evil unscrupulous power grab of Newsom, wittingly or not. And that is unethical and foolish and needs to stop.
However, doctors fear Newsom and are completely burned out. They need to be encouraged by you and me to go to work for us again, not Newsom. After all, most of us put Newsom and his predecessors into office in the first place. We have got to accept the blame, repent, and change our ways!
There is no water to fight the fire in LA. Newsom decided to divert it. Major overgrowth of dead wood stoked the fire. Underfunding of firefighters decreased the numbers in the ranks, and DEI let incompetent leaders into important command posts.
There are no doctors to fight disease in California now. Newsom decided to direct the funds from the doctors, so they lost the spirit of healing. There are lots of untreated folks walking around California, essentially the same as dead wood, a ticking timebomb. Underfunding of doctors decreased the numbers in the ranks. DEI has infiltrated into educators of new physicians, and lazy DEI professors of medicine and surgery beget lazy DEI physicians.
The burning down of our schools, our homes, our businesses, our neighborhoods, and churches has been the diabolical evil of Newsom. The disruption of our ability to choose a doctor who we trust to help us heal is the diabolical work of Newsom. Newsom has got to go!
And now about insurance. Did you know that Obamacare (aka Medicare) isn’t worth the paper the policy is printed on? Newsom has made sure of that. Medicare is a Ponzi scheme. I strongly recommend you keep that in mind if you come up with a catastrophic illness soon and remember that I told you so. As a physician, I know exactly how Medicare works, and it’s not good for you or your physicians.
How do you think average citizens in Los Angeles are going to fare soon when wanting to be made whole who have unfortunately dropped their fire insurance. Newsom warned them, didn’t he?
But they had to choose; either pay the FAIR PLAN or go on the fly, as long as they didn’t have a mortgage to pay off. If their house was financed, they sold out and got out in a horrible housing market.
As the owner of a multi-unit apartment building in Sacramento, it has been my job to “shop” building insurance (for fire and loss because of other disasters) for many years now for that structure. The latest policies there, and even for that of my home insurance, DO NOT UNDERWRITE FOR FIRE! The people in Los Angeles face those circumstances right now. All these problems are directly consequential to Newsom’s evil folly. Newsom has got to go!
There are so many things we as the stewards of our God-given and God-owned beautiful state can do right now to fix this! We have elected what I believe is a God-given leader at the federal level to help us level Newsom! He is going to take over in just a few days. So let us not waste a good tragedy, but rather make it a springboard to make California better than ever before. Let’s unify and care about each other and help each other again, RIGHT NOW. Seize the moment friends! It is time to get the government out of our commerce and trade with each other and restrict it to the boundaries for which we hired it.
- The Stifled Doctor and Freedom of Medical Enterprise - March 1, 2025
- The Standard of Care in Medicine - February 13, 2025
- Is Healthcare a Human Right? - February 5, 2025
Another LL here, and you’re right, the insurance crisis is upon us. With rent control in our area there’s little or no way to pass on costs from higher premiums, and you can’t rent without insurance. The entire medical system is in jeopardy, and has been since Covid, as each doctor receives a stipend from drug companies with every shot administered. It’s a huge scandal.
In the aftermath of the fires, I am hopeful many voters have seen the light after our leaders were revealed as inept, and have nothing but empty rhetoric instead of job skills.
And we have an incompetent Insurance Commissioner, who is basically a political climber, with ZERO hard business, actuarial or finance skills, but DOES tout his sexual preferences and willingness to FIGHT insurance companies, as his primary qualifications on his website….
Don’t believe me? See for yourself : https://ricardolara.com/about/
This WILL NOT STAND in days like these, where THOURANDS of families are now homeless, and need ADULT LEADERSHIP to navigate the horrors that they have gone through, thanks to decades of BAD, DEMOCRAT “leadership” in California, Los Angeles and San Francisco….