Vladimir Lenin. (Photo: public domain)
The Left Celebrates Lenin, ‘One of History’s Great Monsters’
Today’s important history lesson reminds us why ‘Make America Great Again’ is imperative
By Katy Grimes, January 21, 2024 11:49 am
Saturday marked one century since Vladimir Ilyich Lenin’s death.
“In October 1917, he risked all to seize power for himself and his Bolshevik party. He then ruled as ruthlessly as any Tsar, his seven years as leader marked by one-party rule, the violent suppression of dissenters, famine that cost millions of lives, censorship – the complete distortion of the socialist heaven he claimed he was creating,” Tony Rennell writes in the UK Daily Mail.
Communism and its closest relative Socialism, appease one of mankind’s sickest urges: never allow anyone to do better than you. That perfectly describes America’s left.
Lenin did not enlist in class war – he engaged in class murder. “He built a system based on the idea that political terror against opponents was justified for a greater end.”
More from Mr. Rennell in his article, “Why does the gullible Left still lionize Lenin as a benign intellectual and the acceptable face of Communism when he ruthlessly murdered his opponents in their thousands, starved two million Russians to death and wrote the playbook for Stalin?”
From the outset, Lenin had no qualms in using terror as a means of control.
He not only encouraged violence but demanded it, setting a murderous agenda to eliminate his enemies in order that his so-called proletarian revolution would succeed.
He sanctioned ‘unrestrained power and the use of force, not of law’, convinced it was better that 100 innocent people should die than that one person endangering the revolution should remain free.
Ed Driscoll posted several important articles at Instapundit on the anniversary of Lenin’s death, lest those leftists who surround us seek to glamorize his evil, brutality, and murderous agenda.
In his 1976 article, “The Intelligent Co-Ed’s Guide to America,” Tom Wolfe wrote:
The publication of The Gulag Archipelago in 1973, however, was a wholly unexpected blow. No one was ready for the obscene horror and grotesque scale of what Solzhenitsyn called “Our Sewage Disposal System”—in which tens of millions were shipped in boxcars to concentration camps all over the country, in which tens of millions died, in which entire races and national groups were liquidated, insofar as they had existed in the Soviet Union. Moreover, said Solzhenitsyn, the system had not begun with Stalin but with Lenin, who had immediately exterminated non-Bolshevik opponents of the old regime and especially the student factions. It was impossible any longer to distinguish the Communist liquidation apparatus from the Nazi.
Yet Solzhenitsyn went still further. He said that not only Stalinism, not only Leninism, not only Communism — but socialism itself led to the concentration camps; and not only socialism, but Marxism; and not only Marxism but any ideology that sought to reorganize morality on an a priori basis. Sadder still, it was impossible to say that Soviet socialism was not “real socialism.” On the contrary — it was socialism done by experts!
Powerline Blog also has related info on today’s “elites,” who embrace totalitarianism:
…“elites” are fascists. Large majorities want to ban gas stoves (69%), gasoline powered cars (72%), non-essential air travel (55%), SUVs (58%) and air conditioning (53%). The Ivy League elites are even worse: the corresponding numbers are 80% for gas stoves, 81% for gasoline powered cars, 70% for non-essential air travel, 66% for SUVs, and 68% want to ban air conditioning. There is no polite way to put it: they are fascists.
…If they take over, we are finished. More study needs to be done to figure out who, exactly, they are, so we can root them out and negate their influence. In the meantime, some moderate measures probably need to be taken. Like abolishing the Ivy League.
George Orwell, author of 1984 and Animal Farm, famously said, “Some ideas are so absurd, only an intellectual could believe in them.” It certainly rings true today.
Economist Thomas Sowell, author of Intellectuals and Society, addressed “the fatal misstep of intellectuals,” the dangerous inference that superior ability can be generalized as superior wisdom or morality overall. “One of the most surprising aspects of this study is how often intellectuals have been proved not only wrong, but grossly and disastrously wrong in their prescriptions for the ills of society — and how little their views have changed in response to empirical evidence of the disasters entailed by those views.”
More from Mr. Rennell:
“The countryside felt the worst of his wrath when peasants resisted the collectivisation of land and tried to keep the grain they grew to sell for themselves. ‘Hang them,’ was his instruction to officials in one area. ‘No fewer than 100 kulaks [wealthier peasant farmers], rich men and bloodsuckers – and make sure the hanging takes place in full view of the people.’
Villages that rose against Soviet power were torched. Families of anyone who opposed the regime were held as hostages in concentration camps. He authorised the use of poison gas against rebel bands of peasants.
Requisitioning of grain by the state led to widespread famine, with an estimated two million dying of hunger and desperate people resorting to cannibalism. There were horrific tales of mothers killing one child in order to feed the others in the family. Lenin’s response was to ban the use of the word ‘famine’ in the Press.”
This is how the Associated Press characterizes Lenin today: “The ideology that Lenin championed and spread over a vast territory is something of a sideshow in modern Russia.”
If you do nothing today but scan headlines around the world, it’s clear that the “elites” are agitating for total control. They must be stopped.
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As then-Governor Ronald Reagan famously warned in 1967:
“Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.
Knowing this, it’s hard to explain those among us who even today would question the people’s capacity for self- government. I’ve often wondered if they will answer, those who subscribe to that philosophy: if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? Using the temporary authority granted by the people, in increasing number lately at all levels of government, have sought control even of the means of production as if they could do this without eventually controlling those who produce. And always they explain this as necessary to the people’s welfare. “The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principle upon which it was founded.” This was written in 1748, and it’s as true today as it was then.
Speaking of fascist “terror” and win at all costs….
Did anyone see this important article on The Gateway Pundit where a computer security and forensics expert was able to put a Dominion voting machine into “safe” mode, and manually manipulate the ballot or the tabulation process and results???
Isn’t it ironic that they make names that are exactly the opposite of what they truly do or are? Such as this “safe mode”, and “trusted build” that wipes all history and log files?
That’s what Tina Peters in Colorado was trying to retain when corrupt Jena Griswold had her arrested for “tampering” with the voting machines???
Typical Democrat gaslighting…
Here’s the link to TGP’s article :
CriticalDefence9 https://shop.hak5.org/products/bash-bunny
This was mentioned in the Gateway Pundit. It looks like a product you can plug into a printer port and hack the machine.
Yes, indeed CriticalDfence9. As I pointed out in reference to the Volkswagen diesel smog fraud, any electronic voting system can be programmed to fool audits. Paper ballots are the only way to insure that votes can be verified:
Professor Halderman wrote about his findings in a blog post on Wednesday.
Back in September 2020, the Court granted the Curling Plaintiffs access to one of Georgia’s touchscreen ballot marking devices (BMDs) so that they could assess its security. Drew and I extensively tested the machine, and we discovered vulnerabilities in nearly every part of the system that is exposed to potential attackers. The most critical problem we found is an arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability that can be exploited to spread malware from a county’s central election management system (EMS) to every BMD in the jurisdiction. This makes it possible to attack the BMDs at scale, over a wide area, without needing physical access to any of them.
Our report explains how attackers could exploit the flaws we found to change votes or potentially even affect election outcomes in Georgia, including how they could defeat the technical and procedural protections the state has in place. While we are not aware of any evidence that the vulnerabilities have been exploited to change votes in past elections, without more precautions and mitigations, there is a serious risk that they will be exploited in the future.
Watch: Texas AG Ken Paxton on Texas voter fraud (begin at 27:30 marker) in this interview.
P.S. The machines may or may not be a red herring, is what I’m thinking these days. I believe the key to cheating is the mail-in ballots. (And there is other rigging of other types to provide a “buffer;” e.g., vote-buying, media and other cooperation, misleading ballot summaries, etc.) The extended time for ballot-counting (“every vote counted,” which is absurd, except when necessary in super-close races) allows for the cheaters to provide the piles of fake and untraceable mail-in ballots needed for their candidate (or prop, or local measure) to win. And the registrars’ and SOS’ facilitation of this allows it to happen, essentially, right before our eyes.
Hope everyone reading this will take the time to check out Jay Valentine’s stuff at American Thinker. Reading three or four articles — if that — is sufficient to get the picture, because he repeats the basics of the problems and solutions each time.
Jay Valentine archives, American Thinker
Thank you for this, Katy Grimes. So glad to see an overview of wise commentary that addresses and reminds us of the defeating, deflating, dehumanizing, soul-killing and ultimately MURDEROUS ideologies that we are battling again today, and what is at stake. This has become our most important battle. If we don’t prevail it won’t be long before we hear again the malevolent order to eliminate the most productive, ingenious, and worthy members of society: “Hang them.”
As Katy said, “[from a scan of global headlines] it’s clear that the “elites” are agitating for total control. They must be stopped.”
Just saw this and thought it might be a good chaser to what Katy Grimes posted:
“National Populism and the Rise of Donald Trump”
Vladimir Lenin is not only the founder of 70 years of communist tyranny, mass murder, and terror in Russia, he lives on as one of the preeminent thought leaders of today’s Dem Party.
–“Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.”
–“One man with a gun can control 100 without one.”
–“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”
–“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”
–“Freedom is a bourgeois prejudice.”
–“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
–“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”
–“Atheism is the natural and inseparable part of Communism.”