California State Assembly. (Photo: Kevin Sanders for California Globe)
The Older Californians Act
There is a continuing increase in the number of older individuals in proportion to the total population
By Chris Micheli, July 7, 2022 3:56 pm
California has a number of formal acts in statute. Welfare and Institutions Code Division 8.5 provides the Older Californians Act, which is contained in Sections 9000 to 9850. Division 8.5 was added in 1996 by Chapter 1097. Section 9000 provides that Division 8.5 is known as the Mello-Granlund Older Californians Act.
The Act reflects the policy mandates and directives of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, and sets forth the state’s commitment to its older population and other populations served by the programs administered by the California Department of Aging.
Section 9001 contains a dozen legislative findings and declarations, including that there is a continuing increase in the number of older individuals in proportion to the total population. Also, the social and health problems of the older individual are further compounded by inaccessibility to existing services and by the unavailability of a complete range of services. And, services to older individuals are administered by many different agencies and departments at both the state and local level.
Section 9002 makes additional legislative findings and declarations, including that it is the policy of this state to give attention to the unique concerns of our most frail and vulnerable older individuals. Also, the California Department of Aging should coordinate, as existing resources permit, with other state departments in completing specified activities.
In addition, the California Department of Aging is required to ensure that, to the extent possible, the services provided for in accordance with this division are to be coordinated and integrated with services provided to older individuals by other entities of the state.
Section 9003 provides that, if any section of this code relating to aging cannot be given effect without causing this state’s plan to be out of conformity with federal requirements, the section will become inoperative to the extent that it is not in conformity with federal requirements.
Section 9004 provides that the definitions of the terms set forth in this chapter apply for purposes of this division. Section 9004.5 defines the term “adult day health care.” Section 9005 defines the term “advisory council.” Section 9006 defines the term “area agency on aging.” Section 9007 defines the term “care or case management services.” Section 9008 defines the term “commission.” Section 9009 defines the term “elder economic security standard index.” Section 9010 defines the term “comprehensive and coordinated system.”
Section 9011 defines the term “department.” Section 9012 defines the term “director.” Section 9013 defines the term “frail elderly.” Section 9014 defines the term “greatest economic need.” Section 9015 defines the term “greatest social need.” Section 9016 defines the term “long-term care.” Section 9017 defines the term “Older Americans Act.”
Section 9018 defines the terms the terms “older individual” and “elderly.” Section 9019 defines the term “personal and community support networks.” Section 9020 defines the term “planning and service area.” Section 9021 defines the term “preventive services.” Section 9022 defines the term “supportive services.” Section 9023 defines the term “systems of home and community-based services.”
Chapter 1 of the Act provides General Provisions. Chapter 2 establishes the California Department of Aging. Article 1 contains General Provisions. Article 2 is the Senior Housing Information and Support Center. Article 3 discusses Engaging Elders Through Volunteerism. Article 4 provides the Aging and Disability Resource Connection Program.
Chapter 3 establishes the California Commission on Aging. Chapter 3.5 contains the Coordinated System of Care. Chapter 3.6 sets forth the Office of the Long-Term Care Patient Representative. Chapter 4 creates the California Senior Legislature. Chapter 4.5 contains Home Modifications for Seniors. Chapter 5 establishes the Area Agencies on Aging and Advisory Councils.
Chapter 6 provides the Home-Delivered Meals Act. Chapter 6.5 sets forth Senior Legal Services. Chapter 7 provides the Community-Based Services Network. Chapter 7.5 specifies Community’s based Services Programs. Chapter 8 has the Multipurpose Senior Services Program. Chapter 9 creates the Senior Center Bond Act of 1984.
Chapter 9.5 provides for Multipurpose Senior Centers and Senior Centers Emergency Operations Plans. Chapter 10 contains Aging Information and Education. Chapter 10.5 has the Senior Wellness Program. Article 1 is on General Provisions. Article 2 is the Senior Wellness Program. Article 2.5 contains the Campaign to Change Cultural Attitudes Toward and Perceptions of Older Adults. Article 3 is the Program for Injury Prevention in the Home Environment.
Chapter 11 establishes the State Ombudsman. Article 1 contains Legislative Intent and Definitions. Article 2 provides General Provisions. Article 3 is on Investigation and Resolution of Complaints. Article 4 concerns Enforcement. Article 5 is the Advisory Council. Article 6 concerns Regulations.
Chapter 12 deals with Regulations. Chapter 13 provides the No Wrong Door System. Chapter 14 contains the Master Plan for Aging in California.
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What a massive pile of steaming hot vagueries.
“the state’s commitment…”
“give attention to…”
Our elderly social security recipients should get the millions of dollars being spent on “college tuitions” for illegal immigrants.