Home>Local>Alameda>Top Two Oakland Mayoral Candidates Have Raised $550,000 Combined So Far

Top Two Oakland Mayoral Candidates Have Raised $550,000 Combined So Far

Barbara Lee, Loren Taylor far ahead in donations, spending then the rest of the candidates

By Evan Symon, March 25, 2025 1:38 pm

According to the latest campaign filings reported over the weekend, around $550,000 has been raised so far by the top two candidates in the Oakland mayoral special election so far, on track to set a new record for mayoral election spending in the city.

The filings show that former Congresswoman Barbara Lee has raised a total of $293,000, with former city Councilman Loren Taylor raising $253,000. However, when it comes to the total amount collected, Taylor is slightly ahead with $311,000. Lee closely follows with $305,000, with the next closest being community activist and educator Mindy Pechenuk in a distant third.

In total, over $625,000 has come in through contributions alone. While that doesn’t come close to the over $2.4 million in spending that the top 4 candidates reported in the 2022 Mayoral election, it is still a record for a special Mayoral election in Oakland and a very high amount for an odd numbered year election not in November.

While no polls have come out in the race, Lee and Taylor are universally seen as the top two frontrunners. More much of the election, Lee was also seen as having an insurmountable lead. However, in recent weeks, Taylor has seen a surge of support, resulting in donations for him being bumped up considerably. The latest campaign filings are only proof of the race closing in.

And the filings likewise show their bases shoring up. Amongst Lee’s biggest backers are unions including the SEIU Local 1021, IBEW Local 595, the Alameda Labor Council, and the president of Oakland’s fire union. Prominent black lawmakers are on her side too, including former Oakland Mayor Elihu Harris and former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

High spending in Oakland

Taylor, meanwhile, has gotten support from many groups who helped oust former Mayor Sheng Thao in the recall last year. This includes recall leader and former Alameda County judge Brenda Harbin-Forte and former Alameda County DA Nancy O’Malley. In addition, Taylor has more business backing, with director of government affairs at Clorox Jackie Ray and Credit Karma co-founder Ryan Graciano backing him.

For those still challenging them in the race, the huge donation gap is extremely difficult to overcome. Many have spoken of the unfairness in the race, the candidates needing to have raised at least $75,000 to participate in a debate – with only Taylor and Lee having anything near that.

“It is unfortunate that this Mayoral election is being presented as if it is a race only between Loren Taylor and Barbara Lee,” said Pechenuk, who is currently behind Lee and Taylor in the race, to the Globe on Monday. “This itself is undemocratic, add on top of that the amount of money being thrown around to convince the voters that there are only two choices to pick your lesser of two evils. The money behind Loren and Barbara are political and financial interests which want to control Oakland and continue its descent into hell. The recent  debate is another example of spitting in the face of the poor, working class, disabled Oaklanders. The requirement to be in the debate was to have raised a minimum of $75,000 to participate. How does that represent the majority of Oaklanders? This attempt to silence my voice and others needs to stop. The attempt to rig this election by money and only Barbara and Loren, will only hurt our Oaklanders. I will never stop fighting for the people of Oakland.
“Hundreds of people in Oakland and Alameda County have died from Fentanyl. Both Barbara Lee, who voted against the “Halt Fentanyl Bill” while she was in Congress and Loren Taylor who supports legalizing cannabis have completely failed the people of Oakland.  How many more have to die by Fentanyl and every other illegal drug.”
Final campaign finance figures for all Oakland Mayoral candidates are expected to be reported on following election day on April 15th.
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Evan Symon
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